
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Next.js 13 application with authentication and payments, built with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Lucia, Tailwind and LemonSqueezy

drizzle-orm lemonsqueezy lucia-auth nextjs planetscale shadcn-ui tailwindcss trpc

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

A Next.js 13 application with authentication and payments, built with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Lucia, Tailwind and LemonSqueezy




# Template

A Next.js 13 application with authentication and payments, built with PlanetScale, Drizzle ORM, Lucia, Tailwind and LemonSqueezy

## About this project

I used this as a way to play around with the new Next.js app directory, so it is more than likely that things aren't optimal / implemented correctly, so **keep this in mind if you decide to fork it and use it for a real app**

If you encounter something that's broken, you can message me [@amosbastian]( or create an issue here. Contributions are also very much welcome! 😁

## Features

- Nearly everything included in the Next.js app directory
- TypeScript ORM for SQL databases: [**Drizzle ORM**](
- Authentication using [**Lucia**](
- Database on [**PlanetScale**](
- UI components from [**shadcn/ui**](
- Blog using **MDX** and [**Contentlayer**](
- Subscriptions using [**LemonSqueezy**](
- Styled using **Tailwind CSS**
- Fetching data using RSCs and [**tRPC**](
- Email verification
- Teams with team member management
- RBAC using [**CASL**](
- Emails using [**Mailing**]( and [Resend](

## Known Issues

A list of things not working or implemented right now:

1. Sometimes MySQL will complain about too many connections: restart your Next.js app and it will go away
2. Pricing plans currently aren't synced to the database, which would be ideal
3. RBAC might not work as intended and I haven't tested it enough
4. Not using tRPC in RSCs, so not sure if that works properly
5. [Importing MJML breaks the new app router](, which is why we put the email sending part in the `/pages` directory

## Running Locally

1. Install dependencies using npm:

npm install

2. Copy `.env.example` to `.env` and update the variables

cp .env.example .env

3. Start the development server:

npx nx serve web

### Setting up the database

#### Local

1. Log in to MySQL

mysql -u root

2. Create the database


3. Push your schema

npx drizzle-kit mysql:push

#### PlanetScale

You don't have to use a local database and use PlanetScale as your only database if you want


### Authentication

To set up GitHub OAuth you need to

1. Go to

2. Click "New OAuth App"

3. Add your authorisation callback URL: http://localhost:4200/api/oauth/github

### Emails

You can run Mailing to get a preview of the email in development mode instead of actually sending an email

npx mailing

In production it will use [Resend](, so you will need to get an API key and verify your domain.

### Payments

We are using LemonSqueezy for payments and syncing subscriptions via a webhook (`lemonsqueezy/route.ts`). If you want to test this locally, then you will need to use something like ngrok to expose the webhook:

npx ngrok http 4200

And then add the webhook URL (e.g. ``) to [your webhook settings in LemonSqueezy](

### Asset generation

To generate assets (favicon etc.) with your own logo you can replace `logo-mark.svg` with your and then use the following command

npm run asset-generator

### Thanks to

- [shadcn]('s amazing example repositories and UI library
- Copied a lot of design & emails from Vercel
- Copied tRPC stuff from [@ploskovytskyy's repository](

## License

Licensed under the [MIT license](