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[CVPR2022] Neural Rays for Occlusion-aware Image-based Rendering

nerf neural-rendering novel-view-synthesis radiance-field

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[CVPR2022] Neural Rays for Occlusion-aware Image-based Rendering




# NeuRay

Rendered video without training on the scene.


## [Project page]( | [Paper](

## Todo List

- [x] Generalization models and rendering codes.
- [x] Training of generalization models.
- [x] Finetuning codes and finetuned models.

## Usage
### Setup
git clone [email protected]:liuyuan-pal/NeuRay.git
cd NeuRay
pip install -r requirements.txt


- torch==1.7.1
- opencv_python==4.4.0
- tensorflow==2.4.1
- numpy==1.19.2
- scipy==1.5.2

### Download datasets and pretrained models
1. Download processed datasets: [DTU-Test]( / [LLFF]( / [NeRF Synthetic](
2. Download pretrained model [NeuRay-Depth]( and [NeuRay-CostVolume](
3. Organize datasets and models as follows
|-- data
|-- neuray_gen_cost_volume
|-- neuray_gen_depth
|-- dtu_test
|-- llff_colmap
|-- nerf_synthetic

### Render
# render on lego of the NeRF synthetic dataset
python --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml \
--database nerf_synthetic/lego/black_800 \ # nerf_synthetic/lego/black_400
--pose_type eval

# render on snowman of the DTU dataset
python --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml \
--database dtu_test/snowman/black_800 \ # dtu_test/snowman/black_400
--pose_type eval

# render on fern of the LLFF dataset
python --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth.yaml \
--database llff_colmap/fern/high \ # llff_colmap/fern/low
--pose_type eval
The rendered images locate in `data/render//-pretrain-eval/`.
If the `pose_type` is `eval`, we also generate ground-truth images in `data/render//gt`.

#### Explanation on parameters of ``.

- `cfg` is the path to the renderer config file, which can also be `configs/gen/neuray_gen_cost_volume.yaml`
- `database` is a database name consisting of `//`.
- `nerf_synthetic/lego/black_800` means the scene "lego" from the "nerf_synthetic" dataset using "black" background and the resolution "800X800".
- `dtu_test/snowman/black_800` means the scene "snowman" from the "dtu_test" dataset using "black" background and the resolution "800X600".
- `llff_colmap/fern/high` means the scene "fern" from the "llff_colmap" dataset using "high" resolution (1008X756).
- We may also use `llff_colmlap/fern/low` which renders with "low" resolution (504X378)

### Evaluation

# psnr/ssim/lpips will be printed on screen
python --dir_pr data/render//-pretrain-eval \
--dir_gt data/render//gt

# example of evaluation on "fern".
# note we should already render images in the "dir_pr".
python --dir_pr data/render/llff_colmap/fern/high/neuray_gen_depth-pretrain-eval \
--dir_gt data/render/llff_colmap/fern/high/gt

### Render on custom scenes

To render on custom scenes, please refer to [this](

## Generalization model training

### Download training sets

1. Download [Google Scanned Objects](, [RealEstate10K](
[Space Dataset]( and [LLFF released Scenes]( from [IBRNet](
2. Download colmap depth for forward-facing scenes at [here](
3. Download [DTU]( training images at [here](
4. Download colmap depth for DTU training images at [here](

Rename directories and organize datasets like
|-- data
|-- google_scanned_objects
|-- real_estate_dataset # RealEstate10k-subset
|-- real_iconic_noface
|-- spaces_dataset
|-- colmap_forward_cache
|-- dtu_train
|-- colmap_dtu_cache

### Train generalization model

Train the model with NeuRay initialized from estimated depth of COLMAP.
python --cfg configs/train/gen/neuray_gen_depth_train.yaml

Train the model with NeuRay initialized from constructed cost volumes.
python --cfg configs/train/gen/neuray_gen_cost_volume_train.yaml

Models will be saved at `data/model`. On every 10k steps, we will validate the model and images will be saved at `data/vis_val/-`

### Render with trained models
python --cfg configs/gen/neuray_gen_depth_train.yaml \
--database llff_colmap/fern/high \
--pose_type eval

## Scene-specific finetuning

### Finetuning
# finetune on lego from the NeRF synthetic dataset
python --cfg configs/train/ft/neuray_ft_depth_lego.yaml

# finetune on fern from the LLFF dataset
python --cfg configs/train/ft/neuray_ft_depth_fern.yaml

# finetune on birds from the DTU dataset
python --cfg configs/train/ft/neuray_ft_depth_birds.yaml

# finetune the model initialized from cost volume
python --cfg configs/train/ft/neuray_ft_cv_lego.yaml
The finetuned models will be saved at `data/model`.

### Finetuned models
We provide the finetuned models on the NeRF synthetic datasets at [here](

Download the models and organize files like
|-- data
|-- model
|-- neuray_ft_lego_pretrain
|-- neuray_ft_chair_pretrain

### Render with finetuned models
# render on lego of the NeRF synthetic dataset
python --cfg configs/ft/neuray_ft_lego_pretrain.yaml \
--database nerf_synthetic/lego/black_800 \
--pose_type eval \
--render_type ft

## Code explanation

We have provided explanation on variable naming convention in [here]( to make our codes more readable.

## Acknowledgements
In this repository, we have used codes or datasets from the following repositories.
We thank all the authors for sharing great codes or datasets.

- [IBRNet](
- [MVSNet-official]( and [MVSNet-kwea123](
- [BlendedMVS](
- [NeRF-official]( and [NeRF-torch](
- [MVSNeRF](
- [PixelNeRF](
- [IDR](
- [RealEstate10K](
- [DeepView](
- [Google Scanned Objects](
- [LLFF](
- [DTU](

## Citation
title={Neural Rays for Occlusion-aware Image-based Rendering},
author={Liu, Yuan and Peng, Sida and Liu, Lingjie and Wang, Qianqian and Wang, Peng and Theobalt, Christian and Zhou, Xiaowei and Wang, Wenping},