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Cone Programming Language

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Cone Programming Language




# Cone Programming Language
Cone is a fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language.
It features:

- Do-it-your-way memory management
- Versatile type system (incl. variant types and slices)
- Memory, thread & type safe
- Extensive code reuse features
- Lean, native runtime
- Concise, readable syntax

The Cone compiler is currently under development.
The current status and next steps are documented in [][plan].

## Documentation and Other Resources

- [Cone web site](
- [Web-based playground][playground], offering pre-built examples in a drop-down
- [Cone Language Reference][coneref] documentation
- [Programming Linguistics blog](

The [Cone home repository](
offers a rudimentary build environment for Cone programs,
including the Congo build tool and additional example Cone programs.

## Language Features

When finished, Cone will support these features:

- Safely manage memory your way
- Lexical, single-owner strategy for performance
- Ref-counted or tracing GC for flexibility
- Lifetime-constrained references for performance/simplicity
- Custom allocators (pools/arenas) for performance
- Lightweight concurrency
- Co-routines, threads and actors
- Lockless and locked permissions for safe data sharing
- Compile-time memory, type, and concurrency safety
- Robust type system
- Sum types, structs, arrays, slices, ranges, aliases
- struct subtyping via trait, & delegated inheritance
- Attach methods to any nominal type
- Modules, macros, templates and meta-programming
- Extensible pattern matching
- 'match' blocks using custom match methods
- Content extraction during matching
- Functions, Methods and Closures
- Multiple return values and implicit return
- Computed properties
- 'with' block for context management
- Concise, readable code:
- 'this'-implied prefix operators for method cascading, etc.
- Operator overloading
- Type inference
- Parallel assignment
- Auto-detected off-side rule
- Blocks and 'if' are expressions
- Unicode-aware (UTF8) text strings and variable names
- Fast compilation and convenient packaging

## Building (Windows)

A Visual Studio C++ solution can be created using the Cone.vcxproj project file.
The generated object and executable files are created relative to the location of the
solutions file.

The build depends on [LLVM 13][llvm] being installed and libs/includes found at $(LLVMDIR).

Building LLVM on Windows can be a pain. Some notes:

1. Download llvm-13.0.0.src.tar.xz from
2. Extract the src to a path having no spaces (e.g., D:\libs\llvm-13.0.0.src)
3. Make sure you have a recent version of CMake (which has CMake-GUI)
4. Use CMake-GUI to configure. Fill in the source folder (above) and a new target folder (D:\libs\ and hit Configure button
- When it asks if build folder should be created, say Yes
- When it prompts for a generator, specify the Visual Studio version installed (e.g., 15).
- In next drop down, select "Win32" to build 32-bit compiler.
5. In CMake-Gui, change defaults if you want (e.g., 32-bit target triple is i686-pc-win32), and then hit "Generate" button.
6. From build folder, double clicked on llvm.sln file to open Visual Studio.
- Select Release, and then build ALL_BUILD
- Select Debug, and then build ALL_BUILD. (fails if not enough memory, shut all pgms off)
7. Copy llvm-c from llvm-13.0.0.src/include to
8) In command prompt: setx LLVMDIR d:\libs\\

## Building (Linux and WSL in Windows)

To build on Linux:

sudo apt-get install llvm-13-dev
cmake .

Note: Sometimes, it is necessary to custom-build LLVM, e.g.:

mkdir llvm
cd llvm
svn co llvm-src
cd llvm-src/tools
svn co clang
svn co lld
cd ../..
mkdir llvm-build
cd llvm-build
CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLLVM_BUILD_LLVM_DYLIB=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/llvm/wasm -DLLVM_EXPERIMENTAL_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=WebAssembly /llvm/llvm-src
make install

## Building (Mac OS)

To build on Mac OS:*

brew install --with-toolchain llvm
llvm-config --bindir

CMake will auto-detect LLVM, so all you should need to do:

cmake .

More detailed instructions:

## License

The Cone programming language compiler is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
See LICENSE and COPYRIGHT for details.

