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Manipulate the system (clip)board with (e)macs from a (tty)

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Manipulate the system (clip)board with (e)macs from a (tty)




# Clipetty

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Clipetty is a minor mode for terminal (TTY) users that sends text that you kill
in Emacs to your Operating System's clipboard. If you predominately use Emacs in
GUI (X-Windows, macOS, Windows) frames you don't need Clipetty.

For this to work you need to be using a terminal emulator that supports OSC 52
escape sequences. See the [Terminals](#terminals) section below to check if your favorite
terminal emulator is on the list.

## Reasons to Use Clipetty Over Emacs' Built-in Xterm Support

Here are some reasons why you might want to use Clipetty instead of the native
functionality found in Emacs' [xterm.el](

- Clipetty supports both GNU screen and Tmux, either locally or over SSH
- Clipetty supports [nested GNU Screen or Tmux sessions](#nested)
- Clipetty allows for [seamless detach/re-attach with Tmux](#stale) on remote hosts
- Clipetty is [compatible](#kitty) with the Kitty terminal emulator

## Install

The recommended way to get Clipetty is as a package from the [MELPA]( repository,
which tracks the master branch of this repository and will almost always be
up-to-date. You can also get Clipetty from [MELPA Stable](, which tracks the most
recent [stable release](

If you want Clipetty to work everywhere, you can enable `global-clipetty-mode`,
otherwise you can enable `clipetty-mode` on a buffer-by-buffer basis.

### Use-package

If you're using `use-package` you can add this to your `init.el` file:

(use-package clipetty
:ensure t
:hook (after-init . global-clipetty-mode))

### Manual

You can manually install Clipetty from MELPA with `M-x package-install RET
clipetty RET`. Afterwards you can add the following to your `init.el` file:

(require 'clipetty)

### Using Clipetty From a Key Binding

Sometimes it can be annoying to have Clipetty overwrite your system clipboard
every time you kill something. Let's say you want to paste something from your
system clipboard into Emacs, but before you can paste it, you need to do some
minor editing (like hitting `C-k` or `M-d`) which kills some text. Now you've
overwritten your system clipboard (which doesn't have a kill ring) and you have
to copy it all over again. Doh!

You can invoke Clipetty explicitly from a key binding to copy a region to
the clipboard rather than using either the local or global minor modes. To that
end, Clipetty has a function called `clipetty-kill-ring-save` which I like to bind
to `M-w` like so:

(use-package clipetty
:ensure t
:bind ("M-w" . clipetty-kill-ring-save))

## How Clipetty Works

Clipetty does its magic by hooking Emacs' `interprogram-cut-function`, which is
what happens when you activate `clipetty-mode`. When the mode is active, every
time you kill a line or region Clipetty gets sent the content that is destined
for the kill ring. The `clipetty-cut` function takes this content, converts it to
base64, wraps it in an [ANSI OSC]( 52 escape sequence, and then sends it to your
terminal. Terminal programs which support OSC 52 commands will react to this by
stripping off the escape sequence, decoding the base64 content, and then
inserting the resulting string into the system clipboard.

## Terminals that Support OSC Clipboard Operations

- [xterm]( (Unix – Where OSC 52 escape sequences originated)
- [iTerm2]( (macOS)
- [Alacritty]( (macOS, Linux, BSD, Windows)
- [kitty]( (macOS, Linux)
- [mintty]( (Windows)
- [hterm]( (Javascript)
- [st]( (Unix)
- [mlterm]( (Unix, Windows, macOS)

This is not an exhaustive list, these are just the ones I know about. Submit a
PR if you know of any I missed.

### Alacritty

Alacritty versions prior to 0.4.2 suffer from an [issue]( that will cause any
attempted copy of more than 765 bytes to fail to be inserted into the OS

### Kitty

The `kitty` terminal gets honorable mention for extending the `xterm` protocol to
[support larger clipboards]( While Clipetty at this time [does not support Kitty's
larger clipboard](, it is compatible, which means you don't have to disable
Kitty's protocol extension with `no-append`.

## Clipetty and Terminal Multiplexers

If you're running Emacs under a terminal multiplexer like `tmux` or `screen`,
these programs will intercept these ANSI OSC 52 escape sequences, and if they
don't think your terminal supports OSC 52 (i.e. you don't have a very specific
`terminfo(5)` capability) they'll not pass them on to your outer terminal. With
enough tweaking you can prevent them from doing this, but it can be a
challenge. Running Emacs on a remote host with nested terminal multiplexers
(something I often do) can further complicate things.

Clipetty attempts to deal with this problem by looking for environment variables
that indicate you're using a terminal multiplexer, and then wrapping the OSC 52
escape sequence in a "Device Control String" (DCS). This presence of a DCS tells
`tmux` or `screen` to unwrap the message and send it along unmolested, where it
can be interpreted by the outer terminal. Clipetty handles the case of nested
terminal multiplexers by writing the DCS wrapped OSC 52 escape sequence directly
to your `$SSH_TTY` thereby bypassing the terminal multiplexer on the remote host

### Dealing With a Stale `SSH_TTY` Environment Variable

Let's say you SSH into a host, start `tmux`, and then run Emacs. A little later
you detach your session and log out. You then SSH back into the same host, and
re-attach your session. Your Emacs process is still running right where you left
it, but the `$SSH_TTY` environment variable it inherited from the shell is now
stale (or longer accurate) as it still points to your *old* SSH tty. This means
that Clipetty will no longer function in `tmux` windows that were created during
your previous login until you manually update the `$SSH_TTY` environment

Thankfully in `tmux` there is an easy way of dealing with this problem! Add the
following to your `.tmux.conf` file:

set -ag update-environment "SSH_TTY"

This will tell `tmux` to update its local `$SSH_TTY` environment variable when
you re-attach, and Clipetty will ask `tmux` about it rather than relying on the
(possibly stale) variable that Emacs inherited from the shell.

## Customization

You can run `M-x customize-group RET clipetty RET` to use Emacs' Easy
Customization Interface or you can manually set some of the variables below in your

### Configuring Multiplexer Nesting

The `clipetty-assume-nested-mux` variable, when set to a non-nill value, tells
Clipetty to assume that if you're running a terminal mulitplexer on a remote
host that it's nested – that is to say that you're also running the *same*
terminal multiplexer on the local host.

(setq clipetty-assume-nested-mux nil)

### Configuring Tmux Integration

The `clipetty-tmux-ssh-tty` variable tells Clipetty how to run `tmux` to query it's
local `SSH_TTY` environment variable. This default assumes that `tmux` is on your
PATH. If `tmux` lives elsewhere for you, or it is named something else, you can
change it here.

(setq clipetty-tmux-ssh-tty "tmux show-environment SSH_TTY")

## Acknowledgements

This code was inspired by `osc52.el` (part of the Chromium OS) which was very
helpful in showing me how this could be done, but lacked support for `tmux` and
didn't have support for nested terminal multiplexers. I'd also like to thank
Suraj N. Kurapati, as I learned a lot by studying his shell script `yank`. Thanks
to everyone on the Freenode #emacs IRC channel for helping me out, especially
`bpalmer` who graciously reviewed my code and offered great suggestions.