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Fish-like autosuggestions in eshell.

autosuggest company completion emacs-lisp eshell history

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Fish-like autosuggestions in eshell.




* esh-autosuggest

Fish-like history autosuggestions in eshell


** Installation
This package is on melpa. If you have melpa in your package repositories, you
can use ~M-x RET package-install RET esh-autosuggest~ or install
with [[][use-package]]:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package esh-autosuggest
:hook (eshell-mode . esh-autosuggest-mode)
;; If you have use-package-hook-name-suffix set to nil, uncomment and use the
;; line below instead:
;; :hook (eshell-mode-hook . esh-autosuggest-mode)
:ensure t)

Alternatively, consider installing with [[][straight.el]] or [[][quelpa-use-package]].

Otherwise, download the files to somewhere on your load path, and require
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(require 'esh-autosuggest)

** Usage
This package assumes you use something other than company for eshell completion
(e.g. ~eshell-pcomplete~, ~completion-at-point~, ~helm-esh-pcomplete~).
~company-mode~ is used solely as a mechanism for history autosuggestions.

Unless you're using use-package's hook keyword as described in Installation,
you can enable the autosuggestions with:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'esh-autosuggest-mode)

*** Key Bindings
- ~~ and ~C-f~ are used to select the suggestion.
- ~M-~ and ~M-f~ are used to select the next word in the suggestion.

Keys can be modified using ~esh-autosuggest-active-map~.

If instead you don't want ~company-active-map~ to be overridden, you may set
~esh-autosuggest-use-company-map~ to ~t~. This may cause unexpected
behavior when pressing ~RET~ or ~TAB~, depending on what you want those to do.
To emulate fish-shell most closely, it is recommended you leave this ~nil~, as
that will explicitly run your input (regardless of suggestion) on ~RET~, and
bring up your preferred completion system on ~TAB~.

*** Delay
~esh-autosuggest-delay~ defaults to 0 seconds. This is most like
fish shell's instant history autosuggestions, but can be customized.

*** With other backends (not recommended)
It is technically possible to group this backend with other company backends
like e.g. ~company-capf~ like so:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; don't add esh-autosuggest-mode to eshell-mode-hook
(defun setup-eshell-grouped-backends ()
(setq-local company-backends
'((company-capf esh-autosuggest))))

(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'setup-eshell-grouped-backends)

This isn't recommended since the history suggestions will be neither fish-like,
nor will they work after typing the first word on the command line, since
company-backends need to share a prefix to work together smoothly. See
[[][company-mode/company-mode#744]] for more information.

*** Known bugs and workarounds
If you're using [[][evil-collection]], there's a [[][known issue]] that occurs when
~evil-collection-company-use-tng~ is set to ~t~ (the default). If you don't
need that feature, you can set it to ~nil~ for the time being.

** Rationale and tips
I made this package to help ease a transition from zsh to eshell as my main
shell. The reason the main mechanism is a minor-mode that overrides
company-mode is that I didn't find company-mode that useful for eshell

While the default popup-buffer frontend to pcomplete can be a bit annoying,
I've found there are alternatives that make pcomplete behave more like normal
shell completion. Try one or more of the following for tab completion:

- [[][Ambrevar/emacs-fish-completion]]
- If you use helm
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun setup-eshell-helm-completion ()
(define-key eshell-mode-map [remap eshell-pcomplete] 'helm-esh-pcomplete))

(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'setup-eshell-helm-completion)
- If you use ivy
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq ivy-do-completion-in-region t) ; this is the default

(defun setup-eshell-ivy-completion ()
(define-key eshell-mode-map [remap eshell-pcomplete] 'completion-at-point)
;; only if you want to use the minibuffer for completions instead of the
;; in-buffer interface
(setq-local ivy-display-functions-alist
(remq (assoc 'ivy-completion-in-region ivy-display-functions-alist)

(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'setup-eshell-ivy-completion)