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PredictionIO Ruby SDK

big-data predictionio scala

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

PredictionIO Ruby SDK




# Apache PredictionIO Ruby SDK

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The Ruby SDK provides a convenient wrapper for PredictionIO Event Server API and
Engine API. It allows you to quickly record your users' behavior and retrieve
personalized predictions for them.

## Documentation

Full Ruby SDK documentation can be found [here](

Please see the [PredictionIO App Integration
Overview]( to
understand how the SDK can be used to integrate PredictionIO Event Server and
Engine with your application.

## Installation

Ruby 2+ required!

The module is published to [RubyGems]( and
can be installed directly by:

gem install predictionio

Or using [Bundler]( with:

gem 'predictionio', '0.12.1'

## Sending Events to Event Server

Please refer to [Event Server
documentation]( for
event format and how the data can be collected from your app.

### Instantiate Event Client and connect to PredictionIO Event Server

require 'predictionio'

# Define environment variables.
ENV['PIO_THREADS'] = '50' # For async requests.
ENV['PIO_EVENT_SERVER_URL'] = 'http://localhost:7070'
ENV['PIO_ACCESS_KEY'] = 'YOUR_ACCESS_KEY' # Find your access key with: `$ pio app list`.

# Create PredictionIO event client.

### Create a `$set` user event and send it to Event Server



### Create a `$set` item event and send it to Event Server

{ 'properties' => { 'categories' => ['Category 1', 'Category 2'] } }

### Create a `$set` item event and send it to Event Server to specific channel

*NOTE:* channels are supported in PIO version >= 0.9.2 only. Channel must be created first.

{ 'properties' => { 'categories' => ['Category 1', 'Category 2'], 'channel' => 'test-channel'} }

### Create a user 'rate' item event and send it to Event Server

user_id, {
'targetEntityType' => 'item',
'targetEntityId' => item_id,
'properties' => { 'rating' => 10 }

### Asynchronous request

To send an async request, simply use the `acreate_event` method instead of
`create_event`. Be aware that the asynchronous method does not throw errors.
It's best to use the synchronous method when first getting started.

## Query PredictionIO Engine

### Connect to the Engine:

# Define environmental variables.
ENV['PIO_ENGINE_URL'] = 'http://localhost:8000'

# Create PredictionIO engine client.
client =['PIO_ENGINE_URL'])

### Send a prediction query to the engine and get the predicted result:

# Get 5 recommendations for items similar to 10, 20, 30.
response = client.send_query(items: [10, 20, 30], num: 5)

## Mailing List

Please use the Apache mailing lists. Subscription instructions are

## Issue Tracker

Use [the Apache JIRA](, and file any
issues under the `Ruby SDK` component.

## Contributing

Please follow these

## License

[Apache License 2.0](