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Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development

android gradle-plugin ios kotlin kotlin-compiler-plugin kotlin-multiplatform kotlin-native moko ui ui-dsl

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Multiplatform UI DSL with screen management in common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development




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# Mobile Kotlin widgets
This is a Kotlin MultiPlatform library that provides declarative UI and application screens management
in common code. You can implement full application for Android and iOS only from common code with it.

## Sample Screen

|![Sample Android](|![Sample iOS](|

Code of screen structure:

class LoginScreen(
private val theme: Theme,
private val loginViewModelFactory: () -> LoginViewModel
) : WidgetScreen() {

override fun createContentWidget() = with(theme) {
val viewModel = getViewModel(loginViewModelFactory)

constraint(size = WidgetSize.AsParent) {
val logoImage = +image(
size = WidgetSize.Const(SizeSpec.WrapContent, SizeSpec.WrapContent),
image = const(Image.resource(MR.images.logo)),
scaleType = ImageWidget.ScaleType.FIT

val emailInput = +input(
size = WidgetSize.WidthAsParentHeightWrapContent,
id = Id.EmailInputId,
label = const("Email".desc() as StringDesc),
field = viewModel.emailField,
inputType = InputType.PHONE
val passwordInput = +input(
size = WidgetSize.WidthAsParentHeightWrapContent,
id = Id.PasswordInputId,
label = const("Password".desc() as StringDesc),
field = viewModel.passwordField
val loginButton = +button(
size = WidgetSize.Const(SizeSpec.AsParent, SizeSpec.Exact(50f)),
content = ButtonWidget.Content.Text("Login".desc())),
onTap = viewModel::onLoginPressed

val registerButton = +button(
id = Id.RegistrationButtonId,
size = WidgetSize.Const(SizeSpec.WrapContent, SizeSpec.Exact(40f)),
content = ButtonWidget.Content.Text("Registration".desc())),
onTap = viewModel::onRegistrationPressed

val copyrightText = +text(
size = WidgetSize.WrapContent,
text = const("IceRock Development")

constraints {
passwordInput centerYToCenterY root
passwordInput leftRightToLeftRight root offset 16

emailInput bottomToTop passwordInput offset 8
emailInput leftRightToLeftRight root offset 16

loginButton topToBottom passwordInput
loginButton leftRightToLeftRight root

registerButton topToBottom loginButton
registerButton rightToRight root

// logo image height must be automatic ?
logoImage centerXToCenterX root
top =,
bottom =

copyrightText centerXToCenterX root
copyrightText bottomToBottom root.safeArea offset 8

object Id {
object EmailInputId : InputWidget.Id
object PasswordInputId : InputWidget.Id
object RegistrationButtonId : ButtonWidget.Id

Code of theme:
val loginScreen = Theme(baseTheme) {
factory[ConstraintWidget.DefaultCategory] = ConstraintViewFactory(
padding = PaddingValues(16f),
background = Background(
fill = Fill.Solid(Colors.white)

factory[InputWidget.DefaultCategory] = SystemInputViewFactory(
margins = MarginValues(bottom = 8f),
underLineColor = Color(0x000000DD),
underLineFocusedColor = Color(0x3949ABFF),
labelTextStyle = TextStyle(
size = 12,
color = Color(0x3949ABFF),
fontStyle = FontStyle.BOLD
errorTextStyle = TextStyle(
size = 12,
color = Color(0xB00020FF),
fontStyle = FontStyle.BOLD
textStyle = TextStyle(
size = 16,
color = Color(0x000000FF),
fontStyle = FontStyle.MEDIUM

val corners = platformSpecific(android = 8f, ios = 25f)

factory[ButtonWidget.DefaultCategory] = SystemButtonViewFactory(
margins = MarginValues(top = 32f),
background = {
val bg: (Color) -> Background = {
fill = Fill.Solid(it),
shape = Shape.Rectangle(
cornerRadius = corners
normal = bg(Color(0x6770e0FF)),
pressed = bg(Color(0x6770e0EE)),
disabled = bg(Color(0x6770e0BB))
textStyle = TextStyle(
color = Colors.white

factory[LoginScreen.Id.RegistrationButtonId] = SystemButtonViewFactory(
background = {
val bg: (Color) -> Background = {
fill = Fill.Solid(it),
shape = Shape.Rectangle(
cornerRadius = corners
normal = bg(Color(0xFFFFFF00)),
pressed = bg(Color(0xE7E7EEEE)),
disabled = bg(Color(0x000000BB))
margins = MarginValues(top = 16f),
textStyle = TextStyle(
color = Color(0x777889FF)
androidElevationEnabled = false

## Table of Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Versions](#versions)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Samples](#samples)
- [Set Up Locally](#setup-locally)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Features
- **compliance with platform rules**;
- **declare structure, not rendering**;
- **compile-time safety**;
- **reactive data handling**.

