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Rust wrapper for Ableton Link

ableton link rust

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Rust wrapper for Ableton Link





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# rusty_link

`rusty_link` is a Rust wrapper for Ableton Link through the official C 11 wrapper extension, [abl_link](
This library attempts to be mostly unopinionated and plain in
copying the functionality of abl_link, while providing some of Rust's safety guarantees.

[Ableton Link]( is a technology that synchronizes musical beat, tempo,
phase, and start/stop commands across multiple applications running
on one or more devices. Applications on devices connected to a local
network discover each other automatically and form a musical session
in which each participant can perform independently: anyone can start
or stop while still staying in time. Anyone can change the tempo, the
others will follow. Anyone can join or leave without disrupting the session.

## Changelog

Release notes can be seen on the project GitHub page [here](

## Examples

To run the examples, clone this repository and change into its directory. Then fetch the Ableton Link source by initializing the git submodules with:

git submodule update --init --recursive

[**link_hut_silent**]( A Rust port [from C]( of the simple 'LinkHut' example without sound by Ableton. To run it:

cargo run --release --example link_hut_silent

[**link_hut**]( A Rust port [from C++]( of the more complex 'LinkHut' example **with** sound by Ableton. Run it like this:

cargo run --release --example link_hut

See the [cpal documentation]( for ASIO and Jack support, if required.

## Requirements

Requires a recent version of CMake (3.14 or newer) to be installed and available in your terminal. Test with `cmake --version`.

Linux _may_ require a few more system libraries to be installed for C compilation, depending on your distro, like `build-essential`, `libclang-dev` or `libasound2-dev` and `pkg-config` for examples, etc...

## Thread and Realtime Safety

['abl_link.h']( has doc comments about thread and realtime safety on some of its functions. Those comments have been copied to the functions of this library. A short explainer on what they mean:

- [Thread Safety]( Thread-safe code only manipulates shared data structures in a manner that ensures that all threads behave properly and fulfil their design specifications without unintended interaction.

- Realtime Safety: These functions can be called in a Realtime environment without blocking the thread. For example, the audio thread/callback.

## Implementation

- `rusty_link` currently wraps around all functions available in ['abl_link.h']( and makes them publicly available as methods on either the `AblLink` or the `SessionState` struct, except for the destructors, which are implemented on the Drop trait.
- An instance of AblLink can be thought of as an Object with internal mutability. Thread safety is guaranteed in all functions, except for the capture/commit of Session States, with internal Mutexes on the C++ side. Check the function doc comments and official Link documentation for more.
- Includes a Rust port of the C++ [HostTimeFilter](, which can be used in the audio callback to align the host clock with the sample clock.
- Delete functions have been added to delete previously set `num_peers`, `start_stop` and `tempo` callbacks.

## Testing

Ableton designed a [Test Plan]( to test if your implementation of Ableton Link in your project meets all the expected requirements.

## Tested Platforms

`rusty_link` itself works on all major platforms. I only had trouble with the example with sound on Linux. Could be my fault for not using `cpal` properly?! Any help with that is appreciated 😘.
Anyway, this shouldn't stop anyone from using this library in their project. Have fun!

| | MacOS M1 | Win 11 WASAPI | Ubuntu 22 on Pi4 |
| -------------------------- | -------- | ------------- | ------------------ |
| Building `rusty_link` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Example: `link_hut_silent` | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Example: `link_hut` | ✓ | ✓ | cpal/ALSA issues?! |

## Feedback

I am not a professional Developer, just doing this as a hobby, so any help with updates and corrections of my work are welcome.

## License

Ableton Link is dual licensed under GPLv2+ and a proprietary [license](

This means that `rusty_link` has to be under the GPLv2+ as well.

If you would like to incorporate Link into a proprietary software application, please contact Ableton at .

## Credits

Thanks to Magnus Herold for [his implementation](
I made this library to learn about FFI in Rust and I started it as a fork of his, but then pivotted to using the offical C wrapper by Ableton.

Some code for splitting closures has been borrowed from [ffi_helpers]( with altered functionality. Thanks to Michael F Bryan for his work.
[Pull request]( to ffi_helpers pending...