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Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo

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Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo




# [Credo]('s Elixir Style Guide [![Deps Status](](

## Prelude

There are two reasons for this document to exist:

- It is my personal style guide and consists both of the way I write Elixir today, but more importantly of things I've seen in the wild and adapted because they make Elixir more readable for open source Alchemists everywhere.
- Secondly, it is the [basis for Credo]( and reflects the principles promoted by its code analysis.

Like all of my work, this style guide stands on the shoulders of giants: It is influenced by the Ruby style guides by [bbatsov]( and [GitHub]( as well as more [public]( [attempts]( at Elixir Style Guides.

## Philosophy

Contrary to other guides I've seen, this one is not very dogmatic. The overall principles are

* be consistent in your choices (i.e. apply the same rules everywhere),
* care about the readability of your code (e.g. when in doubt, spread text vertically rather than horizontally),
* and care about easier maintenance (avoid confusing names, etc.).

This is especially important because we are such a young community. All the **code we put out there is worth its weight in gold** if it is easy to comprehend and invites people to learn and contribute.

## Contribute

If you want to add to this document, please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss specific points.

## The Actual Guide

### Code Readability

Use tabs consistently (2 spaces soft-tabs are **preferred**).

Use line-endings consistently (Unix-style line endings are **preferred**, but we should not exclude our brothers and sisters riding the Redmond dragon).

Don't leave trailing white-space at the end of a line.

End each file with a newline (some editors [don't do this by default](

Use spaces around operators and after commas.

Don't use spaces after `(`, `[`, and `{` or before `}`, `]`, and `)`. This is the **preferred** way, although other styles are possible, as long as they are applied consistently.

# preferred way
Helper.format({1, true, 2}, :my_atom)

# also okay - carefully choose a style and use it consistently
Helper.format( { 1, true, 2 }, :my_atom )

Keep lines fewer than 80 characters whenever possible, although this is not a strict rule.

Don't use `;` to separate statements and expressions.

# preferred way
IO.puts "Waiting for:"
IO.inspect object

# NOT okay
IO.puts "Waiting for:"; IO.inspect object

Don't put a space after `!` to negate an expression.

# preferred way
denied = !allowed?

# NOT okay
denied = ! allowed?

Group function definitions. Keep the same function with different signatures together without separating blank lines. In all other cases, use blank lines to separate different functions/parts of your module (to maximize readability through "vertical white-space").

defp find_properties(source_file, config) do
{property_for(source_file, config), source_file}

defp property_for(source_file, _config) do, &tabs_or_spaces/1)

defp tabs_or_spaces({_, "\t" <> line}), do: :tabs
defp tabs_or_spaces({_, " " <> line}), do: :spaces
defp tabs_or_spaces({_, line}), do: nil

Generally use vertical-space to improve readability of sections of your code.

# it is preferred to employ a mixture of parentheses, descriptive variable
# names and vertical white space to improve readability

def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params \\ []) do
|> Helper.find_unused_calls(params, [:String], nil)
|> Enum.reduce([], &add_to_issues/2)

defp add_to_issues(invalid_call, issues) do
{trigger, meta, _} = invalid_call

issues ++ [issue(meta[:line], trigger, source_file)]

# this function does the same as above, but is less comprehensible

def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params \\ []) do
Helper.find_unused_calls(source_file, params, [:String], nil)
|> Enum.reduce [], fn {_, meta, _} = invalid_call, issues ->
trigger = invalid_call |> Macro.to_string |> String.split("(") |> List.first
issues ++ [issue(meta[:line], trigger, source_file)]


It is **preferred** to start pipe chains with a "pure" value rather than a function call.

# preferred way - this is very readable due to the clear flow of data
|> String.strip
|> String.downcase

# also okay - but often slightly less readable
|> String.downcase

When assigning to a multi-line call, begin a new line after the `=`. Indent the assigned value's calculation by one level. This is the **preferred** way.

# preferred way
result =
|> Enum.uniq

# also okay - align the first assignment and subsequent lines
result = lines
|> Enum.uniq

Add underscores to large numbers for better readability.

# preferred way - very easy to read
num = 10_000_000

# NOT okay - how many zeros are there?
num = 10000000

Use `def`, `defp`, and `defmacro` with parentheses when the function takes parameters. Omit the parentheses when the function doesn't accept any parameters. This is the **preferred** way.

