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The PatternFly 3 demo app serves as a boiler for building your production app with PatternFly, Node.JS, and Webpack. Demo:

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The PatternFly 3 demo app serves as a boiler for building your production app with PatternFly, Node.JS, and Webpack. Demo:




# patternfly-demo-app

The PatternFly demo app serves as a boiler for building your production app with [PatternFly](, [Node.JS](, and [Webpack](

![Image of PatternFly](
![Image of NodeJS](
![Image of Webpack](

## Demo
The main demo can be found [here]( There is a sample [login]( page as well.

### Installation

Install project node modules:
npm i

### Development
For development with [BrowserSync]( run:
npm start

This will do two things:

1. It will build the static assets in the [dist](dist) directory. You can just click on the `dist/index.html` file to browse around.
2. It will automatically open up the running application in your default browser, which is located at `localhost:3000`.

### Production
For production, you will just want to compile your webpack bundle. You'd then have to choose how to run your app (e.g. with Node by running `node server/app.js`, setting up CI, a process monitor, etc.; serving static assets built in the `/dist` directory) depending on your needs.

npm run build:prod

The resulting build will be in the [dist](dist) folder.

### Extending the Demo App

#### JS
All js references loaded in `src/js/main.js` will be chunked by webpack and loaded in a single file, `dist/main.bundle.js`. Feel free to add your own JS scripts and `require` them in the bundle.

If you would like to add `d3.js` or `c3.js` charts to your page, include the `charts` bundle in `dist/charts.bundle.js`.

#### HTML
All HTML documents added to [src/html](src/html) are copied as-is to the `dist` folder.

Less/css is written to a file via the [extract-text plugin]( You can write any custom less in `src/less/custom.less` and it will be compiled to `dist/custom.css` which can be referenced in your HTML.

Note that images and fonts referenced in your custom css are automatically inlined via webpack [url-loader](

#### Webpack dev notes
You will want to copy any html or images that are referenced in html ** tags to your *dist* folder via the [copy-webpack plugin]( An
alternative is to source images in your js/jsx templates and [html-loader]( can compress them.

new CopyWebpackPlugin([
from: { glob:'./src/html/*.html'},
to: './',
flatten: true
from: { glob: 'node_modules/patternfly/dist/img/*.*'},
to: './img',
flatten: true

#### WebpackDevMiddleware / Hot Module Replacement
While developing and making to changes to `src` files, you should see changes propagate immediately to the browser. Files are also updated in the `dist` folder via the [write-file-plugin](write-file-webpack-plugin).

**Note:** New files will not be included automatically - you must restart your server with `npm start`.

**Note:** you can gitignore webpack incremental updates. These are written to `dist/hot`. You can read more about this [here](

#### Having trouble with Webpack?
Given it is a new technology, there is certainly room for error. You can sometimes trace more error info with the `--display-error-details` arg:
webpack -p --config build/webpack.config.js --display-error-details

Also, there is a wonderful collection of detailed examples in the webpack project [here](

There are some more helpful debugging tips [here](

If you are still having troubles, find us on [PatternFly Gitter]( or ask someone in the [Webpack community](