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An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data

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An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data





This module provides three core functionalities related with chinese translation:

1. Translate tranditional chinese to simplified chinese, or vise versa. It is based on [wikipedia's latest translation data](
2. Translate Chinese words to pinyin. It is based on the data collected by [janx/ruby-pinyin](
3. Slugify Chinese words (or pinyin).

This module is highly encouraged by Elixir unicode module, to read the translation meta data from file, and generate the desired functions for pattern matching.

## Installation

First, add ChineseTranslation to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
[{:chinese_translation, "~> 0.2.0"}]

and run `$ mix deps.get` to get the dependencies.

Then you could compile the module by `mix compile`. Note that it will compile over 133, 000 functions by default (compile all the 2-char phrases and 1-char chanracters). The compilation time is around 30 minutes. So be patient! You can set environment variable `MAX_WORD_LEN` to tune the compilation:

$ MAX_WORD_LEN=1 mix compile # this will compile around 40, 000 functions

If later you found the translation files has changed, you can run the following mix task to download the latest translation files:

$ mix chinese_translation

The downloaded file will be put into `deps/chinese_translation/data` and the whole module will be recompiled.

## Usage

ChineseTranslation is very easy to use, as follows:

### Translation

iex> ChineseTranslation.translate("我是中国人", :s2t)

iex> ChineseTranslation.translate("我是中國人")

### Pinyin (note the polyphone)

iex> ChineseTranslation.pinyin("长工长大以后")
"cháng gōng zhǎng dà yǐ hòu"

iex> ChineseTranslation.pinyin("長工長大以後", :trad)
"cháng gōng zhǎng dà yǐ hòu"

### Slugify (also the polyphone)

For slugify you could choose to use

iex> ChineseTranslation.slugify("长工长大以后")

iex> ChineseTranslation.slugify("长工长大以后", [:tone])

iex> ChineseTranslation.slugify("長工長大以後", [:trad, :tone])

iex> ChineseTranslation.slugify(" *& 我是46 848 中 ----- 国人")

You can explore more examples in the `test`.

## Performance

If you installed [benchfella]( You could test the performance of this module in your system. Below is a general benchmark result.

$ mix bench
duration: 1.0 s
mem stats: false
sys mem stats: false

[20:49:22] 1/8: ChineseTranslationBench.translate a character t->s
[20:49:25] 2/8: ChineseTranslationBench.translate 158-character chinese to pinyin
[20:49:28] 3/8: ChineseTranslationBench.translate a 158-character sentence s->t
[20:49:30] 4/8: ChineseTranslationBench.slugify pinyin with tone
[20:49:32] 5/8: ChineseTranslationBench.slugify pinyin
[20:49:36] 6/8: ChineseTranslationBench.translate a character s->t
[20:49:39] 7/8: ChineseTranslationBench.translate a 158-character sentence t->s
[20:49:41] 8/8: ChineseTranslationBench.slugify a short sentence
Finished in 23.25 seconds

ChineseTranslationBench.translate a character t->s: 10000000 0.28 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.translate a character s->t: 10000000 0.29 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.translate a 158-character sentence t->s: 100000 16.78 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.translate a 158-character sentence s->t: 100000 16.87 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.slugify pinyin with tone: 50000 32.59 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.translate 158-character chinese to pinyin: 50000 45.07 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.slugify pinyin: 50000 66.96 µs/op
ChineseTranslationBench.slugify a short sentence: 50000 69.64 µs/op
## License

Copyright © 2015-2016 Tyr Chen

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.