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An opinionated Elixir style guide

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An opinionated Elixir style guide




# Elixir Style Guide

> A programmer does not primarily write code; rather, he primarily writes to another programmer about his problem solution. The understanding of this fact is the final step in his maturation as technician.
> — What a Programmer Does, 1967

## Table of Contents

* [Linting](#linting)
* [Naming](#naming)
* [Comments](#comments)
* [Modules](#modules)
* [Regular Expressions](#regular-expressions)
* [Structs](#structs)
* [Exceptions](#exceptions)
* [ExUnit](#exunit)

The following section are automatically applied by the code formatter in Elixir v1.6 and listed here only for documentation purposes:

* [Formatting](#formatting)
* [Whitespace](#whitespace)
* [Indentation](#indentation)
* [Term representation](#term-representation)
* [Parentheses](#parentheses)
* [Layout](#layout)

## Linting

Favor the pipeline operator `|>` to chain function calls together.

# Bad

# Good
input |> String.strip() |> String.downcase()

For a multi-line pipeline, place each function call on a new line, and retain the level of indentation.

|> String.strip()
|> String.downcase()
|> String.slice(1, 3)

Avoid needless pipelines like the plague.

# Bad
result = input |> String.strip()

# Good
result = String.strip(input)

Don't use anonymous functions in pipelines.

# Bad
|> String.split(~r/\s/)
|> (fn words -> [@sentence_start | words] end).()
|> Enum.join(" ")

# Good
split_sentence = String.split(sentence, ~r/\s/)
Enum.join([@sentence_start | split_sentence], " ")

Consider defining private helper function when appropriate:

# Good
|> String.split(~r/\s/)
|> prepend(@sentence_start)
|> Enum.join(" ")

Never use `unless` with `else`. Rewrite these with the positive case first.

# Bad
unless Enum.empty?(coll) do

# Good
if Enum.empty?(coll) do

Omit the `else` option in `if` and `unless` constructs if `else` returns `nil`.

# Bad
if byte_size(data) > 0, do: data, else: nil

# Good
if byte_size(data) > 0, do: data

If you have an always-matching clause in the `cond` special form, use `true` as its condition.

# Bad
cond do
char in ?0..?9 ->
char - ?0

char in ?A..?Z ->
char - ?A + 10

:other ->
char - ?a + 10

# Good
cond do
char in ?0..?9 ->
char - ?0

char in ?A..?Z ->
char - ?A + 10

true ->
char - ?a + 10

Never use `||`, `&&`, and `!` for strictly boolean checks. Use these operators only if any of the arguments are non-boolean.

# Bad
is_atom(name) && name != nil
is_binary(task) || is_atom(task)

# Good
is_atom(name) and name != nil
is_binary(task) or is_atom(task)
line && line != 0
file || "sample.exs"

Favor the binary concatenation operator `<>` over bitstring syntax for patterns matching binaries.

# Bad
<<"http://", _rest::bytes>> = input
<> = input

# Good
"http://" <> _rest = input
<> <> rest = input

### Naming

Use `snake_case` for functions, variables, module attributes, and atoms.

# Bad
:"no match"

fileName = "sample.txt"

@_VERSION "0.0.1"

def readFile(path) do
# ...

# Good

file_name = "sample.txt"

@version "0.0.1"

def read_file(path) do
# ...

Use `CamelCase` for module names. Keep uppercase acronyms as uppercase.

# Bad
defmodule :appStack do
# ...

defmodule App_Stack do
# ...

defmodule Appstack do
# ...

defmodule Html do
# ...

# Good
defmodule AppStack do
# ...

defmodule HTML do
# ...

The names of predicate functions (functions that return a boolean value) should have a trailing question mark `?` rather than a leading `has_` or similar.

# Bad
def is_leap(year) do
# ...

# Good
def leap?(year) do
# ...

Always use a leading `is_` when naming guard-safe predicate macros.

defmacro is_date(month, day) do
# ...

Use `snake_case` for naming directories and files, for example `lib/my_app/task_server.ex`.

Avoid using one-letter variable names.

### Comments

> Remember, good code is like a good joke: It needs no explanation.
> — Russ Olsen

Use code comments only to communicate important details to another person reading the code.
For example, a high-level description of the algorithm being implemented or why certain
critical decisions, such as optimization or business rules, were made.

Avoid superfluous comments.

# Bad
String.first(input) # Get first grapheme.

### Modules

Use a consistent structure when calling `use`/`import`/`alias`/`require`: call them in this order and group multiple calls to each of them.

use GenServer

import Bitwise
import Kernel, except: [length: 1]

alias Mix.Utils
alias MapSet, as: Set

require Logger

Use the `__MODULE__` pseudo-variable to reference the current module.