# preferred way - omit parentheses for functions without parameters
def time do
# ...

# use parentheses if parameters are present
def convert(x, y) do
# ...

Most of the time when calling functions that take parameters, it is **preferred** to use parentheses.

# preferred way - the more boring forms are preferred since it's easier to see what goes where
Enum.reduce(1..100, 0, &(&1 + &2))

Enum.reduce(1..100, 0, fn(x, acc) ->
x + acc

# also okay - carefully choose a style and use it consistently
Enum.reduce 1..100, 0, & &1 + &2

Enum.reduce 1..100, 0, fn x, acc ->
x + acc


For macros we see the contrary behaviour. The **preferred** way is to not use parentheses.

# preferred way
defmodule MyApp.Service.TwitterAPI do
use MyApp.Service, social: true

alias MyApp.Service.Helper, as: H

Conclusively, never use parentheses around the condition of `if` or `unless` (since they are macros as well).

# preferred way
if valid?(username) do
# ...

# NOT okay
if( valid?(username) ) do
# ...

#### Naming

Use CamelCase for module names. It is **preferred** to keep acronyms like HTTP, XML uppercase.

# preferred way
defmodule MyApp.HTTPService do

# also okay - carefully choose a style and use it consistently
defmodule MyApp.HttpService do

Use snake_case for module attribute, function, macro and variable names.

# preferred way
defmodule MyApp.HTTPService do
@some_setting :my_value

def my_function(param_value) do
variable_value1 = "test"

# NOT okay
defmodule MyApp.HTTPService do
@someSetting :my_value

def myFunction(paramValue) do
variableValue1 = "test"

Exception names should have a common prefix or suffix. While this can be anything you like, esp. for small libraries, a common choice seems to have all of them end in `Error`.

# preferred way - common suffix Error
defmodule BadHTTPHeaderError do
defexception [:message]

defmodule HTTPRequestError do
defexception [:message]

# also okay - consistent prefix Invalid
defmodule InvalidHTTPHeader do
defexception [:message]

defmodule InvalidUserRequest do
defexception [:message]

# bad - there is no common naming scheme for exceptions
defmodule InvalidHeader do
defexception [:message]

defmodule RequestFailed do
defexception [:message]

Predicate functions/macros should return a boolean value.

For functions, they should end in a question mark.

# preferred way
def valid?(username) do
# ...

# NOT okay
def is_valid?(username) do
# ...

For guard-safe macros they should have the prefix `is_` and not end in a question mark.

# preferred way
defmacro is_valid(username) do
# ...

# NOT okay
defmacro valid?(username) do
# ...

#### Sigils

Use sigils where it makes sense, but don't use them in a dogmatic way.

Example: Don't automatically use `~S` just because there is *one* `"` in your string, but start using it when you would have to escape a lot of double-quotes.

# preferred way - use normal quotes even if one has to be escaped
legend = "single quote ('), double quote (\")"

# use sigils when you would have to escape several quotes otherwise
html = ~S(Homepage)

# also okay, but not preferred - important: choose a common sigil and stick with it
# avoid using ~S{} in one place while using ~S(), ~S[] and ~S<> in others
legend = ~S{single quote ('), double quote (")}
html = "Homepage"

#### Regular Expressions

Use `~r//` as your "go-to sigil" when it comes to Regexes as they are the easiest to read for people new to Elixir. That said, feel free to use other `~r` sigils when you have several slashes in your expression.

# preferred way - use slashes because they are familiar regex delimiters
regex = ~r/\d+/

# use sigils when you would have to escape several quotes otherwise
regex = ~r{}

 Be careful with `^` and `$` as they match start/end of line, not string endings. If you want to match the whole string use: `\A` and `\z`.

### Documentation

First, try to see documentation in a positive light. It is not a chore that you put off for as long as possible (forever). At some point in your project, starting to document parts of your project is an opportunity to communicate important things with future-maintainers, potential users of your API and even your future self.

When that point in time comes, every module and function should either be documented or marked via `@moduledoc false`/`@doc false` to indicate that there is no intent to document the object in question.

Use ExDoc for this, it's great.

As for style, put an empty line after `@moduledoc`. Don't put an empty line between `@doc` and its function/macro definition.

defmodule MyApp.HTTPService do
@moduledoc false

@doc "Sends a POST request to the given `url`."
def post(url) do
# ...

