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A BDD library for Elixir developers

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A BDD library for Elixir developers




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# Exkorpion

**An Elixir framework to do testing in a BDD way**

## Installation

Library is [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

1. Add `exkorpion` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
[{:exkorpion, "~> 0.0.3"}]

In case of you don't have a elixir environment ready to code, please have a look at the below links:

- [Elixir installation](
- [Mix introduction](
- [Mix dependencies](

## Exkorpion goals

- It wraps ExUnit and enhances their features providing developers with a BDD syntax.

- It helps us to write tests wasy-to-read.

- It is completely compatible with ExUnit.

- It force us to structure our tests in steps (given-when-then)

- It is based on a functional syntax, organization our tests steps by anonymous functions.

- It is not coupled to any other framework.

## Getting started

### Exkorpion syntax

As was mentioned on the above Exkorpion is mainly oriented to a bdd syntax:

**scenario**: A scenario groups multiple cases that test a functionality works as expected. By using scenario we achieve the below:

- Better documentation for other developers.
- Test are better organized and structured
- Working under an agile methodology we can match scenarios to acceptance criteria

**it**: Exkorpion provide with a reserved word It to represent any of the cases inside a scenario.


scenario "testing sum operation works as expected" do

it "sum positive numbers works as expected" do


it "sum negative numbers and it should work as expected" do



**with/given/when/then**: These word are the ones that provide us with s BDD syntax. Actually even when we write some unit tests we should thinkg about them.

- *Given*: It defines the input data for performing the tests. (It's an optional step, it could be not neccessary sometimes)
- *When*: It performs the action to be tested.
- *Then*: It ensures the result in the preoviuos step are the expected.


it "Ensures that get tracks service returns always 2 elements" do
when: fn _ ->
%{result: build_conn() |> get("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }
then: fn ctx ->
assert 2 === length(ctx.result)

we could make us of *with** step if we pretend to run the some tests for multiple input


it "Ensures that add new track service works as expected" do
with: fn ctx ->
%{new_track: %{"title" => "Runaway", "singer" => "John Bon Jovi"}},
%{new_track: %{"title" => "Let her go", "singer" => "The passenger"}},
given: &(%{new_track_json: &1.new_track |> Poison.encode!, previous_tracks: build_conn() |> get("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }),
when: fn ctx ->
%{result: build_conn() |> put_body_or_params(ctx.new_track) |> post("/tracks", "v1") |> json_response |> Poison.decode! }

then: fn ctx ->
assert length(ctx.previous_tracks)+1 === length(ctx.result)
assert true === Enum.member?(ctx.result, ctx.new_track)

**before_each**: Before each will be inside of a scenario and provices with a reusable set of data for our tests.


scenario "testing sum operation works as expected" do

before_each do
%{a: 10}

it "sum positive numbers works as expected" do
given: &(%{a: &1.a, b: 3}),
when: &(%{c: &1.a + &1.b}),
then: fn ctx ->
assert ctx.c === 13

it "sum negative numbers and it should work as expected" do
given: &(%{a: &1.a, b: -2}),
when: &(%{c: sum(&1.a ,&1.b)}),
then: fn ctx ->
assert ctx.c === 8


### First steps

- Once we have added exkorpion dependency to our test we can run the below command. This will creae a **scenario** directory on our poejct with a file named **scenario_helper.exs**.


mix exkorpion.init

- By default **Exkorpion** will search files ended by "**.._scenario.exs**" inside directory scenarios. This could be easyly customized (We explain in following articles.)

- We can write one or more scenarios per file

- To run the exkorpion scenarios we just need to run


MIX_ENV=test mix exkorpion
- Exkorpion provides with a friendly resume about our tests execution.

**Success execution**
![exkorpion success](

**Something went wrong!**
![exkorpion error](

### Samples

It's highly recommendable you to have a look at some samples already developed:

- [Exkorpion project](
- [Maru training](

## Contributors

- **Iván Corrales Solera** : You could reach me by , [email](mailto:[email protected]), [twitter]( or [Linkedin](