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blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby

blockchain blockchain-lite cryptohash cryptoquotes cryptos distributed-database elliptic finite-fields gems hashtree ledger merkletree oracle proof-of-work ruby sha256 solidity transactions tx

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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blockchain (crypto) tools, libraries & scripts in ruby





_The Ruby Programming Language for Contract / Transaction Scripts on the Blockchain World Computer - Yes, It's Just Ruby_

**sruby - Small, Smart, Secure, Safe, Solid & Sound (S6) Ruby**

sruby is a subset of mruby that is a subset of "classic" ruby.

For more see the [**Red Paper »**](


# blockchain tools, libraries & scripts


- [elliptic-lite](elliptic-lite) - elliptic curve cryptography from scratch / zero - start with finite fields, add elliptic curve points and point addition and scalar multiplications, add the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) using the secp256k1 curve / group to sign and verify messages and more

- [crypto-lite](crypto-lite) - cryptographic secure hash functions and public key signature algorithms made easy
- [base32-alphabets](base32-alphabets) - base32 encoding / decoding in 5-bit groups (2^5=32) with kai, crockford or electrologica notations / alphabets
- [base58-alphabets](base58-alphabets) - base58 encoding / decoding numbers, hex or binary strings (incl. leading zeros) with bitcoin or flickr notations / alphabets
- [elliptic](elliptic) - elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) cryptography with OpenSSL made easy (incl. secp256k1 curve)
- [digest-lite](digest-lite) - crypto(graphic) hash functions / classes - Digest::KeccakLite (512bit, 256bit, etc), Digest::SHA3Lite (512bit, 256bit, etc) in "100% pure" ruby "lite" scripts, that is, without any c-extensions and with zero-dependency
- [rlp-lite](rlp-lite) - light-weight ("lite") machinery to serialize / deserialize using the recursive-length prefix (rlp) scheme

- [abicoder](abicoder) - "lite" application binary interface (abi) encoding / decoding machinery / helper (incl. nested arrays and/or tuples) for Ethereum & Co. (blockchain) contracts with zero-dependencies for easy (re)use
- [abiparser](abiparser) - application binary interface (abi) parser machinery / helper for Ethereum & Co. (blockchain) contracts
- [abidoc](abidoc) - application binary interface (abi) documentation generator for Ethereum & Co. (blockchain) contracts
- [abi2ruby](abi2ruby) - generate ready-to-use (blockchain) contract services / function calls for ethereum & co. via application binary inferfaces (abis)
- [abigen](abigen) - "high-level" all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usage application binary interface (abi) code or doc(umentation) gen(eration) for ethereum & co.
- [abidump](abidump) - command-line tool to dump / pretty print or (re)format application binary interfaces (abi) for Ethereum & Co.
- [abi2sol](abi2sol) - command-line tool for application binary interface (abi) to solidity (contract) source code generation for Ethereum & Co.
- [abibase](abibase) - command line tool / helper to manage application binary interfaces (abis)
- [solidity](solidity) - (fuzzy) parser for (crypto) contracts for ethereum & co.
- [ethlite](ethlite) - light-weight machinery to query / call ethereum (blockchain contract) services via json-rpc (incl. tuple support)
- [ethlite-contracts](ethlite-contracts) - pre-packaged ready-to-use "out-of-the-gem" (blockchain) contract services / function calls for ethereum & co
- [etherscan-lite](etherscan-lite) - light-weight machinery / helper for the Etherscan (blockchain) JSON HTTP API / web services (note: API key sign-up required)
- [ethname](ethname) - light-weight crowd-sourced "off-chain" ethereum name to (contract) address service / helper (incl. punks v1,v2,v3,v4; phunks v1,v2, synth punks, punk blocks, etc.) - yes, you can! - add more names / contracts via git ;-)
- [ethers](ethers) - "high-level" all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usage for ethereum & co. (blockchain) contract services in ruby

- [blockchain-lite](blockchain-lite) - build your own blockchain with crypto hashes - revolutionize the world with blockchains, blockchains, blockchains one block at a time
- [merkletree](merkletree) - build your own crypto hash trees; named after Ralph Merkle who patented hash trees in 1979 (the patent expired in 2002); grow your own money on trees
- [ledger-lite](ledger-lite) - hyper ledger book for the distributed blockchain internet era; add your transactions one block at a time; transfer crypto(currencie)s and balance the accounts

- [centralbank](centralbank) - print your own money / cryptocurrency; run your own federated central bank nodes on the blockchain peer-to-peer over HTTP; revolutionize the world one block at a time
- [tulipmania](tulipmania) - tulips on the blockchain; learn by example from the real world (anno 1637) - buy! sell! hodl! enjoy the beauty of admiral of admirals, semper augustus, and more; run your own hyper ledger tulip exchange nodes on the blockchain peer-to-peer over HTTP; revolutionize the world one block at a time
- [cryptoquotes](cryptoquotes) - incl. oracle tool to get a random crypto quote of the day on the command line - on the new new "in math we trust" ponzi economics - on get-rich-quick blockchain secrets - on bitcon maximalists, scammers, morons, clowns, shills & bagHODLers and more

## License

The scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.