Although Elixir favors `@moduledoc` and `@doc` as first-class citizens, don't be afraid to communicate via normal code comments as well. But remember: don't use this to explain bad code!

# preferred way - provide useful additional information
defmodule Credo.Issue do
defstruct category: nil,
message: nil,
filename: nil,
line_no: nil,
column: nil,
trigger: nil, # optional: the call that triggered the issue
metadata: [], # optional: filled in by the failing check

# NOT okay - "explaining" confusing code and ambiguous names
defmodule AbstractCredoIssueInterfaceFactory do
def build(input, params \\ []) do
Helper.find_values(input, params) # input is either a username or pid
|> Enum.reduce %{}, fn {_, meta, _} = value, list ->
if valid?(value) do
case Map.get(list, :action) do # remember: list is a map!!!!111
nil -> nil # why does this break sometimes?
val -> Map.put(list, val, true)

If necessary, put longer, more descriptive comments on their own line rather than at the end of a line of code.

### Refactoring Opportunities

Never nest `if`, `unless`, and `case` more than 1 time. If your logic demands it, spread it over multiple functions.

# preferred way
defp perform_task(false, hash, config) do
defp perform_task(true, hash, config) do
|> Map.get(:action)
|> perform_action(config)

defp perform_action(nil, _config) do
defp perform_action(:create, _config) do
# ...
defp perform_action(:delete, config) do
if config[:id] do
# ...
# ...

# NOT okay - rule of thumb: it starts to hurt at 3 levels of nesting
defp perform_task(valid, hash, config) do
if valid do
case Map.get(hash, :action) do
:create ->
# ...
:delete ->
if sid do # <-- we reach three levels of nesting here :(
# ...
# ...
nil ->


Never use `unless` with else. Rewrite these with `if`, putting the positive case first.

# without an else block:
unless allowed? do
raise "Not allowed!"

# preferred way to "add" an `else` block here: rewrite using `if`
if allowed? do
raise "Not allowed!"

# NOT okay
unless allowed? do
raise "Not allowed!"

Never use `unless` with a negated expression as condition. Rewrite with `if`.

# preferred way
if allowed? do

# NOT okay - rewrite using `if`
unless !allowed? do

Always use `__MODULE__` when referencing the current module.

### Software Design

Use `FIXME:` comments to mark issues/bugs inside your code.

defmodule MyApp do
# FIXME: this breaks for x > 1000
def calculate(x) do
# ...

Use `TODO:` comments to plan changes to your code.

defmodule MyApp do
# TODO: rename into something more clear
def generic_function_name do
# ...

This way tools have a chance to find and report both `FIXME:` and `TODO:` comments.

When developing applications, try to alias all used modules. This improves readability and makes it easier to reason about the dependencies of a module inside your project. There are obvious exceptions for modules from Elixir's stdlib (e.g. `IO.ANSI`) or if your submodule has a name identical to an existing name (e.g. don't alias `YourProject.List` because that would override `List`). Like most other points in this guide, this is just a suggestion, not a strict rule.

# While this is completely fine:

defmodule Test do
def something do

# ... you might want to refactor it to look like this:

defmodule Test do
alias MyApp.External.TwitterAPI

def something do

The thinking behind this is that you can see the dependencies of your module at a glance. So if you are attempting to build a medium to large project, **this can help you to get your boundaries/layers/contracts right**.

### Pitfalls

Never leave a call to `IEx.pry` in production code.

Be wary of calls to `IO.inspect` in production code. If you want to actually log useful information for later debugging, use a combination of `Logger` and `&inspect/1` instead.

Conditionals should never contain an expression that always evaluates to the same value (such as `true`, `false`, `x == x`). They are most likely leftovers from a debugging session.

Be wary of naming variables and functions the same as functions defined in `Kernel`, especially in cases where the function has arity 0.

Be wary of naming modules the same as modules in the stdlib. Sometimes `YourProject.DataTypeString` is a less error-prone choice as the seemingly cleaner `YourProject.DataType.String` because aliasing the latter in a module makes the *normal* `String` module unavailable.

### Above all else

Follow your instincts. Write coherent code by applying a consistent style.

## License

This work is licensed under [the CC BY 4.0 license](