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PSR-7 and PSR-15 OPA Authorization Middleware and Open Policy Agent Client

authorization authorization-middleware middlewares opa openpolicyagent php psr-15 psr-7

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PSR-7 and PSR-15 OPA Authorization Middleware and Open Policy Agent Client




# Open Policy Agent Library

This library provides a client for the [Open Policy Agent]( (OPA), a PSR-15 authorization middleware and a PSR-15 bundle distributor middleware.

[![Latest Version](](
[![Software License](](LICENSE.txt)
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For working examples, please see [segrax/opa-php-examples]( and a [walkthrough]( is available to guide you through the examples.

## Install
Install the latest using [composer](
composer require segrax/open-policy-agent

### Usage Examples

### Client Usage
use Segrax\OpenPolicyAgent\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleHttpClient;

$apiPolicy = "package my.api
default allow=false
allow {
input.path = [\"abc\"]
input.user == \"a random user\"

$client = new Client(null, new GuzzleHttpClient(), new RequestFactory(), '', 'MyToken');

// Push a policy to the agent
$client->policyUpdate('my/api', $apiPolicy, false);

// Execute the policy
$inputs = [ 'path' => ['abc'],
'user' => 'a random user'];

$res = $client->policy('my/api', $inputs, false, false, false, false );
if ($res->getByName('allow') === true ) {
// Do stuff

### Authorization Middleware
Create the client, and add the Authorization object onto the middleware stack
use Segrax\OpenPolicyAgent\Client;
use Segrax\OpenPolicyAgent\Middleware\Authorization;

$app = AppFactory::create();

$client = new Client(null, new GuzzleHttpClient(), new RequestFactory(), '', 'MyToken');
$app->add(new Authorization(
[Authorization::OPT_POLICY => 'auth/api'],


### Distributor Middleware
Insert the middleware, it will respond to bundle requests at /opa/bundles/{service_name} for users with a valid JWT with the subfield 'opa'

use Segrax\OpenPolicyAgent\Client;
use Segrax\OpenPolicyAgent\Middleware\Distributor;

$app = AppFactory::create();

$app->add(new Distributor(
'/opa/bundles/', // Route
__DIR__ . '/opa', // Policy Path
[Distributor::OPT_AGENT_USER => 'opa'], // Token Sub Field
new StreamFactory(),

// Add a GET route for the opa bundle route
$app->get('/opa/bundles/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) {
return $response->withStatus(404);


## Code Testing
``` bash
make tests

## Security

If you discover any security related issues, please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

## License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see [License File](LICENSE.txt) for more information.