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Responsive and slick progress bars for React.

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Responsive and slick progress bars for React.




# react-progressbar.js

![Demo animation](docs/animation.gif)

Responsive and slick progress bars for React. Line, Circle and SemiCircle shaped
progress bars are provided and their animations are highly [customizable](

This module is a React wrapper for [progressbar.js](
That's why most of the documentation refers to the original documentation.


* [How to install](#how-to-install)
* [API documentation](#api)
* [Demos]( *These demos use the original progressbar.js but the options are exactly the
same for react-progressbar.js too*

## Get started

*react-progressbar.js* is lightweight, MIT licensed and supports all major browsers including **IE9+**.

#### How to install

Install the library using npm:

npm install --save react-progressbar.js

Since React users are anyways using a CommonJS module loader, this module is published
only in NPM.

#### Loading module


var ProgressBar = require('react-progressbar.js')
var Circle = ProgressBar.Circle;

## How it works


## API

**NOTE:** Line, Circle and SemiCircle all point to the same
documentation which is named Shape. You almost certainly should
replace it(Shape) with Line, Circle or SemiCircle.

**Example:** if documentation states ``, replace it with
``, simple. Shape is the internal base object for all
progress bars.


* [Line](#shape)
* [Circle](#shape)
* [SemiCircle](#shape)

**Important:** make sure that your container has same aspect ratio
as the SVG canvas. For example: if you are using SemiCircle,
set e.g.

#container {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;

### Shape

Line, Circle or SemiCircle shaped progress bar. Appends SVG to container.


var App = React.createClass({
render: function render() {
var options = {
strokeWidth: 2

// For demo purposes so the container has some dimensions.
// Otherwise progress bar won't be shown
var containerStyle = {
width: '200px',
height: '200px'

return (


With Line shape, you can control the width of the line by specifying e.g. `height: 5px`
with CSS.


Prop | Description
progress | Progress from 0 to 1. E.g. 67% progress would equal `0.67`. Default `0`.
text | Value for progress bar's text. Default `null`.
options | Options for path drawing. See [progressbar.js documentation](
initialAnimate | If `true`, progress bar is animated to given progress when mounted. Default `false`.
containerStyle | Styles for progress bar container. Default `{}`.
containerClassName | Class name for progress bar container. Default `.progressbar-container`.

## Contributing

See [documentation for contributors](