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R & Stats Books and Websites that I think are good.

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R & Stats Books and Websites that I think are good.




# Note about Stars

- Three Stars = Excellent
- Two Stars = Great
- One Star = Good
- No Star = Still useful, but save for last

## Learning R
- [Hands On Programming in R]( :star: :star:
- [Slow R]( :star: :star: :star:

# R & Stats Books and Websites that I think are good (2019 Version)

# Note about Stars

- No Star = Good
- Star = Excellent

## Contents
- [R with Stats](#R-With-Stats)
- [R Without Stats](#R-Without-Stats)
- [Books](#books)
- [Data Visualization Books](#data-visualization-books)
- [Coding Books](#Coding-books)
- [R Markdown](#R-Markdown)
- [Online Resources](#Online-Resources)
- [List of R code](#List-of-R-code)
- [Statistical Code](#Statistical-code)
- [R Code](#R-code)
- [Staistics Without R](#statistics-without-r)
- [Research Design](#Research-design)
- [Dissertation Websites](#Dissertation-Websites)

## R With Stats
- [ Math camp] (
- [nice courses](
- [useful](
- [Intro to linear regression in R](
- [NYU carpentry - more]( - episodes
- [NYU carpentry - good] ( - click on episodes.
- [Intro to R Workshop]( - :star: good stats stuff here too
- [R Bootcamp]( - also some good stats tutorials here :star:
- [UCLA R & Stats Website]( :star: :star: :star:
- [University of Cincinnati R programming guide]( - Click on top left to see all Info. :star:
- [Using R for introductory econometircs]( - SHowing how to do everything in wooldridge in R. :star:
- [Swirl](
- [R Course](
- [Advanced quant methods]( - The courses (1-11) are very well done. Worth going through the slides and .rmd :star:
- [R workshops from harvard]( - Four short and concise courses. Regression, graphics, data wrangling. :star:
- [Categorical Regression Models]( :star:
- [Biol 355/356: Intro to Data Science for Biology]( :star:
- [GLM]( :star:
- [Learning Statistics With R]( :star:
- [Time Series R]( :star:
- [Simple linear regression]( :star:
- [more nyu r learning](
- [Math Prefresher for poli sci studnets]( :star:
- [Advanced statistics course]( :star:
- [Notes to accompany the videos]( :star:
- [Answering questions with Data]( :star: - Doesn't even get to OLS, but what it does go over, it does well.
- [Regression Models for Data science in R](
- [Data Science Specialization Course notes]( - :star:
- [Statistical Inference for data science]( - Very basic, but what it describes, it describes it well. Doesnt even do OLS. :star:
- [GLM]( - The R logs are quite good :star:
- [MSc Conversion in Psychological Studies/Science]( :star:
- [Quick-R]( :star:
- [An Introduction to R]( :star:
- [Data Skills for Reproducible Scinece]( - Goes over working with Data and Stats :star:
- [Interactive data viz](
- [Nice R Site](
- [Good stuff here](
- [Organized list of good youtube videos]( :star:
- [Good youtube series]( :star:
- [Econometrics in R]( :star:
- [Intro to Econometrics with R]( :star:
- [Logit, probit and multinomial logit in R]( :star:
- [some useful R tutorials here]( :star:
- [Linear Regression with R]( :star:
- [Intro to data analysis]( :star:
- [R and Statistics]( :star:
- [Getting Started in R]( :star:
- [YaRrr the pirates guide to R]( :star:
- [Interpreting ols output in R]( :star:
- [Learning Statistics in R]( :star:
- [Practical Regression and Anova using R]( - Old but seems like it would still be useful.
- [Interesting book](
- [R course] (
- [Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration: 4th Edition With Applications in R](
- [Introduction to Quantitative Methods in R]( - Most advanced it gets is OLS.
- [Regression analysis in R](
- [Good Econometric Course](
- Notes (
- [Multiple linear regression R](
- [Data analysis and predictin algorithms with r](
- [Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics](
- [Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R](
- [Applied Econometrics with R](
- [statstools](
- [Good Youtube two minute tutorials](
- [Purdue R tutorial](
- [Quantitative Analysis - Applied Inferential Statistics](
- [Open data science masters](
- [Modeling Social Data](
- [(Very) basic steps to weight a survey sample](
- [Step by Step how to analyze public datasets]( - includes ANES
- [Intro to data science](
- [CUrated listed of how to learn R](
## R Without Stats
### Books
#### Coding Books
- [R for the rest of us](
- [What they forgot to teach you about R](
- [Nice R and data viz courses](
-[ An introduction to data cleaning with R]( :star:
- [Advanced R]( :star:
- [ R Programming for Data Science]( :star:
- [Introduction to Data Science]( :star:
- [Efficient R programming]( :star:
- [R for data science]( :star:
- [Exploratory data analysis with R]( :star:
- [R-Data Analysis & Visualization In Science]( :star:
- [Intro to R Workshop]( - :star: good stats stuff here too
- [R Bootcamp]( - also some good stats tutorials here :star:
- [some nyu courses]( -the class materials are good (intro, wrangling, data viz). download the rmarkdown and your good. :star:
- [An introduction to Data Cleaning with R]( :star:
- [RStudio Primers]( :star:
- [R For Psychological Science]( - Goes over basic R stuff, like loops, really well. :star:
- [an introduction to R for non-programmers]( :star:
- [Programming with R]( :star:
- [Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R]( :star:
- [Data Cleaning]( :star:
- [Data cleaning tricks]( :star:
- [Hands-On Programming with R]( :star:
- [Github for the R user]( :star:
- [Slow Intro to R]( :star:
- [Intro to R](
- [Ton of R courses](
- [An Introduction to R](
- [Introduction to Data Exploration and Analysis with R](
- [R for academics](
- [Data science for psychologists](
- [Importing and Cleaning Data in R: Case Studies](
##### R Markdown
- [How to start a bookdown book](
- [R for reproducible scientific analysis](
- [Has some useful R markdown tips](
- [Manuscripts in Rmarkdown](
- [Youtube Video about R markdown](
- [Official R markdown site with tutorial](
- [How to R markdown](
- [topics in R]( -some good markdown stuff
- [R Markdown Basics](
- [Slides](
- [Markdown tutorial](
- [R Markdown video](
- [bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown](
- [Intro to R Markdown](
- [Pimp my Rmarkdown](
- [R Markdown: The definitive guide](
- [R markdwon for scientists](
- [R markdown cookbook](
#### Data Visualization Books
- [some nyu courses]( -the class materials are good (intro, wrangling, data viz). download the rmarkdown and your good. :star:
- [R graphics - an idiots guide](
- [BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics](
- [Fundamentals of Data Visualization](
- [Data viz book] (
### Online Resources
- [R Tips]( - Basically R FAQ.
- [Various R tutorials](
- [Package to Teach you R](
- [Rtips](
- [Cool R shiny apps](
- [RWeekly](
- [CRANberries]( - info about new packages
- [R FAQ](
- [How to get help in R](
- [Most useful R tricks](
- [Useful slack group for questions](
- [Stack-Overflow R Resourcees](

