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Salesforce Sample App part of the sample gallery. Real estate use case. Get inspired and learn best practices.

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Salesforce Sample App part of the sample gallery. Real estate use case. Get inspired and learn best practices.




# DreamHouse Aura Sample Application

> **⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️ :** This is the Aura version of the DreamHouse sample application. This version is deprecated and has been archived since 2019. If you are looking for the new Lightning Web Components version, click [here](


Dreamhouse is a sample application for the real estate business built on the Salesforce platform. It allows brokers to manage their properties and customers to find their dream house.

## Table of contents

- [Installation instructions](#installation-instructions)
- [Installing DreamHouse using Salesforce DX](#installing-dreamhouse-using-salesforce-dx)
- [Installing DreamHouse using an unlocked package](#installing-dreamhouse-using-an-unlocked-package)
- [Code highlights](#code-highlights)
- [Additional resources](#additional-resources)

## Installation Instructions

There are two ways to install DreamHouse:

- Using Salesforce DX
- Using an unlocked package

### Installing DreamHouse using Salesforce DX

This is the recommended installation option for developers who want to experience the app and the code.

1. Install Salesforce DX. Enable the Dev Hub in your org or sign up for a Dev Hub trial org and install the Salesforce DX CLI. Follow the instructions in the [Salesforce DX Setup Guide]( or in the [App Development with Salesforce DX]( Trailhead module.

1. Clone the **dreamhouse-sfdx** repository:

git clone
cd dreamhouse-sfdx

1. Create a scratch org and provide it with an alias of your choice (**dh** in the command below):

sfdx force:org:create -s -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a dh

1. Push the app to your scratch org:

sfdx force:source:push

1. Assign the **dreamhouse** permission set to the default user:

sfdx force:user:permset:assign -n dreamhouse

1. Open the scratch org:

sfdx force:org:open

1. Select **DreamHouse** in the App Launcher

1. Click the **Data Import** tab and click **Initialize Sample Data**

### Installing DreamHouse using an unlocked package

This is the recommended option for non developers. Use this option if you want to experience the sample app but do not plan to modify the code.

1. [Sign up]( for a developer edition.

1. Enable My Domain. Follow the instructions to enable My Domain [here](

1. Click [this link]( to install the DreamHouse unlocked package into your developer edition org.

1. Select **Install for All Users**. When prompted, make sure you grant access to the external sites (,, and

1. Select **DreamHouse** in the App Launcher.

1. Click the **Data Import** tab and click **Initialize Sample Data**.

## Code highlights

### Lightning components

DreamHouse features a large number of Lightning Components to enhance the user experience. Lightning Components are used on the Property record page, on an app pages (**Property Finder** and **Property Explorer**), in the utility bar, and as quick actions.

Installing a Lightning component as a **quick action** can be a great alternative to adding the component directly to the page layout because the component instantiation is deferred until the action button is clicked (lazy instantiation). Installing less frequently used components as quick or global actions can contribute to a faster page loading time, and a streamlined user interface. In DreamHouse, the [SmartHome](force-app/main/default/aura/SmartHome) component is installed as a quick action on the Property record page.

The **utility bar** is a great place to host components you always want at your fingertips. [MortgageCalculator](force-app/main/default/aura/MortgageCalculator) is a great example.

### Base Lightning components

Base Lightning Components are a set of powerful UI components available in the Lightning Component Framework. The DreamHouse custom components use many Base Lightning Components as building blocks. For example, **lightning:card**, **lightning:button**, and **lightning:layout** are used throughout the application. [PropertyCarousel](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyCarousel/PropertyCarousel.cmp), which allows you to navigate through the pictures of a property and upload new pictures, is built using **lightning:carousel** and **lightning:fileUpload**. [PropertySummary](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertySummary/PropertySummary.cmp) leverages **lightning:formattedAddress** and **lightning:formattedNumber**.

### Lightning Data Service

Lightning Data Service allows you to manipulate (retrieve, create, update, delete) Salesforce records without writing server-side code (Apex). In DreamHouse, all the Lightning components that work with a single Property record use Lightning Data Service. Check out [PropertySummary](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertySummary) for an example.

