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Contract plugin for netbox


Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Contract plugin for netbox




# Contract pluggin
## Overview
The pluggin adds contracts and invoices model to Netbox.
It allows to register contract with objects.
Add invoices to contracts.

## Installation

### Activate venv
To ensure our plugin is accessible to the NetBox installation, we first need to activate the Python [virtual environment]( that was created when we installed NetBox. To do this, determine the virtual environment's path (this will be `/opt/netbox/venv/` if you use the documentation's defaults) and activate it:

$ source /opt/netbox/venv/bin/activate

### Install the package

$ python3 -m pip install netbox-contract

### Configure NetBox

Finally, we need to configure NetBox to enable our new plugin. Over in the NetBox installation path, open `netbox/netbox/` and look for the `PLUGINS` parameter; this should be an empty list. (If it's not yet defined, go ahead and create it.) Add the name of our plugin to this list:


### Customize the plugin

The following configurationitems can be set:

'netbox_contract': {
'top_level_menu': True,
"account": "",
"project": "",
"cost center": ""
'mandatory_contract_fields': ['accounting_dimensions'],
'hidden_contract_fields': [],
'mandatory_invoice_fields': ['accounting_dimensions'],
'hidden_invoice_fields': [],


* top_level_menu : If "Contracts" appears under the "Plugins" menu item or on its own
* default_accounting_dimensions: The accounting dimensions which will appear in the field' background when empty.
* mandatory_contract_fields, mandatory_invoice_fields: Fields which are not required by default and can be set as such. The list of fields is at the bottom of the contract import form.
* hidden_contract_fields, hidden_invoice_fields: List of fields to be hidden. Fields should not be required to be hidden.

### Customize the plugin fields choices

Internal partie reference the legal entity of your organization that is a partie to the contract.

'netbox_contract.Contract.internal_partie': (
('Nagravision SARL', 'Nagravision SARL', 'green'),
('Nagra USA', 'Nagra USA', 'green'),
('Nagra India', 'Nagra India', 'green'),
'netbox_contract.Contract.currency': (
('usd', 'USD'),
('eur', 'EUR'),
('chf', 'CHF'),
('pln', 'PLN'),
'netbox_contract.Contract.status': (
('Active', 'Active', 'green'),
('Cancled', 'Canceled', 'red'),


### Run database migrations

(venv) $ cd /opt/netbox/netbox/
(venv) $ python3 migrate

## release notes

### version 2.0.0

Add a new contract asignement model to allow the assignement of contract not only to Circuits. The support for the direct Contract to Circuit relation will be removed in version 2.1.0 . In Order to migrate existing relations script is provided and can be run from the django shell.

#### version 2.0.1

Add support contract assignement panel to devices.

#### version 2.0.2

Add support for Netbox 3.5 which become the minimum version supported to accomodate the removal of NetBoxModelCSVForm class (replaced by NetBoxModelImportForm) .

#### version 2.0.3

* [#60]( Update contract quick search to also filter on fields "External reference" and "Comments".
* [#49]( Manage permissions.

#### version 2.0.4

* Add bulk update capability for contract assignement
* [#63]( Correct an API issue on the invoice object.
* [#64]( Add hierarchy to contract; New parent field created.
* [#65]( Add end date to contact import form.
* Removed the possibility of add or modify circuits to contracts. The field becomes read only and will be removed in next major release.
* Make accounting dimensions optional.

#### version 2.0.5

* [#75]( Fix contract assignement for service providers.
* [#73]( Add comment field to contract import form
* [#72]( Add fields to the contract assignement bottom tables
* Remove the 'add' actions from the contract assignment list view

#### version 2.0.6
* [#80]( Fix missing fields in the API.

#### version 2.0.7
* [#85]( Fix missing fields contract and invoice import and export forms.

#### version 2.0.8
* [#91]( Replace deprecated ( in netbox version 3.6) MultipleChoiceField.
* [48]( Allow other plugin to inject visual in contract and invoice forms.
* [89] ( Add contract assignement to virtual machines.

#### version 2.0.9
* [42]( Allow the selection of either providers or Service providers as contract third partie.
* Removed all reference to the direct assignement of circuits to contracts
* [88]( Add a placeholder value to the accounting dimensions jsonfield. This placeholder vale con be configured as part of the PLUGINS_CONFIG parameter in the file (see above)
* [89]( add the posibility to link contracts to sites and virtual machines.
* [99]( list child contracts in on the parent view.
#### version 2.0.10
* [107]( Add the contacts tab to the service provider detail view.
* [111]( Correct assignment spelling.
#### version 2.0.11
* [115]( API correction for contract external partie
* [117]( Tenant and accounting dimensions optional
* [119]( Add a Yearly recuring cost, read only, calculated field for contract
* [15]( AQuick serach limited to active contracts