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🐛 A go debugger for atom using delve.

atom debug debugger delve go golang

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🐛 A go debugger for atom using delve.




# [go-debug](

A go debugger for atom using [delve](


## Install

Either `apm install go-debug` or search for `go-debug` in the settings.

### Install delve

`go-debug` tries to install/download delve automatically.

If this fails you can still do it manually by using this guide:

## Usage
Use F5 to launch the debug window (the one on the right).
At selected line press F9 to set (or toggle) break point.
other [function keys](#key-bindings).

## Configuration

`go-debug` has two built-in configurations. Both work on the file/package that is currently open in atom.

* `Debug`: compile and debug the current package
* `Test`: compile and debug the tests of the current package

It's possible to create additional configurations by creating a file and setting the path in the `go-debug` setting `Configuration File`. You can even specify multiple configurations by separating the paths in this setting with commas. Relative paths will be resolved relative to the current project.

Such a configuration file looks like:

"configurations": [
{ /* a configuration */ },
{ /* another configuration */ },
// ...

Each configuration supports the following options:

// "name" is the display name in the panel (REQUIRED)
"name": "...",

// "mode" determines how to start / connect to delve (REQUIRED)
// * debug is used to debug a package
// * test debugs the tests of the package
// * remote connects to an already running headless delve session on a remote server (see "host" and "port" below)
// * exec debugs a precompiled executable (see "program" below)
"mode": "debug" | "test" | "remote" | "exec",

// used to pass arguments to the executed package / tests (e.g. "-v").
"args": ["..."],

// use this if you have to specify additional environment variables.
"env": { "": "" },

// "cwd" specifies the current working directory where delve starts from.
// This is useful if you always want to debug/test a specific package (e.g. the "main" package) but are currently working on another package
"cwd": "",

// "host" and "port" are used to modify the default port of the locally running delve server.
// If "mode" is "remote" then these define the host and port of the server where a "headless" delve is running.
"host": "localhost",
"port": 2345,

// "program" contains the path to a precompiled executable that should be debugged.
// (useful if you have a custom build chain like gb)
"program": "",

// pass additional build flags when delve compiles the package/tests.
"buildFlags": "",

// a path to the "init" file that will be executed once delve has started.
"init": "",

// turns on/off (default) the "verbose" logging for delve (useful if you encounter problems with delve or go-debug).
"showLog": true | false

All string options can make use of the following variables by using `${...}` somewhere inside the string:

// the working directory on startup of atom
cwd: "...",
// the open file (full path)
file: "...",
// the open file's basename
fileBasename: "...",
// the open file's dirname
fileDirname: "...",
// the open file's extension
fileExtname: "...",
// the open file relative to the "workspaceRoot" variable
relativeFile: "...",
// the full path of the project root folder
workspaceRoot: "...",
// this contains all environment variables known to atom including the "env" variables from above.
// They can be used like so "${env.GOPATH}/src/..."
env: { "": "" }

_Note: `go-debug` also supports the configuration for vscode which are stored in `.vscode/launch.json`. But be aware that not all configurations might work!_

### Examples

Always debug the `cmd` of your program wherever you are right now in your code and add some arguments and environment variables:
"name": "Debug cmd",
"mode": "debug",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/cmd",
"args": ["--connection=sql"],
"env": {

Start tests with verbose flag:
"name": "Verbose Test",
"mode": "test",
"args": ["-test.v"]

## Key bindings

* `f5` starts the current selected configuration
* `shift-f5` restarts the current delve session (`r / restart`)
* `f6` stops delve (`exit / quit / q`)
* `f8` continue the execution (`c / continue`)
* `f9` toggle breakpoint
* `f10` step over to next source line (`n / next`)
* `f11` step into functions (`s / step`)
* `shift-f11` step out of functions (`stepOut`)
* `cmd-k cmd-g` (mac) / `ctrl-k ctrl-g` (others) toggles the main panel

## Links

* Gopher community on slack: [![Slack](](
Questions? Use the `go-plus` channel or send me direct messages