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Emoji Keyboard for iOS

emoji emoji-keyboard swift

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Emoji Keyboard for iOS




![ISEmojiView logo](/[email protected])
[![Carthage Compatible](](
[![SPM supported](")](

English | [中文](/

An easy to use Emoji keyboard for iOS.

Has been rewritten with swift, the old *Objective-C* version on branch [oc](

## Features

- [x] Written in Swift
- [x] Custom emojis
- [x] Multiple skin tone support ( 🏻 🏼 🏽 🏾 🏿 )
- [x] Categories bottom bar (like iOS system emoji Keyboard)
- [x] Recently used emoji
- [x] Dark Mode ([#58](
- [x] SwiftUI support.

## Example

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first.

## Requirements

- Swift 5
- iOS8+
- Xcode 10

## Useage

### Installation

#### Swift Package Manager

via [Swift Package Manager]( Install to your project,Add in Package.swift:

.package(name: "ISEmojiView", url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.3.0")),

In Xcode:

- File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
- Add
- Select "Up to Next Major" with "0.3.0"

#### Cocoapods

# Swift
pod 'ISEmojiView'

# Objective-C (Deprecated)
pod 'ISEmojiView', '0.0.1'

#### Carthage

github "isaced/ISEmojiView"

### Import

import ISEmojiView

### Initialization

let keyboardSettings = KeyboardSettings(bottomType: .categories)
let emojiView = EmojiView(keyboardSettings: keyboardSettings)
emojiView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
emojiView.delegate = self
textView.inputView = emojiView

### Delegate

Implement ``

// callback when tap a emoji on keyboard
func emojiViewDidSelectEmoji(_ emoji: String, emojiView: EmojiView) {

// callback when tap change keyboard button on keyboard
func emojiViewDidPressChangeKeyboardButton(_ emojiView: EmojiView) {
textView.inputView = nil
textView.keyboardType = .default

// callback when tap delete button on keyboard
func emojiViewDidPressDeleteBackwardButton(_ emojiView: EmojiView) {

// callback when tap dismiss button on keyboard
func emojiViewDidPressDismissKeyboardButton(_ emojiView: EmojiView) {

### Customize

#### KeyboardSettings

This is a class to desribe keyboard settings. Available properties:

- `bottomType` - type of bottom view. Available variants: `.pageControl`, `.categories`. See `BottomType` enum. Default `.pageControl`.
- `customEmojis` - array of custom emojis. To describe emojis you have to use `EmojiCategory` class.
- `isShowPopPreview` - long press to pop preview effect like iOS10 system emoji keyboard. Default is true.
- `countOfRecentsEmojis` - the max number of recent emojis, if set 0, nothing will be shown. Default is 50.
- `needToShowAbcButton` - need to show change keyboard button. This button is located in `Categories` bottom view.

## Others

If you are looking for a React Native solution, take a look at this [brendan-rius/react-native-emoji-keyboard](

## License