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Terraform provider to interact with Netbox

netbox terraform terraform-provider

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Terraform provider to interact with Netbox




# terraform-provider-netbox

The Terraform Netbox provider is a plugin for Terraform that allows for the full lifecycle management of [Netbox]( resources.
This provider is maintained by E. Breuninger.

See: [Official documentation]( in the Terraform registry.

## Requirements

- [Terraform]( >= 0.12.x
- [Go]( >= 1.14

## Supported netbox versions

Netbox often makes breaking API changes even in non-major releases. Check the table below to see which version a provider was tested against. It is generally recommended to use the provider version matching your Netbox version. We aim to always support the latest minor version of Netbox.

Since version [1.6.6](, each version of the provider has a built-in list of all Netbox versions it supports at release time. Upon initialization, the provider will probe your Netbox version and include a (non-blocking) warning if the used Netbox version is not supported.

| Netbox version | Provider version |
| --------------- | ---------------- |
| v3.7.0 - 3.7.4 | v3.8.0 and up |
| v3.6.0 - 3.6.9 | v3.7.0 - 3.7.7 |
| v3.5.1 - 3.5.9 | v3.6.x |
| v3.4.3 - 3.4.10 | v3.5.x |
| v3.3.0 - 3.4.2 | v3.0.x - 3.5.1 |
| v3.2.0 - 3.2.9 | v2.0.x |
| v3.1.9 | v1.6.0 - 1.6.7 |
| v3.1.3 | v1.1.x - 1.5.2 |
| v3.0.9 | v1.0.x |
| v2.11.12 | v0.3.x |
| v2.10.10 | v0.2.x |
| v2.9 | v0.1.x |

## Building The Provider

1. Clone the repository
1. Enter the repository directory
1. Build the provider using the Go `install` command:

go install

## Installation

Starting with Terraform 0.13, you can download the provider via the Terraform registry.

For further information on how to use third party providers, see the [Terraform documentation](

Releases for all major plattforms are available on the release page.

## Using the provider

Here is a short example on how to use this provider:

provider "netbox" {
server_url = ""
api_token = ""

resource "netbox_platform" "testplatform" {
name = "my-test-platform"

For a more examples, see the [provider documentation](

## Developing the Provider

If you wish to work on the provider, you need [Go]( installed on your machine (see [Requirements](#requirements) above).

To compile the provider, run `go install`. This will build the provider and put the provider binary in the `$GOPATH/bin` directory.

To generate or update documentation, run `make docs`.

In order to run the suite of unit tests, run `make test`.

In order to run the full suite of acceptance tests, run `make testacc`.

In order to run a single specific acceptance test, run

TEST_FUNC= make testacc-specific-test

For example:

TEST_FUNC=TestAccNetboxLocationDataSource_basic make testacc-specific-test

_Note:_ Acceptance tests create a docker compose stack on port 8001.

make testacc

If you notice a failed test, it might be due to a stale netbox data volume. Before concluding there is a problem,
refresh the docker containers by running `docker-compose down --volumes` in the `docker` directory. Then run the tests again.

If you get `too many open files` errors when running the acceptance test suite locally on Linux, your user limit for open file descriptors might be too low. You can increase that limit with `ulimit -n 2048`.

## Contribution

We focus on virtual machine management and IPAM. If you want to contribute more resources to this provider, feel free to make a PR.