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Clojure and Clojurescript support for Gradle

clojure clojurephant clojurescript gradle gradle-clojure gradle-plugin

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Clojure and Clojurescript support for Gradle




# clojurephant

Formerly known as "gradle-clojure"


## What is this?

A Gradle plugin providing support for the Clojure and ClojureScript languages.

**NOTE:** clojurephant should not be considered stable until 1.0.0. Until then, minor versions (e.g. 0.1.0 to 0.2.0) will likely contain breaking changes.

### Clojure Features

- Packaging Clojure code (and/or AOT compiled classes) into a JAR
- Package an Uberjar (via the Gradle [Shadow plugin](
- AOT compilation
- Running clojure.test tests (integrated into Gradle's [Test task](
- Running an nREPL server (supports custom middlewares or handler)

### ClojureScript Features

**NOTE:** ClojureScript features are pretty new, so let us know if you run into issues or have ideas for improvement.

- Packaging Clojure code (or compiled JS) into a JAR or ZIP
- ClojureScript compilation (multiple builds supported)

## Why should you care?

The goal is to provide the same creature comforts that [Leiningen]( and [Boot]( do for Clojure/ClojureScript development, while also leveraging Gradle's unique features:

- Strong support for polyglot projects
- Strong support for multi-project builds
- Large [plugin ecosystem](

## Usage

See the [Release Notes]( for available versions, compatibility with Gradle, Java, and Clojure, and detailed change notes.

This plugin assumes you're using a sane layout for your Clojure code - namespaces corresponding
to your source code layout, and one namespace per file. The plugin uses the filenames to
calculate the namespaces involved, it does not parse the files looking for `ns` forms.

### Quick Start

Look at our sample projects:

- [Clojure Library](
- [Clojure Application](
- [ClojureScript Application](

#### Common Commands

- `./gradlew test` Executes your clojure.test tests (and any other JUnit tests in your build).
- `./gradlew clojureRepl` Starts an nREPL server (on a random port by default).


plugins {
id "dev.clojurephant.clojure" version ""

// You need to add clojars for the plugin to work.
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Clojars' // name can be ommitted, but is helpful in troubleshooting
url = ''

dependencies {
// requires a version of Clojure with prepl (1.10+)
implementation 'org.clojure:clojure:1.11.1'
// and any other dependencies you want on the compile classpath
// implementation 'group:artifact:version'

// needed for test integration
testRuntimeOnly 'dev.clojurephant:jovial:0.4.2'
// and any other test-specific dependencies
// testImplementation 'group:artifact:version'

// dependencies for REPL use only
devImplementation 'org.clojure:tools.namespace:1.3.0'

// needed for test integration
tasks.withType(Test) {


See all available options in the [docs](

## Getting help

Read the online Clojurephant documentation [](

For questions or support, please visit the [Clojurephant Discussions](, [ClojureVerse gradle-clojure channel]( or the [Clojurian's Slack #gradle channel](

For bug reports and feature requests, please use the repo's [issues](

## Contributing

See the [guidelines](.github/ for details on how you can contribute.

## Acknowledgements

This project started from the [cursive.clojure]( plugin by Colin Fleming (@cmf, original author) and Piotrek Bzdyl (@pbzdyl).

Thanks to John Szakmeister (@jszakmeister) for organizing a call with Gradle to get us started in the right direction.

Thanks to all [our contributors](