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A GraphQL client for Elixir

elixir elixir-lang elixir-library graphql graphql-client hex

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

A GraphQL client for Elixir





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A GraphQL client for Elixir.

## Index

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Running Locally](#running-locally)
- [Contributing](#contributing)

## Installation

def deps do
{:neuron, "~> 5.1.0"}

## JSON library

Neuron defaults to using Jason for JSON encoding and decoding. To use Jason, add it to your deps:

{:jason, "~> 1.1"}

It is also possible to customize which JSON library that is used:

Neuron.Config.set(json_library: AnotherJSONLibrary)

## Connection

Neuron defaults to using HTTP(S) protocol with HTTPoison for Connecting to GraphQL endpoint. You can however customize that behaviour, by providing custom library, which should implement Neuron.Connection behaviour:

defmodule MyConnection do
@behaviour Neuron.Connection

@impl Neuron.Connection
def call(body, options) do
IO.inspect("NEURON CALLED"), options)

Then set it up in config:

Neuron.Config.set(connection_module: MyConnection)

## Usage

iex> Neuron.Config.set(url: "")

iex> Neuron.query("""
films {

Response will be:

{:ok, %Neuron.Response{body: %{"data" => %{"films" => %{ "count": 123 }}}, status_code: 200, headers: []}}

You can also run mutations:

iex> Neuron.query("""
mutation createUser($name: String!) {
createUser(name: $name) {
%{name: "uesteibar"}

You can also set url and headers as shown below:

iex> Neuron.query("""
mutation createUser($name: String!) {
createUser(name: $name) {
%{name: "uesteibar"},
url: "",
headers: [authorization: "Bearer "]

### Overriding HTTP Timeout
`HTTPoison` default timeout is 5000ms, in case we need to handle longer timeout, using default `Neuron.Connection` module, we could set `connection_opts` which will be passed to `HTTPoison`. So to override timeout to 15000ms, we could do:

iex> Neuron.Config.set(url: "", connection_opts: [recv_timeout: 15_000])

iex> Neuron.query("""
films {

We can also set the timeout for a single request by passing the `connection_opts` to `Neuron.query/3` instead:

iex> Neuron.query("...", %{}, connection_opts: [recv_timeout: 15_000])

More extensive documentation can be found at [](

## Running locally

Clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:uesteibar/neuron.git

Install dependencies:

cd neuron
mix deps.get

To run the tests:

mix test

## Style guide

Code is formatted with `mix format` and `mix credo` should not show warnings.

To format the code and run static code analysis with credo

mix format
mix credo

## Contributing

Pull requests are always welcome =)

The project uses [standard-changelog]( to update the [Changelog]( with each commit message and upgrade the package version.
For that reason every contribution should have a title and body that follows the [conventional commits standard]( conventions (e.g. `feat(connection): Make it smarter than Jarvis`).

To make this process easier, you can do the following:

Install `commitizen` and `cz-conventional-changelog` globally:

npm i -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog

Save `cz-conventional-changelog` as default:

echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc

Instead of `git commit`, you can now run:

git cz

and follow the instructions to generate the commit message.

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2017 Unai Esteibar

This software is released under the [Internet Systems Consortium License](./