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Sphinx Search library provides SphinxQL indexing and searching features

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Sphinx Search library provides SphinxQL indexing and searching features




Sphinx Search

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> Sphinx Search library provides SphinxQL indexing and searching features.

- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration (simple)](#configuration-simple)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Search](#search)
- [Indexer](#indexer)
- [Advanced](#advanced)
- [Adapter Service Factory](#adapter-service-factory)
- [Prepared statement](#prepared-statement)
- [Working with types](#working-with-types)
- [SQL Objects](#sql-objects)
- [Query expression](#query-expression)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Code quality](#code-quality)

## Introduction

This Library aims to provide:

- A **SphinxQL query builder** based upon [Zend\Db\Sql](
- A simple **Search** class
- An **Indexer** class to work with RT indices
- Factories for SphinxQL connection through [Zend\Db\Adapter](

We have also prepared a set of **related useful tools**. You can use them in conjuction with this library.

- [ripaclub/zf2-sphinxsearch-tool](

A set of **tools** for SphinxSearch's **config files** creation and automation

- [ripaclub/zf2-sphinxsearch](

A module for fast bootstrapping and integration of SphinxSearch library with **Zend Framework**

- [ripaclub/sphinxsearch-bundle](

A bundle for fast bootstrapping and integration of SphinxSearch library with **Symfony**

- [leodido/sphinxsearch](

SphinxSearch **docker image** (tags for various SphinxSearch's releases and betas)

###### Note

This library does not use `SphinxClient` PHP extension because everything available through the Sphinx API is also available via SphinxQL but not vice versa (i.e., writing to RT indicies is only available via SphinxQL).

## Installation

Using [composer](

Add the following to your `composer.json` file:

"require": {
"ripaclub/sphinxsearch": "~0.8.0",

###### Note

Since version **0.8.1**, PHP 7 and Zend Framework's components of 3.x series are fully supported.

Starting from **0.8.x** series the minimum requirements are PHP >= 5.5 and Zend Framework dependencies >= 2.4.

When forced to use a PHP version less (or equal) than 5.4 and/or a Zend Framework dependencies less (or equal) then 2.3 you can use **0.7.1** version.

## Configuration (simple)

In order to work with library components you need an adapter instance. You can simply obtain configured adapter by using the built-in factory like the following example:

use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\ServiceManager\Config;

$serviceManagerConfig = new Config([
'factories' => [
'SphinxSearch\Db\Adapter\Adapter' => 'SphinxSearch\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory'
'aliases' => [
'sphinxql' => 'SphinxSearch\Db\Adapter\Adapter'
$serviceManager = new ServiceManager();
$serviceManager->setService('Config', [
'sphinxql' => [
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
'hostname' => '',
'port' => 9306,
'charset' => 'UTF8'

$adapter = $serviceManager->get('sphinxql');

###### Note

Only two drivers are supported:
- `pdo_mysql`
- `mysqli`

For more details see the [Adapter Service Factory](#adapter-service-factory) section.

## Usage

### Search

Assuming `$adapter` has been retrivied via `ServiceManager`:

use SphinxSearch\Search;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Predicate\Match;

$search = new Search($adapter);
$rowset = $search->search('foo', new Match('?', 'ipsum dolor'));

echo 'Founds row:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($rowset as $row) {
echo $row['id'] . PHP_EOL;

The `search()` method takes as first argument the index name (or an array of indicies) and the second one accepts a where condition (same as `Zend\Db\Sql\Select::where()`).
Furthermore `search()` second argument can accept a closure, which in turn, will be passed the current `Select` object that is being used to build the `SELECT` query.

The following usage is possible:

use SphinxSearch\Search;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Select;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Predicate\Match;

$search = new Search($adapter);
$rowset = $search->search('foo', function(Select $select) {
$select->where(new Match('?', 'ipsum dolor'))
->where(['c1 > ?' => 5])

The `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Select` class (like [`Zend\Db\Sql\Select`]( which we extend from) supports the following methods related to SQL standard clauses:

$select->columns(array $columns)
$select->where($predicate, $combination = Predicate\PredicateSet::OP_AND)
$select->having($predicate, $combination = Predicate\PredicateSet::OP_AND)
// And also variable overloading for:

Thus it adds some SphinxQL specific methods:

$select->option(array $values, $flag = self::OPTIONS_MERGE)

Other utility methods like `setSpecifications`, `getRawState` and `reset` are fully supported.

Instead `quantifier`, `join` and `combine` are just ignored because SphinxQL syntax doesn't have them.

### Indexer

Assuming `$adapter` has been retrivied via `ServiceManager` we can perform indexing of documents, provided that the indices on which we act are [real time](

use SphinxSearch\Indexer;

$indexer = new Indexer($adapter);
'id' => 1,
'short' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet',
'text' => 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit ...'

Note that third parameter of `insert` method is a boolean flag indicating wheter a _"upsert"_ rather than an insert have to be done.

Furthermore, an `Indexer` instance allows to update and delete rows from real time indices (using the methods `update` and `delete`, respectively).

## Advanced

### Adapter Service Factory

This library come with two factories in bundle in order to properly configure the `Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter` to work with Sphinx Search.

Use `SphinxSearch\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory` (see [Configuration](#configuration-simple) section above) for a single connection else if you need to use multiple connections use the shipped `SphinxSearch\Db\Adapter\AdapterAbstractServiceFactory` registering it in the `ServiceManager` as below:

'service_manager' => [
'abstract_factories' => [

For the abstract factory configuration refer to [Zend Db Adpater Abstract Factory documentation](

### Prepared statement

SphinxQL does not support prepared statement, but [PDO drivers are able to emulate prepared statement client side]( To achive prepared query benefits this library fully supports this feature.

