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Bitcoin library for microcontrollers. Supports Arduino, mbed, bare metal.

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Bitcoin library for microcontrollers. Supports Arduino, mbed, bare metal.




# Micro-Bitcoin

C++ Bitcoin library for 32-bit microcontrollers. The library supports [Arduino IDE](, [ARM mbed]( and bare metal.

It provides a collection of convenient classes for Bitcoin: private and public keys, HD wallets, generation of the recovery phrases, PSBT transaction formats, scripts — everything required for a hardware wallet or other bitcoin-powered device.

The library should work on any decent 32-bit microcontroller, like esp32, riscV, stm32 series and others. It *doesn't work* on 8-bit microcontrollers like a classic Arduino as these microcontrollers are not powerful enough to run complicated crypto algorithms.

We use elliptic curve implementation from [trezor-crypto]( API is inspired by [Jimmy Song's]( Porgramming Blockchain class and the [book](

## Documentation

Check out our [tutorial]( where we write a minimal hardware wallet, or browse the [API docs]( We also have a collection of [recepies]( for some common use-cases.

Telegram group:

## Alternative libraries

[DIY Bitcoin Hardware website]( has a nice collection of bitcoin-related projects, resources and libraries for makers.

A few bitcoin libraries:

- [secp256k1]( — elliptic curve library from Bitcoin Core and a [version]( working with Arduino IDE & Mbed out of the box.
- [libwally]( - bitcoin library from Blockstream and a [version]( working with Arduino IDE.
- [f469-disco]( - micropython bitcoin bundle for STM Discovery board and other platforms.

## Installation

The library is [available]( in the Arduino Library manager, or you can download and install it manually.

[Download]( the zip file from our [repository]( and select in Arduino IDE `Sketch` → `Include library` → `Add .ZIP library...`.

Or clone it into your `Documents/Arduino/libraries` folder:

git clone

When installed you will also see a few examples in `File` → `Examples` → `Bitcoin` menu.

## Basic usage example

First, don't forget to include necessary headers:

// we use these two in our sketch:
#include "Bitcoin.h"
#include "PSBT.h" // if using PSBT functionality
// other headers of the library
#include "Conversion.h" // to get access to functions like toHex() or fromBase64()
#include "Hash.h" // if using hashes in your code

Now we can write a simple example that does the following:

1. Creates a master private key from a recovery phrase and empty password
2. Derives account and prints master public key for a watch-only wallet (`zpub` in this case)
3. Derives and print first segwit address
4. Parses, signs and prints signed PSBT transaction

// derive master private key
HDPrivateKey hd("add good charge eagle walk culture book inherit fan nature seek repair", "");
// derive native segwit account (bip-84) for tesnet
HDPrivateKey account = hd.derive("m/84'/1'/0'/");
// print xpub: vpub5YkPqVJTA7gjK...AH2rXvcAe3p781G
// or change the account type to UNKNOWN_TYPE to get tpub
HDPublicKey xpub = account.xpub();
xpub.type = UNKNOWN_TYPE;
// this time prints tpubDCnYy4Ty...dL4fLKsBFjFQwz
// set back correct type to get segwit addresses by default
xpub.type = P2WPKH;

// print first address: tb1q6c8m3whsag5zadgl32nmhuf9q0qmtklws25n6g

PSBT tx;
// parse unsigned transaction
// sign with the root key
// print signed transaction

Ready for more? Check out the [tutorial]( and start writing your very own hardware wallet!