# Bad, [:named_table])
GenServer.start_link(Module.LocalsTracker, nil, [])

# Good, [:named_table])
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, nil, [])

### Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are the last resort. Pattern matching and the `String` module are things to start with.

# Bad\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, color)
Regex.match?(~r/(email|password)/, input)

# Good
<#, p1::2-bytes, p2::2-bytes, p3::2-bytes>> = color
String.contains?(input, ["email", "password"])

Use non-capturing groups when you don't use the captured result.

~r/(?:post|zip )code: (\d+)/

Be careful with `^` and `$` as they match start and end of the __line__ respectively. If you want to match the __whole__ string use: `\A` and `\z` (not to be confused with `\Z` which is the equivalent of `\n?\z`).

### Structs

When calling `defstruct/1`, don't explicitly specify `nil` for fields that default to `nil`.

# Bad
defstruct first_name: nil, last_name: nil, admin?: false

# Good
defstruct [:first_name, :last_name, admin?: false]

### Exceptions

Make exception names end with a trailing `Error`.

# Bad

# Good

Use non-capitalized error messages when raising exceptions, with no trailing punctuation.

# Bad
raise ArgumentError, "Malformed payload."

# Good
raise ArgumentError, "malformed payload"

There is one exception to the rule - always capitalize Mix error messages.

Mix.raise("Could not find dependency")

### ExUnit

When asserting (or refuting) something with comparison operators (such as `==`, `<`, `>=`, and similar), put the expression being tested on the left-hand side of the operator and the value you're testing against on the right-hand side.

# Bad
assert "héllo" == Atom.to_string(:"héllo")

# Good
assert Atom.to_string(:"héllo") == "héllo"

When using the match operator `=`, put the pattern on the left-hand side (as it won't work otherwise).

assert {:error, _reason} = File.stat("./non_existent_file")

## Formatting

The rules below are automatically applied by the code formatter in Elixir v1.6.
They are provided here for documentation purposes and for those maintaining older codebases.

### Whitespace

> Whitespace might be (mostly) irrelevant to the Elixir compiler, but its proper use is the key to writing easily readable code.

Avoid trailing whitespaces.

End each file with a newline.

Use two __spaces__ per indentation level. No hard tabs.

# Bad
def register_attribute(name, opts) do
register_attribute(__MODULE__, name, opts)

# Good
def register_attribute(name, opts) do
register_attribute(__MODULE__, name, opts)

Use a space before and after binary operators. Use a space after commas `,`, colons `:`, and semicolons `;`. Do not put spaces around matched pairs like brackets `[]`, braces `{}`, and so on.

# Bad
sum = 1+1
[first|rest] = 'three'
{a1,a2} = {2 ,3}
Enum.join( [ "one" , << "two" >>, sum ])

# Good
sum = 1 + 2
[first | rest] = 'three'
{a1, a2} = {2, 3}
Enum.join(["one", <<"two">>, sum])

Use no spaces after unary operators and inside range literals. The only exception is the `not` operator: use a space after it.

# Bad
angle = - 45
^ result = Float.parse("42.01")

# Good
angle = -45
^result = Float.parse("42.01")
2 in 1..5
not File.exists?(path)

Use spaces around default arguments `\\` definition.

# Bad
def start_link(fun, options\\[])

# Good
def start_link(fun, options \\ [])

Do not put spaces around segment options definition in bitstrings.

# Bad
<<102 :: unsigned-big-integer, rest :: binary>>
<<102::unsigned - big - integer, rest::binary>>

# Good
<<102::unsigned-big-integer, rest::binary>>

Use one space between the leading `#` character of the comment and the text of the comment.

# Bad
#Amount to take is greater than the number of elements

# Good
# Amount to take is greater than the number of elements

Always use a space before `->` in 0-arity anonymous functions.

# Bad
ExUnit.Diff.script(left, right)

# Good
Task.async(fn ->
ExUnit.Diff.script(left, right)

### Indentation


Indent the right-hand side of a binary operator one level more than the left-hand side if left-hand side and right-hand side are on different lines. The only exceptions are `when` in guards and `|>`, which go on the beginning of the line and should be indented at the same level as their left-hand side. Do this also for binary operators when assigning.

