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🔓 CLI tool and library to execute padding oracle attacks easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI.

aes cbc cipher-block-chaining crypto cryptography decryption encryption padding-oracle padding-oracle-attack padding-oracle-attacks

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

🔓 CLI tool and library to execute padding oracle attacks easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI.




# padding-oracle-attacker

CLI tool and library to execute [padding oracle attacks]( easily, with support for concurrent network requests and an elegant UI.

poattack decrypt demo

[![Build Status](](

## Install

Make sure [Node.js]( is installed, then run

$ npm install --global padding-oracle-attacker
$ yarn global add padding-oracle-attacker

## CLI Usage

$ padding-oracle-attacker decrypt hex: [options]
$ padding-oracle-attacker decrypt b64: [options]

$ padding-oracle-attacker encrypt [options]
$ padding-oracle-attacker encrypt hex: [options]

$ padding-oracle-attacker analyze [] [options]

decrypt Finds the plaintext (foobar) for given ciphertext (hex:0123abcd)
encrypt Finds the ciphertext (hex:abcd1234) for given plaintext (foo=bar)
analyze Helps find out if the URL is vulnerable or not, and
how the response differs when a decryption error occurs
(for the argument)

URL to attack. Payload will be inserted at the end by default. To specify
a custom injection point, include {POPAYLOAD} in a header (-H),
request body (-d) or the URL
Block size used by the encryption algorithm on the server
The string present in response when decryption fails on the server.
Specify a string present in the HTTP response body (like PaddingException)
or status code of the HTTP response (like 400)

-c, --concurrency Requests to be sent concurrently [default: 128]
--disable-cache Disable network cache. Saved to [default: false]
poattack-cache.json.gz.txt by default
-X, --method HTTP method to use while making request [default: GET]
-H, --header Headers to be sent with request.
-H 'Cookie: cookie1' -H 'User-Agent: Googlebot/2.1'
-d, --data Request body
JSON string: {"id": 101, "foo": "bar"}
URL encoded: id=101&foo=bar
Make sure to specify the Content-Type header.

-e, --payload-encoding Ciphertext payload encoding for {POPAYLOAD} [default: hex]
base64 FooBar+/=
base64-urlsafe FooBar-_
hex deadbeef
hex-uppercase DEADBEEF
base64(xyz) Custom base64 ('xyz' represent characters for '+/=')

--dont-urlencode-payload Don't URL encode {POPAYLOAD} [default: false]

--start-from-1st-block Start processing from the first block instead [default: false]
of the last (only works with decrypt mode)

$ poattack decrypt http://localhost:2020/decrypt?ciphertext=
16 400
$ poattack encrypt http://localhost:2020/decrypt?ciphertext= "foo bar 🦄" 16 400
$ poattack encrypt http://localhost:2020/decrypt?ciphertext= hex:666f6f2062617220f09fa684 16 400
$ poattack analyze http://localhost:2020/decrypt?ciphertext=


## Library API

const { decrypt, encrypt } = require('padding-oracle-attacker')
// or
import { decrypt, encrypt } from 'padding-oracle-attacker'

const { blockCount, totalSize, foundBytes, interBytes } = await decrypt(options)

const { blockCount, totalSize, foundBytes, interBytes, finalRequest } = await encrypt(options)

#### `decrypt(options: Object): Promise`
#### `encrypt(options: Object): Promise`

##### Required options

###### `url: string`
URL to attack. Payload will be appended at the end by default. To specify a custom injection point, include `{POPAYLOAD}` in the URL, a header (`requestOptions.headers`) or the request body (``)

###### `blockSize: number`
Block size used by the encryption algorithm on the server.

###### `isDecryptionSuccess: ({ statusCode, headers, body }) => boolean`
Function that returns true if the server response indicates decryption was successful.

###### `ciphertext: Buffer` (`decrypt` only)
Ciphertext to decrypt.

###### `plaintext: Buffer` (`encrypt` only)
Plaintext to encrypt. Padding will be added automatically. Example: `Buffer.from('foo bar', 'utf8')`


##### Optional options

###### `concurrency: number = 128`
Network requests to be sent concurrently.

###### `isCacheEnabled: boolean = true`
Responses are cached by default and saved to `poattack-cache.json.gz.txt`. Set to `false` to disable caching.

###### `requestOptions: { method, headers, data }`
###### `requestOptions.method: string`
HTTP method to use while making the request. `GET` by default. `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE` are some valid options.

###### `requestOptions.headers: { string: string }`
Headers to be sent with request. Example: `{ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }`

###### `requestOptions.body: string`
Request body. Can be a JSON string, URL encoded params etc. `Content-Type` header has to be set manually.

###### `logMode: 'full'|'minimal'|'none' = 'full'`
`full`: Log everything to console (default)
`minimal`: Log only after start and completion to console
`none`: Log nothing to console

###### `transformPayload: (ciphertext: Buffer) => string`
Function to convert the `ciphertext` into a string when making a request. By default, `ciphertext` is encoded in hex and inserted at the injection point (URL end unless `{POPAYLOAD}` is present).

##### Optional options (`decrypt` only)

###### `alreadyFound: Buffer`
Plaintext bytes already known/found that can be skipped (from the end). If you provide a `Buffer` of ten bytes, the last ten bytes will be skipped.

###### `initFirstPayloadBlockWithOrigBytes: boolean = false`
Initialize first payload block with original `ciphertext` bytes instead of zeroes.
Example: `abcdef12345678ff 1111111111111111` instead of `00000000000000ff 1111111111111111`

###### `startFromFirstBlock: boolean = false`
Start processing from the first block instead of the last.

###### `makeInitialRequest: boolean = true`
Make an initial request with the original `ciphertext` provided and log server response to console to allow the user to make sure network requests are being sent correctly.

##### Optional options (`encrypt` only)

###### `makeFinalRequest: boolean = true`
After finding the `ciphertext` bytes for the new `plaintext`, make a final request with the found bytes and log the server response to console.

###### `lastCiphertextBlock: Buffer`
Custom ciphertext for the last block. Last block is just zeroes by default (`000000000000000`).

## Developing

`padding-oracle-attacker` is written in TypeScript. If you'd like to modify the source files and run them, you can either compile the files into JS first and run them using node, or use [ts-node](
Example: `yarn build` then `node dist/cli ...` or simply `ts-node src/cli ...`

##### `yarn build` or `npm run build`
Builds the TypeScript files inside the `src` directory to JS files and outputs them to the `dist` directory.

##### `yarn clean` or `npm run clean`
Deletes the `dist` directory.

##### `yarn lint` or `npm run lint`
Lints the files using eslint.

##### `yarn test` or `npm run test`
Lints and runs the tests using ava.

##### `node test/helpers/vulnerable-server.js`
Runs the test server which is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks at

## Related

* [PadBuster]( (Perl)
* [Padding Oracle Attack]( (Python)
* [python-paddingoracle]( (Python)
* [Poracle]( (Ruby)
* [GoPaddy]( (Go)
* [pax]( (Go)
* [padre]( (Go)
* [Padantic]( (Rust)
* [Padoracle]( (JavaScript)

## License

MIT © [Kishan Bagaria](