### List of R Code
#### Statistical Code
- [R Codebook]( :star:
- [R code examples for a number of common data analysis tasks]( - This is very good. Basically shows how to do code for common things we do.:star:
- [Learn R](
- [a compendium of r commands to teach statistics]( :star:
- [R Functions for Reegression Analysis] ( :star:
- [Common R commands used in Data Analysis and Statistical Inference](
#### R Code
- [Good R reference card]( :star:
- [Psychometric Models and Methods]( :star:
- [How to do Econometric Stats in R]( :star:
- [How to do 604 Stats in R]( :star:
- [How to deal with missing data in R]( :star:
- [How Do I?... In R]( - :star:
- [R Cheat Sheet]( :star:
- [R Cheat Sheet]( :star:
- [R <-> Stata](
- [Modern R with tidyverse](
### Statistics Without R
- [good stuff in courses](
- [Math Prefresher for political science students]( :star:
- [Basic Statistics]( :star:
- [Advanced Data Analysisfrom an Elementary Point of View]( :star:
- [StatTrek]( :star:
- [Introduction to mathematics for political scientists]( :star:
- [Good List of workshops from Cornell]( :star:
- [Econometric Academy]( :star:
- [JB statistics]( :star:
- [statquest]( :star:
- [GLM and multilevel models]( :star:
- [Duke Math Camp]( :star:

## other
- [Machine learning course](
- [Version control w git hub, learn it ehre](
- [Links to r resources](
- [Courses](
- [600 R websites](
- [ML tutorioal](
## Research Design
- [Research design course from LSE](

## Dissertation Websites
- [Advice](
- [Writing your thesis with r markdown](
- [Dissertating with Bookdown](
- [One year to dissertate](