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LCU API wrapper for League of Legends

esm hexgate javascript lcu lcu-api league-of-legends node-esm nodenext riot-games riot-games-api typescript typescript-library

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

LCU API wrapper for League of Legends




# Hexgate

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[Hexgate]( is a work-in-progress LCU suite. It is **not** endorsed by Riot Games. You can find out more about what that means [here]( Thank you Riot ❤️ for keeping the LCU open. If you have any questions, feel free to join the [cuppachino discord](

Please refer to the [wiki]( for more info.

## Installation

Add it to your own project using your favorite package manager.

pnpm add hexgate

npm i hexgate

yarn add hexgate

### ESM

import { ... } from "hexgate"

### CJS

import hexgate = require("hexgate")
const { ... } = hexgate

## Authentication

Wait for the client by passing the [`auth`]( function to the [`poll`]( utility.

import { auth, poll } from "hexgate"

const credentials = await poll(auth)

Opt-out of safe authentication by explicity passing an `undefined` certifcate.

const unsafeCredentials = await auth({ certificate: undefined })

Once you have the credentials, you can create a new [`Hexgate`](./src/modules/hexgate/index.ts) and [`LcuClient`](./src/modules/websocket/index.ts).

import { Hexgate as HttpsClient, LcuClient as WsClient } from "hexgate"

const httpsClient = new HttpsClient(credentials)
const websocketClient = new WsClient(credentials)

Working with multiple clients? Get get `all` credentials.

import { auth, createHexgate, createLcuClient, poll, zip } from 'hexgate'

const credentials = await poll(() => auth({ all: true }))

// ~ some multi-connection interface
const clients = new Set(

## Builder API

The simplest way of getting started is to "`.build`" a request function. The builder uses generics to infer the parameters and return type of the request.

import { Hexgate as HttpsClient } from 'hexgate'

const https = new HttpsClient(credentials)

// (arg: string[], init?: any) => Promise>
const getSummonersFromNames = https

const summoner = await getSummonersByName(['dubbleignite'])

## Websocket Events

Subscribe to LCU events through the client.

import { LcuClient as WsClient } from 'hexgate'

const ws = new WsClient(credentials)

({ data, eventType, uri }) => {
// side effects

> Note: Since many endpoints will subscribe you to multiple uris, its difficult to provide meaningful type inference for the data property. Import `LcuComponents` type when necessary and/or open a PR to improve typings - which would be greatly appreciated! I'm just improving types as I need them.

## ⚡️ Connection

The [`Connection`]( class further abstracts `Hexgate` & `LcuClient` and handles authentication between client shutdowns. Configuration is optional.

import { Connection } from 'hexgate'

const client = new Connection({
// Recipe API (createRecipe or recipe)
createRecipe({ build, unwrap }) {
return {
getCurrentSummoner: unwrap(
// Propagate status to browser windows.
onStatusChange(status) {
emit('status', status)
// Init
async onConnect(con) {'OnJsonApiEvent_lol-champ-select_v1_session', handleChampSelect)
const summoner = await con.recipe.getCurrentSummoner(), `Welcome, ${summoner.displayName}`)
// Automatically reconnect
async onDisconnect(discon) {
await sleep(4000)
// Authentication interval
interval: 2000,
// Bring any logger
logger: pino({
name: 'main' as const


The `Connection` class supports recipes, define a `recipe: Recipe` or a `createRecipe: RecipeApiFn` method in the `ConnectionConfig` constructor argument.

import { Connection, createRecipe } from 'hexgate'

const recipe = createRecipe(({ build }) => ({/*...*/}))
const client = new Connection({

import { Connection } from 'hexgate'

const client = new Connection({
createRecipe({ build }) { return {/*...*/} }

## Recipe API

[`createRecipe`]( is a higher-order function for transforming a request's parameters and response. It is a useful tool for morphing the LCU's API into your own. There are several ways to use the functions provided by the callback, and we'll take a look at each one.

### Intro

#### Step 1: Create a recipe

This is identical to the builder API, except the request function isn't built until a hexgate instance is given to the recipe. This is useful for modeling requests ahead of time for usage in other places.

import { createRecipe } from "hexgate"

* (httpsClient: T) =>
* (arg: string[], init?: RequestInit) =>
* Promise>
const getSummonersFromNamesRecipe = createRecipe(({ build }) =>

#### Step 2: Once you have a recipe, you just need to pass it a `Hexgate`.

const getSummonersFromNames = getSummonersFromNamesRecipe(httpsClient)

const summoners = await getSummonersFromNames(['dubbleignite'])

### 🦋 Transforming requests

Use [`wrap`](, `from`, `to`, and `unwrap` to design your api.

const summonersRecipe = createRecipe(({ build, wrap, from, to, unwrap }) => ({
getSummoners: {
* Default for reference.
* (arg: { ids?: string; }, init?: RequestInit) => Promise>
v2SummonersDefault: build('/lol-summoner/v2/summoners')

* unwrap extracts the data property from an ApiResponse.
* (arg: { ids?: string }, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<{...}>
v2SummonersAwaited: unwrap(

* wrap let's us overwrite the parameters type by supplying conversion functions.
* (summonerIds: (number | `${number}`)[], init?: RequestInit | undefined) => Promise<{...}>
fromSummonerIds: wrap(
// The return type of `from` is constrained by the expected return type of the function being wrapped.
from(summonerIds: Array<`${number}` | number>, init?) {
return [{ ids: JSON.stringify(summonerIds) }, init];
// awaits data similarly to `unwrap`

### ⚒️ `Recipe`, `RecipeApiFn`, and `CreateWithRecipe`

Some features have options that accept a [`Recipe`](, the product of `createRecipe`, or a [`RecipeApiFn`](, the api argument expected by `createRecipe`. You can achieve similar functionality in your own code by extending [`CreateWithRecipe`]( or implementing its overloaded constructor signature.

import type { CreateWithRecipe } from 'hexgate'

class Foo extends CreateWithRecipe {}
new Foo(recipe)
new Foo((recipeApi) => "your recipe" as const)

### Exporting recipes

If you want to export a recipe, you *might* get a type error. This is because the return type of `createRecipe` is inferred with references to `@cuppachino/openapi-fetch` and `node-fetch-commonjs`. To fix this, install the packages as dev dependencies and apply one of the following solutions to your `tsconfig.json`:

#### Map paths (Recommended)

Use this option if you are making a library.

"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@cuppachino/openapi-fetch": ["./node_modules/@cuppachino/openapi-fetch"],
"node-fetch-commonjs": ["./node_modules/node-fetch-commonjs"]

#### Add types to the global scope (apps)

This *can* be used in applications, but it's not recommended.

"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@cuppachino/openapi-fetch", "node-fetch-commonjs"]

## Additional features

### LcuValue

The [`LcuValue`]( class implements [`Update`]( and [`CreateWithRecipe`]( It's useful for caching data retrieved from the LCU.

import { Connection, LcuValue, type OperationResponses } from 'hexgate'

type LolOwnedChampionsMinimal =

class ChampionLookup extends LcuValue {
constructor() {
super(({ build, unwrap }) =>

championById(id: string | number | undefined) {
return this.inner?.find((c) => === Number(id ?? 0))

const champions = new ChampionLookup()

const client = new Connection({
async onConnect(con) {
await champions.update(con.https)
champions.championById(1) satisfies
| Partial[number]


## Development

This package uses [pnpm]( to manage dependencies. If you don't have pnpm, it can be installed globally using `npm`, `yarn`, `brew`, or `scoop`, as well as some other options. Check out the [pnpm documentation]( for more information.

pnpm i