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DEPRECATED: A HTML minifier for Astro

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DEPRECATED: A HTML minifier for Astro





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A HTML minifier for Astro

**DEPRECATED: You don't need this anymore!**

Since [Astro 2.5]( HTML minification is built in.

- **Simple**: Set it and forget it
- **Performant**: Uses highly performant libraries to minify
- **Optimal**: By minifying, the server can serve optimal bundles

Table of Contents

## Table of Contents

- [Quickstart](#quickstart)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [License](#license)

# Quickstart

Install via your tool of choice:

# Using NPM
npm run astro add astro-html-minifier
# Using Yarn
yarn astro add astro-html-minifier
# Using PNPM
pnpm astro add astro-html-minifier

Then, restart the dev server by typing `CTRL-C` and then `npm run dev` in the terminal window that was running Astro.

# Usage

First, install the package with your favorite package manager: `pnpm add --dev astro-html-minifier`,
then configure it in your `astro.config.*` file in the `integrations` property:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import minifyHtml from "astro-html-minifier";

export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [minifyHtml()],

## Configuration

While the default options should serve most users well, you may want to change the options
yourself. The options are as follows:

export interface HTMLOptions {
/** Do not minify DOCTYPEs. Minified DOCTYPEs may not be spec compliant. */
doNotMinifyDoctype?: boolean; // true
/** Ensure all unquoted attribute values in the output do not contain any characters prohibited by the WHATWG specification. */
ensureSpecCompliantUnquotedAttributeValues?: boolean; // true
/** Do not omit closing tags when possible. */
keepClosingTags?: boolean; // true
/** Do not omit `` and `` opening tags when they don't have attributes. */
keepHtmlAndHeadOpeningTags?: boolean; // true
/** Keep spaces between attributes when possible to conform to HTML standards. */
keepSpacesBetweenAttributes?: boolean; // true
/** Keep all comments. */
keepComments?: boolean; // false
* If enabled, content in `` tags with a JS or no [MIME type]( will be minified using [minify-js](
minifyJs?: boolean; // true
* If enabled, CSS in `<style>` tags and `style` attributes will be minified.
minifyCss?: boolean; // true
/** Remove all bangs. */
removeBangs?: boolean; // false
/** Remove all processing_instructions. */
removeProcessingInstructions?: boolean; // false

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import minifyHtml from "astro-html-minifier";

export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [minifyHtml({ keepComments: true, minifyJs: false })],

# License