### Third-Party JavaScript libraries

You can use third-party JavaScript libraries in Lightning Components using **ltng:require**. For example:

- [Map](force-app/main/default/aura/Map) and [PropertyListMap](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyListMap) use the [Leaflet]( library.
- [PriceRange](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyListMap) uses the [nouislider]( library for its double slider.

### Standard application events

Standard application events are available by default in the framework and are used to trigger high level actions. For example, in [PropertySummary](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertySummary/PropertySummaryController.js), **force:navigateToSObject** is used to navigate to the broker record page, and **force:editRecord** is used to edit a record in place.

### Custom application events

Custom application events are used for communication between components in App Builder. For example, the [PropertyFilterChange](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyFilterChange) event is fired in the [PropertyFilter](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyFilter) component to notify other components that new filtering criteria have been selected.

### Component events

Component events are used for finer-grained communication between components. For example, the [PropertyPaginator](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyPaginator) component fires the **pageNext** and **pagePrevious** events to notify its parent ([PropetyTileList](force-app/main/default/aura/PropertyTileList)) that the user requested the next or previous page.

### Custom page templates

Custom page templates allow you to create ad hoc page layouts that admins can use in App Builder to create new pages. Custom page templates are implemented as Lightning Components. There are two custom page templates in Dreamhouse: [PageTemplate_2_6_4](force-app/main/default/aura/PageTemplate_2_6_4/PageTemplate_2_6_4.cmp) (used by the **Property Finder** page) and [PageTemplate_2_7_3](force-app/main/default/aura/PageTemplate_2_7_3/PageTemplate_2_7_3.cmp) (used by the **Property Explorer** page). They provide custom three column layouts using different relative widths for each column.

### Reports and dashboards

Reports and dashboards are easy to create and look great in Lightning. Just to get things started, the DreamHouse app includes a few reports in the **DreamHouse Reports** folder (**Days on Market**, **Properties by Broker**, and **Portfolio Health**), and a dashboard in the **DreamHouse Dashboard** folder (**My Dashboard**).

### Einstein Vision

The [VisualSearchBox](force-app/main/default/aura/VisualSearchBox) component leverages Einstein Vision to provide a visual search feature that allows you to find houses based on the picture of a house you like. Just select or drag a picture in the Visual search area of the property filters: Einstein Vision will recognize the type of house (colonial, victorian, or contemporary) and you will be presented with a list of houses matching that category. Follow the instructions below to enable visual search in the **Property Finder** and **Property Explorer** pages:

1. Get an **Einstein Platform Services** account. Follow the instructions [here](

1. In Salesforce, click the **Files** tab and upload **einstein_platform.pem**.

1. In **Setup**, type **Custom** in the Quick Find box and click the **Custom Settings** link.

1. Click the first **New** Button (at the top of the screen).

1. For **Einstein Vision Email**, specify the email address you used when you created your Einstein Platform Services account (step 1), and click **Save**.

1. In the DreamHouse app, click the **Einstein Vision** tab.

1. Click the **Create Dataset** button.

1. In the **houses** tile, click the **Train** button, the click the **Models** tab.

1. Click the **Refresh Models** button until the Progress column indicates **100%**.

1. Copy the **Model Id** in your clipboard.

1. Click the **Property Finder** Tab, click the gear icon (upper right corner), and click **Edit Page**. Click the **Filters** component and paste the Model Id in the **Einstein Model Id** field in the right sidebar. Save the page.

1. Repeat the last step for the **Property Explorer** page.

You can now search houses by uploading (or dropping) a picture in the visual search box that is part of the Filters component on the **Property Finder** and **Property Explorer** pages.

## Additional resources

DreamHouse has many more features not discussed here. For example, DreamHouse also demonstrates how to:

- Use the Salesforce Mobile App
- Create a customer engagement mobile app with the Mobile SDK
- Automate processes with Process Builder, including sending push notification messages to the customer engagement app
- Integrate with Alexa, Slack, and Facebook Messenger
- Integrate with IoT devices like smart lights, smart thermostats, and smart locks