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Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN

evil-icons icons javascript ruby svg svg-icons

Last synced: 3 months ago
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Simple and clean SVG icon pack with the code to support Rails, Sprockets, Node.js, Gulp, Grunt and CDN





Free β€˜plug and play’ set of SVG icons designed specifically for web projects. Available as a Ruby gem, a Node.js package and

/Gulp plugins. Just use icon names with your templates and styles β€” and all the rest will be done automagically.


Made by [Alexander Madyankin] and [Roman Shamin].

Sponsored by Evil Martians

[Alexander Madyankin]:
[Roman Shamin]:

## Usage

* [Supported browsers](#supported-browsers)
* [Grunt](#grunt)
* [Gulp](#gulp)
* [CDN](#cdn)
* [Rails](#rails)
* [Sinatra](#sinatra)
* [Middleman](#middleman)
* [npm](#npm)
* [React](#react)
* [Styling](#styling)

### Supported browsers
We support IE 9+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari (desktop and mobile), Opera, Android 4+.

### Grunt
Use the [Grunt plugin](

### Gulp
Use the [Gulp plugin](

### CDN

Just include the assets into your page from CDN:



And use the icons like this:



### Rails

Add the `'evil_icons'` gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'evil_icons'

Add the Evil Icons require to your `application.css`:
*= require evil-icons

Next, you have to render the evil-icons sprite in your template (or, in your layout):
<%= evil_icons_sprite %>

Finally, you can render the icon using the `evil_icon` helper.
Here are some examples:
<%= evil_icon 'ei-search' %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-arrow-right', size: :m %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-envelope', size: :l, class: "custom-class" %>

### Sinatra

Add the `'evil_icons'` gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'evil_icons'
And require it:
require 'evil_icons'

Add the helpers to your application:
helpers EvilIcons::Helpers

Next, you have to render the evil-icons sprite in your template (or, in your layout):
<%= evil_icons_sprite %>

Finally, you can render the icon using the `evil_icon` helper.
Here are some examples:
<%= evil_icon 'ei-search' %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-arrow-right', size: :m %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-envelope', size: :l, class: "custom-class" %>

In order to use the stylesheets, you have to add Sprockets to your application.
Add `sinatra-asset-pipeline` to your Gemfile:
gem 'sinatra-asset-pipeline'

And register it:
require 'sinatra/asset_pipeline'
register Sinatra::AssetPipeline

Finally, add the Evil Icons require to your `application.css`:
*= require evil-icons

Also, you can take a look at [example app]( by [@aderyabin](

### Middleman

Add the `'evil_icons'` gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'evil_icons'

Add the Evil Icons require to your main css file eg.

*= require evil-icons

Add following to your `config.rb` to register Evil Icons helpers:

require 'evil_icons'
helpers EvilIcons::Helpers

after_configuration do

Next, you have to render evil-icons sprite in your layout similar to the
[Rails usage](#rails):

<%= evil_icons_sprite %>

And finally `evil_icon` helper renders icons just like with the [Rails](#rails):

<%= evil_icon 'ei-search' %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-arrow-right', size: :m %>
<%= evil_icon 'ei-envelope', size: :l, class: "custom-class" %>

## npm

Add the `'evil-icons'` package to your project:
npm install evil-icons

Add the Evil Icons styles to your pages:


Require `evil-icons` in your JavaScript code:
var icons = require("evil-icons")

Finally, you can render the icons in your page using helpers.
Here are some examples:
/* A string with SVG sprite */

/* Icons rendering */
icons.icon("ei-arrow-right", {size: "m"});
icons.icon("ei-envelope", {size: "l", class: "custom-class"});

### React
Use the [React component](

### Styling

Every icon has the `.icon` class and its modifier including the icon name. For example, the Facebook icon has the `.icon--ei-sc-facebook` modifier.

Also, an icon may have a size modifier. But we do recommend to change the size using helper's `size` parameter instead. Evil Icons have some predefined sizes: `s` (25x25, default), `m` (50Γ—50), `l` (100Γ—100), `xl` (150Γ—150) and `xxl` (200Γ—200). You may want to add more sizes, we recommend keeping the sizes multiple to 25.
icons.icon("ei-arrow-right", {size: "m"})

Also, you may want to add a custom class for an icon.
You can do this using the `class` parameter:
icons.icon("ei-envelope", {class: "custom-class"})

An icon's color can be changed in CSS:
.icon {
fill: green;
.icon--ei-sc-facebook {
fill: blue;

## Roadmap
* Custom icons
* More styles