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Connection pools for JDBC databases. Simple wrapper around C3P0.

c3p0 clojure clojure-jdbc connection-pool connection-pooler connection-pooling database jdbc metabase

Last synced: 2 months ago
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Connection pools for JDBC databases. Simple wrapper around C3P0.




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### Creating a Connection Pool

#### From a `` spec

You can create a C3P0 connection pool with any `` connection spec map with `:subname` and
`:subprotocol` keys. `connection-pool-spec` will return a `` connection spec you can use directly:

(require '[ :as jdbc]
'[metabase.connection-pool :as connection-pool])

;;; Create a C3P0 connection pool

(let [pool-spec (connection-pool/connection-pool-spec my-jdbc-spec)]
(jdbc/query pool-spec ["SELECT *"]))

(You will almost certainly want to store your pool somewhere, such as in an atom).

#### From a JDBC URL String:

You can create a pooled `DataSource` (e.g., for use with [`next-jdbc`]( by calling `pooled-data-source-from-url`:

(require '[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
'[metabase.connection-pool :as connection-pool])

(with-open [connection (jdbc/get-connection (connection-pool/pooled-data-source-from-url "jdbc:postgresql:localhost:3000/my_db"))]
(reduce my-fn init-value (jdbc/plan connection ["SELECT *"])))

### Configuring the connection pool

You can set connection pool options such as size in a `` file, or by passing them as a map to `connection-pool-spec`:

(def ^:private connection-pool-properties
{"maxIdleTime" (* 3 60 60)
"minPoolSize" 1
"initialPoolSize" 1
"maxPoolSize" 15})

(def my-pool-spec
(connection-pool/connection-pool-spec my-jdbc-spec connection-pool-properties))

See []( for a list of all options.

### Destroying connection pools

`destroy-connection-pool!` will destroy the connection pool you created:

(connection-pool/destroy-connection-pool! pool-spec)

### Legal Stuff

Copyright © 2019 [Metabase, Inc]( This project is licensed under the Eclipse Public License, same as Clojure.