## Requirements
- Gradle version 6.8+
- Android API 16+
- iOS version 11.0+

## Installation
root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {

project build.gradle
dependencies {

commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-bottomsheet:0.2.4") // show bottom sheets
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-collection:0.2.4") // collection widget
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-datetime-picker:0.2.4") // show datepicker
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-image-network:0.2.4") // images with load from url
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-sms:0.2.4") // input with sms autofill
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-media:0.2.4") // moko-media integration
commonMainApi("dev.icerock.moko:widgets-permissions:0.2.4") // moko-permissions integration

### Codegen for new Widgets with @WidgetDef
root build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {

dependencies {
classpath "dev.icerock.moko.widgets:gradle-plugin:0.2.4"

project build.gradle
apply plugin: "" // must apply before kotlin-multiplatform plugin

## Usage
### Hello world
Multiplatform application definition at `mpp-library/src/commonMain/kotlin/App.kt`:
class App : BaseApplication() {
override fun setup(): ScreenDesc {
val theme = Theme()

return registerScreen(HelloWorldScreen::class) { HelloWorldScreen(theme) }

Screen definition `mpp-library/src/commonMain/kotlin/HelloWorldScreen.kt`:
class HelloWorldScreen(
private val theme: Theme
) : WidgetScreen() {

override fun createContentWidget() = with(theme) {
container(size = WidgetSize.AsParent) {
center {
size = WidgetSize.WrapContent,
text = const("Hello World!")


|![HelloWorld Android](|![HelloWorld iOS](|

### Configure styles
Setup theme config:
val theme = Theme {
factory[TextWidget.DefaultCategory] = SystemTextViewFactory(
textStyle = TextStyle(
size = 24,
color =
padding = PaddingValues(padding = 16f)

|![Custom style Android](|![Custom style iOS](|

### Bind data to UI
class TimerScreen(
private val theme: Theme
) : WidgetScreen() {
override fun createContentWidget(): Widget> {
val viewModel = getViewModel { TimerViewModel() }

return with(theme) {
container(size = WidgetSize.AsParent) {
center {
size = WidgetSize.WrapContent,
text = viewModel.text

class TimerViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val iteration = MutableLiveData(0)
val text: LiveData = { it.toString().desc() }

init {
viewModelScope.launch {
while (isActive) {
iteration.value = iteration.value + 1

## Samples
Please see more examples in the [sample directory](sample).

## Set Up Locally
- The [widgets directory](widgets) contains the `widgets` library;
- The [widgets-bottomsheet directory](widgets-bottomsheet) contains the `widgets-bottomsheet` library;
- The [widgets-sms directory](widgets-sms) contains the `widgets-sms` library;
- The [widgets-datetime-picker directory](widgets-datetime-picker) contains the `datetime-picker` library;
- The [widgets-collection directory](widgets-collection) contains the `collection` library;
- The [gradle-plugin directory](gradle-plugin) contains the gradle-plugin which apply compiler plugins for Native and JVM;
- The [kotlin-plugin directory](kotlin-plugin) contains the JVM compiler plugin with code-generation from @WidgetDef annotation;
- The [kotlin-native-plugin directory](kotlin-native-plugin) contains the Native compiler plugin with code-generation from @WidgetDef annotation;
- The [kotlin-common-plugin directory](kotlin-common-plugin) contains the common code of JVM and Native compiler plugins;
- The [sample directory](sample) contains sample apps for Android and iOS; plus the mpp-library connected to the apps;
- For local testing a library use:
- `./`
- `cd sample/ios-app`
- `pod install`
- sample apps priority use the locally published version
- run android from `Android Studio` - module `android-app`, run iOS from xcode workspace `sample/ios-app/ios-app.xcworkspace`

## Contributing
All development (both new features and bug fixes) is performed in the `develop` branch. This way `master` always contains the sources of the most recently released version. Please send PRs with bug fixes to the `develop` branch. Documentation fixes in the markdown files are an exception to this rule. They are updated directly in `master`.

The `develop` branch is pushed to `master` on release.

For more details on contributing please see the [contributing guide](

## License

Copyright 2019 IceRock MAG Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.