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Setup and deployment tool for developing Wasm based smart contracts via ink!

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Setup and deployment tool for developing Wasm based smart contracts via ink!





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> squink, the ink! mascot`cargo-contract` is a CLI tool which helps you develop smart contracts in Parity's ink!.
ink! is a Rust [eDSL]( which allows you to write smart contracts for blockchains built on the [Substrate]( framework.

[Guided Tutorial for Beginners](  •  
[ink! Documentation Portal](

More relevant links:

- Find answers to your questions by joining our [Stack Exchange][s2] community
- [ink!]( ‒ The main ink! repository with smart contract examples
- [Contracts UI]( ‒ Frontend for contract deployment and interaction
- [Substrate Contracts Node]( ‒ Simple Substrate blockchain which includes smart contract functionality

## Installation

In addition to Rust, installation requires a C++ compiler that supports C++17.
Modern releases of gcc and clang, as well as Visual Studio 2019+ should work.

- Step 1: `rustup component add rust-src`.

- Step 2: `cargo install --force --locked cargo-contract`.

- Step 3: Install dependencies for linting.

- (MacOS) `brew install openssl`
- ```
export TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=nightly-2023-12-28
rustup install $TOOLCHAIN_VERSION
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain $TOOLCHAIN_VERSION
rustup run $TOOLCHAIN_VERSION cargo install cargo-dylint dylint-link

- Step 4: (**Optional**) Install [Docker Engine](
to be able to produce verifiable builds.

You can always update the `cargo-contract` binary to the latest version by running the Step 2.

### Installation using Docker Image

If you prefer to use Docker instead we have a Docker image
[available on the Docker Hub](

# Pull the latest stable image.
docker pull paritytech/contracts-ci-linux

# Create a new contract in your current directory.
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/sources paritytech/contracts-ci-linux \
cargo contract new --target-dir /sources my_contract

# Build the contract. This will create the contract file under
# `my_contract/target/ink/my_contract.contract`.
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/sources paritytech/contracts-ci-linux \
cargo contract build --manifest-path=/sources/my_contract/Cargo.toml

**Windows:** If you use PowerShell, change `$(pwd)` to `${pwd}`.

# Create a new contract in your current directory (in Windows PowerShell).
docker run --rm -it -v ${pwd}:/sources paritytech/contracts-ci-linux \
cargo contract new --target-dir /sources my_contract

### Verifiable builds

Some block explorers require the Wasm binary to be compiled in the deterministic environment.
To achieve it, you should build your contract using Docker image we provide:

cargo contract build --verifiable

You can find more detailed documentation how to use the image [here](/build-image/

## Usage

You can always use `cargo contract help` to print information on available
commands and their usage.

For each command there is also a `--help` flag with info on additional parameters,
e.g. `cargo contract new --help`.

##### `cargo contract new my_contract`

Create an initial smart contract with some scaffolding code into a new
folder `my_contract` .

The contract contains the source code for the [`Flipper`](
contract, which is about the simplest "smart" contract you can build ‒ a `bool` which gets flipped
from `true` to `false` through the `flip()` function.

##### `cargo contract build`

Compile the contract into optimized WebAssembly bytecode, generate metadata for it,
and bundle both together in a `.contract` file, which you can use for
deploying the contract on-chain.

##### `cargo contract check`

Check that the code builds as WebAssembly. This command does not output any `.contract`
artifact to the `target/` directory.

##### `cargo contract upload`

Upload a contract to a `pallet-contracts` enabled chain. See [extrinsics](crates/extrinsics/

##### `cargo contract instantiate`

Create an instance of a contract on chain. See [extrinsics](crates/extrinsics/

##### `cargo contract call`

Invoke a message on an existing contract on chain. See [extrinsics](crates/extrinsics/

##### `cargo contract encode`

Encodes a contract's input calls and their arguments

##### `cargo contract decode`

Decode a contract's input or output data.

This can be either an event, an invocation of a contract message, or an invocation of a contract constructor.

The argument has to be given as hex-encoding, starting with `0x`.

##### `cargo contract remove`

Remove a contract from a `pallet-contracts` enabled chain. See [extrinsics](crates/extrinsics/

##### `cargo contract info`

Fetch and display contract information of a contract on chain. See [info](docs/

##### `cargo contract verify`

Verify that a given contract binary matches the build result of the specified workspace

##### `cargo contract schema-generate`

Generate schema and print it to STDOUT.

##### `cargo contract verify-schema`

Verify a metadata file or a contract bundle containing metadata against the schema file.

##### `cargo contract storage`

Fetch and display the storage of a contract on chain.

##### `cargo contract rpc`

Invoke an RPC call to the node. See [rpc](docs/

## Publishing

In order to publish a new version of `cargo-contract`:

- Bump all crate versions, we move them in lockstep.
- Execute `cargo update` to update `Cargo.lock`.
- Make sure your PR is approved by one or more core developers.
- Publish `metadata` ➜ `analyze` ➜ `transcode` ➜ `build` ➜ `extrinsics` ➜ `cargo-contract`.
- Merge you PR and push a tag `vX.X` with your version number: `git tag -s vX.X.X && git push origin vX.X.X`.
- Create a GitHub release with the changelog entries.

## License

The entire code within this repository is licensed under the [GPLv3](LICENSE).

Please [contact us]( if you have questions about
the licensing of our products.