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Payment request API implementation in Stenciljs

component payment stencil stenciljs typescript web

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Payment request API implementation in Stenciljs




![Built With Stencil](

# wc-payment

wc-payment is a web component built with [Stencil]( that allows you to use the [Payment Request API](


## Getting Started

To try this component:

git clone [email protected]:Fdom92/stencil-payment.git
cd my-app
git remote rm origin

and run:

npm install
npm start

## Using this component

### Script tag

- Put `` in the head of your index.html
- Then you can use the element like this:



### Node Modules
- Run `npm install stencil-payment --save`
- Put a script tag similar to this `

## Parameters

### methodData

You need to pass the list of payment methods:

var methodData = [
supportedMethods: ["visa", "mastercard"]

At the moment payment api only accept this cards:

- amex
- diners
- discover
- jcb
- maestro
- mastercard
- unionpay
- visa

### details

You need to pass the details of the transaction, an object with displayItems and the total object with the final value:

var details = {
displayItems: [
label: "Original donation amount",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "65.00" }, // US$65.00
label: "Friends and family discount",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "-10.00" }, // -US$10.00
pending: true // The price is not determined yet
total: {
label: "Total",
amount: { currency: "USD", value : "55.00" }, // US$55.00

### options

You can also get the email address, phone number or name of a user when configuring the options object:

var options = {
requestShipping: true,
requestPayerEmail: true,
requestPayerPhone: true,
requestPayerName: true

## Events

### paymentFailed

You can listen to this event to know when the payment was unsucessfull:

element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');
element.addEventListener("paymentFailed", () => {});

### paymentSucceeded

You can listen to this event to know when the payment was sucessfull:

element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');
element.addEventListener("paymentSucceeded", () => {});

## Methods

### show

You can show the payment request anytime with the `show` method like this:

element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');;

This way you can bind this function to your own pay button or wherever you want.

### abort

You can abort the transaction with the `abort` method anytime due to some error.

element = document.querySelector('wc-payment');