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# Flexisip

Flexisip is a comprehensive, modular and scalable SIP server suite written in C++17. It offers a wide range of
functionalities, including:

* **SIP Proxy**: acts as a central hub for routing SIP messages.
* **Presence Server**: enables users to see the online status of others and their availability for calls.
* **Conference Server**: enables group voice and video calls.
* **Push Notification Service**: delivers SIP notifications (in-calls, messages) to mobile devices even when the app is
not actively running.

## Deployment and Applications:

* **Server-based VoIP Service**: Flexisip can be deployed on server machines to run a full-fledged SIP VoIP service.
This is exemplified by the free service, which has been powered by Flexisip since 2011. Users can create
SIP accounts on this service to connect with each other.
* **Embedded Solutions**: Flexisip can also be embedded and run seamlessly on smaller hardware systems, making it
suitable for various embedded applications.

# License

Copyright © Belledonne Communications

Flexisip is dual licensed, and can be licensed and distributed:

- under a GNU Affero GPLv3 license for free (see COPYING file for details)
- under a proprietary license, for closed source projects. Contact Belledonne Communications for any question about
costs and services.

# Documentation

- [Supported features and RFCs](
- [Flexisip documentation](

# Dependencies

| Dependency | Description | Mandatory | Enabled by default |
| OpenSSL | TLS stack. | X | |
| LibNgHttp2 | HTTP2 stack. | X | |
| libsrtp2 | Secure RTP (SRTP) and UST Reference Implementations | X | |
| SQLite3 | Library for handling SQlite3 file | X | |
| libmysql-client | Client library for MySQL database. | X | |
| Hiredis | Redis DB client library, used for Registrar DB and communications between Flexisip instances of a same cluster. (-DENABLE\_REDIS=YES) | | X |
| Protobuf | Needed for migration from legacy registrar database format. (-DENABLE\_PROTOBUF=YES) | | X |
| NetSNMP | SNMP library, used for SNMP support. (-DENABME\_SNMP=YES) | | X |
| XercesC | XML parser. (-DENABLE\_PRESENCE=YES) | | X |
| jsoncpp | JSON parsing and writing (-DENABLE\_B2BUA=YES) | | X |

# Compilation

## Required build tools

- C and C++ compiler. GCC and Clang are supported *as long as they are recent enough for building C++17 code*. On
Redhat/CentOS 7, we recommend installing gcc-7 from .
The default gcc-4.8 is not sufficient.
- CMake >= 3.13
- make or Ninja
- Python >= 3
- Doxygen
- Git

## Building Flexisip with CMake

Create a build directory and configure the project:

### From cloned GIT repository

mkdir ./build
cmake -S . -B ./build
make -C ./build -j

### Custom

mkdir ./build
make -C ./build -j

### Some tips

Check *CMakeLists.txt* to know the list of the available options and their default value. To change an option, you just
need to invoke *CMake* again and specifying the option you need to change only.
For instance, to disable the presence server feature:

make -C ./build -j

You may also use *ccmake* or *cmake-gui* utilities to configure the project interactively:

ccmake ./build
make -C ./build -j

## Building RPM or DEB packages

This procedure will generate a unique RPM package containing Flexisip, all its dependencies and the corresponding
package for debug symbols.
The following options are relevant for packaging:

| Option | Description |
| `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` | Prefix path where the package will install the files. |
| `SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR` | Directory where Flexisip expects to find its default configuration. |
| `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` | Set it to “RelWithDebInfo” to have debug symbols in the debuginfo package. |
| `CPACK_GENERATOR` | Package type: “RPM” or “DEB”. |

cmake ./build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/belledonne-communications -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/etc -DCPACK_GENERATOR=RPM
make -C ./build -j package

Packages are now available in ./build directory.

## Docker

A docker image can be built from sources using the following command:

docker build -t flexisip --build-arg='njobs=' -f docker/flex-from-src .

## Nix ❄️

Flexisip can also be compiled with [Nix]. From the root of the repository, you can obtain a development shell using:


Or with Flakes enabled:

nix develop

Nix makes it easier to have a reproducible development environment on any Linux distribution, and doesn't interfere with
other installed tooling. It is just an additional, **optional** way to build flexisip.

### Example build commands:

cd build
clear && cmake --build . --target install && LSAN_OPTIONS="suppressions=../sanitizer_ignore.txt" bin/flexisip_tester --resource-dir "../tester/" --verbose

### Note to maintainers

At the exception to [`shell.nix`](./shell.nix), `.nix` files should live inside the [`nix/`](./nix/) folder.

All `.nix` files should be formatted with `nixpkgs-fmt`.


# Configuration

Flexisip needs a configuration file to run correctly.
Use `./flexisip --dump-all-default > flexisip.conf` to generate a documented default configuration file.

# Developer notes

With sofia-sip, you have the choice between `msg_dup()` and `msg_copy()`,
`sip_from_dup()` and `sip_from_copy()`, _etc_.
The difference isn't well documented in sofia-sip documentation, but it is important to understand that:

- `*_dup()` makes a copy of the structure plus all included strings inside. (deep copy)
- `*_copy()` just makes a copy of the structure, not the strings pointed by it. (shallow copy) **These functions are
dangerous**; use `*_dup()` versions in doubt.

Your build is broken, but you don't see how that's your fault? (E.g. trying to compile a file you removed, and you've
double-checked it is not referenced anywhere in the source code anymore) Try reconfiguring and regenerating. (With
e.g. `ccmake`)