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:mailbox_closed: Nifty service worker/client message utility

message-handler service-worker

Last synced: 3 months ago
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:mailbox_closed: Nifty service worker/client message utility




# msgr

> Nifty service worker/client message utility

Made with ❤ at [@outlandish](

npm version

Makes communication between a client and service worker super easy...

- Send messages from client to worker and vice-versa
- Accommodates complex communications with a simple API
- Easily respond to any message
- Receive one-off responses to messages

_To see it being used in the wild, check out the source code of [`fetch-sync`](

## Table of Contents

- [Import](#import)
- [Initialise & Example](#initialise-&-example)
- [Sending Messages](#sending-messages)
- [Receiving Messages](#receiving-messages)
- [msgr API](#msgr-api)
- [Channel API](#channel-api)
- [Message API](#message-api)

## Import


// ES6
import msgr from 'msgr'

// CommonJS
var msgr = require('msgr')

// RequireJS
define(['msgr'], function (msgr) {/*...*/})




If you are bundling your SW then you can use the Import methods above.


// importScripts

## Initialise & Example

__Client: `msgr.client()`__

Pass in reference to the worker and a collection of message handlers:

const recipient = navigator.serviceWorker.controller

const channel = msgr.client(recipient, {
// Predefined message handlers
SAY_HELLO: (data) => console.log('Hello, ' + data) //=> 'Hello, World!'

// Send something "unknown" to the worker.
// Notice it does not have a tag.
username: 'Flanders',
location: 'Springfield'

// Send a "known" message to the worker
channel.send('CACHE_ASSET', '/cat.gif').then(function (message) {
console.log(message) //=> 'Caching complete!'

__Worker: `msgr.worker()`__

On the worker you just pass in your message handlers:

const channel = msgr.worker({
CACHE_ASSET: (url, respond) => {
cache(url).then(function () {
respond('Caching complete!')

channel.receive(function (data) {
// Do something with an "unknown" message
// that does not have a predefined handler.
console.log(data) //=> { username: 'Flanders', ... }

// Send something "known" to the client using a tag.
channel.send('SAY_HELLO', 'World!')

## Sending Messages

- Anonymous, data-only message:

channel.send({ requestId: '123' })

- Type-only message:


- Typed message with data:

channel.send('RE_CACHE', { assetUrl: '/cat.gif' })

## Receiving Messages

The API for receiving messages is the same for both the worker and client.

- Anonymous, data-only message:

channel.receive((data) => {
console.log(data.requestId) //=> '123'

- Type-only message:

RE_CACHE: (data, respond) => {
console.log(data) //=> null

- Typed message with data:


RE_CACHE: (data, respond) => {
console.log(data.assetUrl) //=> '/cat.gif'

## msgr API

### `msgr.client(serviceWorker, handlers) : Channel`

Initialise a `msgr` client.

- __serviceWorker__ {ServiceWorkerRegistration} Worker that will receive messages sent via channel
- __handlers__ {Object} An object of message type/handler mappings

Returns a Channel. See the [Channel API Docs](#channel-api) for more details.


msgr.client(navigator.serviceWorker.controller, {
NOTIFY: function (respond) {
new Notification('You have a notification!')

### `msgr.worker(handlers) : Channel`

Initialise a `msgr` worker.

- __handlers__ {Object} An object of message type/handler mappings

Returns a Channel. See the [Channel API Docs](#channel-api) for more details.


NOTIFY: function (respond) {
new Notification('You have a notification!')

## Channel API

### `channel.ready(handler)`

Register a handler to be called when the channel is opened between client and worker.

- __handler__ {Function} The ready handler

Although you can register ready handlers, you can send messages before the channel is open using
`channel.send()` and these will be queued and sent as soon as the channel is ready.


channel.ready(function () {

### `channel.send([type,] data) : Promise`

Send a message through the channel to the worker/client.

- [__type__] {String} _(optional)_ The message type
- __data__ {Any} The message data (it will be JSON.stringify'd)

Returns a Message. See the [Message API Docs](#message-api) for more details.

If called before the channel is ready the message will be queued and sent as soon as the channel is open.


// Typed message, will invoke registered type handlers

// Typed message with data, will invoke registered type handlers
channel.send('NOTIFY_USER', { message: 'Update complete' })

// Anonymous, will invoke `receive` handlers
channel.send('This is the untagged data')

### `channel.receive(handler)`

Handle an "unknown" message that is not tagged.

- __handler__ {Function} The message handler

The handler receives two arguments: the `data` of the message and a `respond` function.


channel.receive(function (data, respond) {
console.log('Got some unknown data: ' + data)

## Message API

### `message.then(handler)`

Register a handler to receive the response to a message.

- __handler__ {Function} Response handler


// In client message handlers
NOTIFY_USER: function (data, respond) {
new Notification('Job ' + + ' was completed')
respond('From worker: job deleted') // ACK

// In worker
channel.send('NOTIFY_USER', { id: 1337 }).then((data) => {
console.log(data) //=> 'From worker: job deleted'

### `respond([data])`

Send a response to a received message.

This function is passed as the second argument to both "known" and "unknown" message handlers.

- [__data__] {Any} _(optional)_ The data to respond to the message with

## Contributing

All pull requests and issues welcome!

If you're not sure how, check out Kent C. Dodds'
[great video tutorials on](!

## Author & License

`msgr` was created by [Sam Gluck]( and is released under the MIT license.