# Bad

"No matching message.\n" <>
"Process mailbox:\n" <>

message =
"No matching message.\n" <>
"Process mailbox:\n" <>

|> String.strip()
|> String.downcase()

defp valid_identifier_char?(char)
when char in ?a..?z
when char in ?A..?Z
when char in ?0..?9
when char == ?_ do

defp parenless_capture?({op, _meta, _args})
when is_atom(op) and
atom not in @unary_ops and
atom not in @binary_ops do

# Good

"No matching message.\n" <>
"Process mailbox:\n" <>

message =
"No matching message.\n" <>
"Process mailbox:\n" <>

|> String.strip()
|> String.downcase()

defp valid_identifier_char?(char)
when char in ?a..?z
when char in ?A..?Z
when char in ?0..?9
when char == ?_ do

defp parenless_capture?({op, _meta, _args})
when is_atom(op) and
atom not in @unary_ops and
atom not in @binary_ops do

Use the indentation shown below for the `with` special form:

with {year, ""} <- Integer.parse(year),
{month, ""} <- Integer.parse(month),
{day, ""} <- Integer.parse(day) do
new(year, month, day)
_ ->
{:error, :invalid_format}

Always use the indentation above if there's an `else` option. If there isn't, the following indentation works as well:

with {:ok, date} <-, month, day),
{:ok, time} <-, minute, second, microsecond),
do: new(date, time)

Use the indentation shown below for the `for` special form:

for {alias, _module} <- aliases_from_env(server),
[name] = Module.split(alias),
starts_with?(name, hint),
into: [] do
%{kind: :module, type: :alias, name: name}

If the body of the `do` block is short, the following indentation works as well:

for partition <- 0..(partitions - 1),
pair <- safe_lookup(registry, partition, key),
into: [],
do: pair

Avoid aligning expression groups:

# Bad
module = env.module
arity = length(args)

def inspect(false), do: "false"
def inspect(true), do: "true"
def inspect(nil), do: "nil"

# Good
module = env.module
arity = length(args)

def inspect(false), do: "false"
def inspect(true), do: "true"
def inspect(nil), do: "nil"

The same non-alignment rule applies to `<-` and `->` clauses as well.

Use a single level of indentation for multi-line pipelines.

|> String.strip()
|> String.downcase()
|> String.slice(1, 3)

### Term representation

Add underscores to decimal literals that have six or more digits.

# Bad
num = 1000000
num = 1_500

# Good
num = 1_000_000
num = 1500

Use uppercase letters when using hex literals.

# Bad
<<0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf>>

# Good
<<0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF>>

When using atom literals that need to be quoted because they contain characters that are invalid in atoms (such as `:"foo-bar"`), use double quotes around the atom name:

# Bad
:'atom number #{index}'

# Good
:"atom number #{index}"

When dealing with lists, maps, structs, or tuples whose elements span over multiple lines and are on separate lines with regard to the enclosing brackets, it's advised to *not* use a trailing comma on the last element:


### Parentheses

Parentheses are a must for __local__ or __imported__ zero-arity function calls.

# Bad
pid = self
import System, only: [schedulers_online: 0]

# Good
pid = self()
import System, only: [schedulers_online: 0]

The same should be done for __remote__ zero-arity function calls:

# Bad

# Good

This rule also applies to one-arity function calls (both local and remote) in pipelines:

# Bad
|> String.strip
|> decode

# Good
|> String.strip()
|> decode()

Never wrap the arguments of anonymous functions in parentheses.

# Bad
Agent.get(pid, fn(state) -> state end)
Enum.reduce(numbers, fn(number, acc) ->
acc + number

# Good
Agent.get(pid, fn state -> state end)
Enum.reduce(numbers, fn number, acc ->
acc + number

Always use parentheses around arguments to definitions (such as `def`, `defp`, `defmacro`, `defmacrop`, `defdelegate`). Don't omit them even when a function has no arguments.

# Bad
def main arg1, arg2 do
# ...

defmacro env do
# ...

# Good
def main(arg1, arg2) do
# ...

defmacro env() do
# ...

Always use parens on zero-arity types.

# Bad
@spec start_link(module, term, Keyword.t) :: on_start

# Good
@spec start_link(module(), term(), Keyword.t()) :: on_start()

### Layout

Use one expression per line. Don't use semicolons (`;`) to separate statements and expressions.

# Bad
stacktrace = System.stacktrace(); fun.(stacktrace)

# Good
stacktrace = System.stacktrace()

When assigning the result of a multi-line expression, begin the expression on a new line.

# Bad
{found, not_found} = files
|>, path))
|> Enum.partition(&File.exists?/1)

prefix = case base do
:binary -> "0b"
:octal -> "0o"
:hex -> "0x"

# Good
{found, not_found} =
|>, path))
|> Enum.partition(&File.exists?/1)

prefix =
case base do
:binary -> "0b"
:octal -> "0o"
:hex -> "0x"

When writing a multi-line expression, keep binary operators at the end of each line. The only exception is the `|>` operator (which goes at the beginning of the line).

# Bad

"No matching message.\n"
<> "Process mailbox:\n"
<> mailbox

input |>
String.strip() |>

# Good
"No matching message.\n" <>
"Process mailbox:\n" <>

|> String.strip()
|> decode()

## License

This work was created by Aleksei Magusev and is licensed under [the CC BY 4.0 license](

![Creative Commons License](

## Credits

The structure of the guide and some points that are applicable to Elixir were taken from [the community-driven Ruby coding style guide](