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An elegant static blog generator

blog-engine golang javascript static-site-generator

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

An elegant static blog generator




## Introduction

InkPaper is a static blog generator developed in Golang. No dependencies, cross platform, easy to use, fast building times and an elegant theme.


![InkPaper - An Elegant Static Blog Generator](template/source/images/example-en.png)

### Features
- YAML format configuration
- Markdown format articles
- No dependencies, cross platform
- Super fast build times
- Continuously improving theme and typography
- Multiple article authors support
- Archive and tag generation
- Real-time preview when saving
- Offline full-text keyword search
- $\LaTeX$ style math formula support (MathJax):

\int_{-\infty}^\infty g(x) dx = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \oint_{\gamma} \frac{f(z)}{z-g(x)} dz

### Quick Start
- Download & Extract [Ink]( and run `ink preview`

> Tip:Linux/macOS, use `./ink preview`

- Open `http://localhost:8000` in your browser to preview

### Website Configuration
Edit `config.yml`, use this format:

``` yaml
title: Website Title
subtitle: Website Subtitle
limit: Max Article Count Per Page
theme: Website Theme Directory
comment: Comment Plugin Variable (Default is disqus username)
root: Website Root Path # Optional
lang: Website Language # Support en, zh, ru, ja, de, pt-br, configurable in theme/lang.yml
url: Website URL # For RSS generating
link: Article Link Scheme # Default is {title}.html, Support {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, {second}, {title} variables

AuthorID: # Your author ID, used in article's author field
name: Author Name
intro: Author Motto
avatar: Author Avatar Path

output: Build Output Directory # Optional, default is "public"
port: Preview Port
- Copied Files When Build
publish: |
Excuted command when 'ink publish' is used

### Blog Writing
Create a `.md` file in the `source` directory (Supports subdirectories). Use this format:

``` yaml
title: Article Title
date: Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second #Created Time. Support timezone, such as " +0800"
update: Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second #Updated Time, optional. Support timezone, such as " +0800"
author: AuthorID
cover: Article Cover Path # Optional
draft: false # Is draft or not, optional
top: false # Place article to top or not, optional
preview: Article Preview, Also use to split in body # Optional
tags: # Optional
- Tag1
- Tag2
type: post # Specify type is post or page, optional
hide: false # Hide article or not. Hidden atricles still can be accessed via URL, optional
toc: false # Show table of contents or not, optional

Markdown Format's Body

### Publish
- Run `ink publish` in the blog directory to automatically build and publish
- Or run `ink build` to manually deploy generated `public` directory

> **Tips**: When files changed, `ink preview` will automatically rebuild the blog. Refresh browser to update.

## Customization

### Modifying The Theme

The default theme is placed in the `theme` folder, run `npm install` and `npm run build` to rebuild in this folder.

page `page.html` (article list) and `article.html` (article), use variable with [Golang Template]( syntax.

### New Page

Created any `.html` file will be copied to `source` directory, could use all variables on `site` field in `config.yml`.

#### Define Custom Variables
InkPaper supports defining custom variables in pages, which must be placed under `site.config` in `config.yaml`, such as:

``` yaml
MyVar: "Hello World"

The variable can be referenced in the page by `{{.Site.Config.MyVar}}`.

> **Note**
> Although the field names in other parts of `config.yaml` are all lowercase, the name of the custom variable must be used correctly. Otherwises, such a variable:
> ```yaml
> site:
> config:
> MYVAR_aAa: "Hello World"
> ```
> must be referenced in the page as `{{.Site.Config.MYVAR_aAa}}`.

#### Use Functions (Experimental)

InkPaper defines a minimal set of functions that can be used in HTML pages (except for `.md` source files), such as

``` yaml
{{ readFile "path/to/file" }}

This will read the content of the file `path/to/file` and include it in the page without any processing.

For file-related functions, when executed in the `source` directory, the file path is relative to the `source` directory; when executed in other directories, the file path is relative to the theme (such as `theme`).

See the source file `funcs.go` for a list of all functions.

### Blog Migration (Beta)

Supports simple Jeklly/Hexo post convertions. Usage:

``` shell
ink convert /path/_posts

### Building from source

**Local Build**

1. Install [Golang]( environment
2. Run `git clone && cd ink && go install` to compile and install ink
3. Run `ink preview $GOPATH/src/` to preview blog

**Docker Build (Example)**

1. Clone code `git clone [email protected]:InkProject/ink.git`
2. Build image `docker build -t ink .` in source directory
3. Run container `docker run -p 8888:80 ink`

## Theme

- Dark (Official Theme): [](
- Simple: [](
- Story: [](
- Material2: [](

## Related Tutorials

- [Automatically deploy your Ink blog to GitHub pages with Travis CI](

## License
[CC Attribution-NonCommercial License 4.0](

## Reporting An Issue


## These blogs are driven by InkPaper

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- [](
- [](