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A JSX-like ttl for Hyperapp

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A JSX-like ttl for Hyperapp




# hyperlit

`hyperlit` lets you declare your [hyperapp]( views in a html-like fashion, similar to JSX. Unlike JSX you don't need a build-step and babel config to do it -- it happens run-time in your browser. It's quite small – ca 0.6kb.

Here's Hyperapp's "Quickstart" example using hyperlit:


import { app } from ''
import html from ''

init: 0,
view: state => html`
<button onclick=${state => state - 1}>-</button>
<button onclick=${state => state + 1}>+</button>
node: document.getElementById('app')


In the following instructions I will just focus on how hyperlit replaces Hyperapp's `h` function. For actually making working apps with this, familiarity with Hyperapp is assumed.

## Getting hyperlit into your project

### Using npm

In projects where you do bundle your app up, install hyperlit using:

npm i hyperlit

> Note that hyperapp is a peer-dependency which you'll also need to have installed.

Once installed, you can import `hyperlit` wherever you declare views:

import html from 'hyperlit'

### Browser modules

If you prefer not to use npm, you can use client side imports directly like this:

import html from ''

## Usage

Hyperlit replaces hyperapp's built-in `h`, allowing you to write:



Content 1

Content 2


instead of:

h('div', { class: 'big' }, [
h('h1', {}, text('Title')),
h('p', { class: 'aligned' }, [
text('Content 1'),
h('br', {}),
text('Content 2')

### Injecting props

If you have non-string props you want to add to your vnodes, or values kept in variables, use the `${val}` syntax to
inject them:

const foo = 32
const node = html`

30 }}>...


#### Spreading props

If you have a bunch of props you want to assign, you don't have to write them out individually, you can just:

const props = {class: 'bigger', id: 'a-1', key: 'a-1'}
const node = html`



(For compatibility with views you may have written using `htm`, the `...${props}` syntax is also supported)

### Injecting content.

const name = 'Joe'
const greeting = html`Hello ${name}!`

results in `h('span', {}, [text('Hello'), text('Joe'), text('!')])`.

Content can be a string or a vnode. Content can also be an array:

const names = ['Kim', 'Robin', 'Sam']
const person = name => html`


const list = html`



results in `list` being equivalent to:

h('div', {}, [
h('p', {}, text('Members:')),
h('p', {}, text('Kim')),
h('p', {}, text('Robin')),
h('p', {}, text('Sam')),

Since hyperapp filters out falsy children, you can conditionally render some content:

const show = false

Secret: ${show && 'I work for the CIA'}


### Components

Let's say you have this component:

const box = (props, content) => html`



You could of course add it to a view in this way:

const view = html`

${box({ active: false, title: 'My bio' }, [

Lorem ipsum


Dolor sit amet


But hyperlit allows you to do it this way as well:

const view = html`

<${box} active=${false} title="My bio">

Lorem ipsum

Dolor sit amet


> For backwards compatibility with `htm` it is also possible to close components as `${box}>`

## Tooling

### Transform to plain function calls with Babel

This library is meant to let you write html-like views that can be rendered in the browser without any build step. Still, you might eventually perfer the parsing to be taken care of by your build-toolchain in order to get faster renders. Of course you should be able to do so! Simply add `babel-plugin-hyperlit` to your babel config. In `package.json` for example, it looks like this:

"babel": {
"plugins": ["hyperlit"]

With that, babel will make sure to transform all your hyperlit views into plain function calls, so the browser doesn't have to do any parsing.

### Syntax highlighting

If you use [VS Code](, install the [lit-html]( to get highlighting and autocompletion that works well with hyperlit.

## Credits

This project was inspired by [Jason Miller's]( [htm]( I made it to have a similar solution that would work well with Hyperapp.

Thanks to [Jorge Bucaran]( for making [Hyperapp]( and for coming up with the name of this project!