###### Note
The PDO driver supports prepared and non-prepared queries. The `Mysqli` driver does not support prepared queries.

For both `SphinxSearch\Search` and `SphinxSearch\Indexer` you can choose the working mode via `setQueryMode()` using one of the following flags:

const QUERY_MODE_PREPARED = 'prepared'; // use prepared statement
const QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE = 'execute'; // do not use prepared statement
const QUERY_MODE_AUTO = 'auto'; // auto detect best available option (prepared mode preferred)

With the `auto` option the component will use the best execution mode available, prefering prepared mode if supported by the driver.

### Working with types

This library aims to normalize API usage among supported drivers and modes, but due to SphinxQL limitations there are some considerations:

* `NULL`

Not supported by SphinxQL. The library transparently handle it for SQL compatibility: an exception will be thrown by the driver if you try to use a value = `NULL`.

* `boolean`

SphinxQL does not have a native boolean type but if you try to use a PHP `bool` the library and the driver will cast the value to `0` or `1` respectively.

* `integer`

PHP native integers work properly when SphinxQL expects an `uint`. Note that strings containing integers do not work in filters (i.e. `WHERE` clause).
_WARNING: PHP integers are signed, instead SphinxQL supports only UNSIGNED integers and UNIX timestamp._

* `float`

Due to SphinxQL specific issues related to `float` values (especially in `WHERE` clause), by default them are converted to a 32-bit-single-precision compatible string rappresentation which are then included into the SQL query as literals, even in the case where prepared statements are used.

This feature works only if value is a native PHP `float` (anyway strings containing floats do not work within Sphinx). If it is needed, this behaviour can be globally disabled using `$adapter->getPlatform()->enableFloatConversion(false)`.

_WARNING: disabling float conversion feature can produce unexpected behaviors, some notable examples:_
- Actually Sphinx SQL interpreter treats a number without decimal part as an integer. So, assumming `f1` as float column, if you try `WHERE f1 = 10` you will get `42000 - 1064 - index foo: unsupported filter type 'intvalues' on float column` else if you try `WHERE f1 = 10.0` it will work fine.
- Due to the fact that SphinxQL does not support float quoted as strings and PDO driver has no way to bind a double (SQL float) parameter in prepared statement mode, PDO driver will just cast to string producing a locale aware conversion (same as PHP `echo`), so it will work only if `LC_NUMERIC` setting is compliant with point as separator in decimal notation (for example you can use `LC_NUMERIC='C'`)

For those reasons we suggest to **always use proper PHP native types** (i.e., not use strings for numeric fields) when building queries.

Useful link: [Sphinx Attributes Docs](

### SQL Objects

As [Zend\Db\Sql]( this library provides a set of SQL objects:

* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Select` explained in [Search](#search) paragraph
* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Insert`
* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Replace` same as insert, but overwrites duplicate IDs
* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Update` with the ability to handle `OPTION` clause
* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Delete`
* `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Show`

Each of them can be retrivied by `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Sql` class methods:

use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Sql;

$sql = new Sql($adapter);
$select = $sql->select(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Select
$insert = $sql->insert(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Insert
$insert = $sql->replace(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Replace
$update = $sql->update(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Update
$delete = $sql->delete(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Delete
$show = $sql->show(); // @return SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Show

Or can be instanziated directly like in the following example:

use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Update;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Predicate\Match;

$update = new Update;
->set(['bigattr' => 1000, 'fattr' => 3465.23])
->where(new Match('?', 'hehe'))
->where(['enabled' => 1])
->option('strict', 1);

Then you can perform your query by:

$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$results = $statement->execute();

Or using the `Search` or the `Indexer` components:

$resultset = $indexer->updateWith($update);

Thus, every object (that has `where()`) supports the `Match` expression, as explained in next paragrah.

### Query expression

The `SphinxSearch\Query\QueryExpression` class provides a placeholder expression way and a string excape mechanism in order to use safely the [Sphinx query syntax](
Also, the component design permits to use it standalone, since it has no dependencies on other library's components.

Some examples:

use SphinxSearch\Query\QueryExpression;

$query = new QueryExpression('@title ? @body ?', ['hello', 'world']);
echo $query->toString(); //outputs: @title hello @body world

echo $query->setExpression('"?"/3')
->setParameters(['the world is a wonderful place, but sometimes people uses spe(ia| ch@rs'])
->toString(); //outputs: "the world is a wonderful place, but sometimes people uses spe\(ia\| ch\@rs"/3

echo $query->setExpression('? NEAR/? ? NEAR/? "?"')
->setParameters(['hello', 3, 'world', 4, '"my test"'])
->toString(); //outputs: hello NEAR/3 world NEAR/4 "my test"

The `SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Predicate\Match` class uses internally the `QueryExpression`, so you can use it in your SQL queries directly:

use SphinxSearch\Adapter\Platform\SphinxQL;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Select;
use SphinxSearch\Db\Sql\Predicate\Match;

$select = new Select;
->where(new Match('? NEAR/? ? NEAR/? "?"', ['hello', 3, 'world', 4, '"my test"']))
->where(['enabled' => 1]);

//outputs: SELECT * from `foo` WHERE MATCH('hello NEAR/3 world NEAR/4 "my test"') AND `enabled` = 1
echo $select->getSqlString(new SphinxQL());


The library source code (**on master**) is 100% covered by unit tests.

Once installed development dependencies through composer you can run `phpunit`.

./vendor/bin/phpunit --exclude-group=integration

To run also our integration tests execute:


###### Note

To execute integration tests you need a running instance of SphinxSearch (e.g., using a correctly configured docker image).

