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Declarative routing for Hyperapp V1 using the History API.

hyperapp link router

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Declarative routing for Hyperapp V1 using the History API.




# Hyperapp Router

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Hyperapp Router provides declarative routing for [Hyperapp]( using the [History API](

[Try this example online](

import { h, app } from "hyperapp"
import { Link, Route, location } from "@hyperapp/router"

const Home = () =>


const About = () =>


const Topic = ({ match }) =>


const TopicsView = ({ match }) => (


  • Components

  • Single State Tree

  • Routing

{match.isExact &&

Please select a topic.



const state = {
location: location.state

const actions = {
location: location.actions

const view = state => (

  • Home

  • About

  • Topics


const main = app(state, actions, view, document.body)

const unsubscribe = location.subscribe(main.location)

## Installation

npm i @hyperapp/router

Then with a module bundler like Rollup or Webpack, use as you would anything else.

import { Link, Route, Switch, Redirect, location } from "@hyperapp/router"

If you don't want to set up a build environment, you can download Hyperapp Router from a CDN like []( and it will be globally available through the window.hyperappRouter object. We support all ES5-compliant browsers, including Internet Explorer 10 and above.

## Usage

Add the `location` module to your state and actions and start the application.

const state = {
location: location.state

const actions = {
location: location.actions

const main = app(
(state, actions) =>


} />,

Then call `subscribe` to listen to location change events.

const unsubscribe = location.subscribe(main.location)

## Components

### Route

Render a component when the given path matches the current [window location]( A route without a path is always a match. Routes can have nested routes.



#### parent

The route contains child routes.

#### path

The path to match against the current location.

#### render

The component to render when there is a match.

### Render Props

Rendered components are passed the following props.

const RouteInfo = ({ location, match }) => (

Url: {match.url}

Path: {match.path}

    {Object.keys(match.params).map(key => (

  • {key}: {match.params[key]}

  • ))}

Location: {location.pathname}


#### location

The [window location](

#### match.url

The matched part of the url. Use to assemble links inside routes. See [Link](#link).

#### match.path

The route [path](#path).

#### match.isExact

Indicates whether the given path matched the url exactly or not.

### Link

Use the Link component to update the current [window location]( and navigate between views without a page reload. The new location will be pushed to the history stack using `history.pushState`.

const Navigation = (

  • Home

  • About

  • Topics


#### to

The link's destination url.

### Redirect

Use the Redirect component to navigate to a new location. The new location will override the current location in the history stack using `history.replaceState`.

const Login = ({ from, login, redirectToReferrer }) => props => {
if (redirectToReferrer) {

return (

You must log in to view the page at {from}.

auth.authenticate(userId => login(userId))
Log in


#### to

The redirect's destination url.

#### from

Overwrite the previous pathname. See [location.previous](#previous).

### Switch

Use the Switch component when you want to ensure only one out of several routes is rendered. It always renders the first matching child.

const NoMatchExample = (



## Modules

### location

#### pathname

Same as window.location.pathname.

#### previous

The previous location.pathname. Useful when redirecting back to the referrer url/pathname after leaving a protected route.

#### go(url)

Navigate to the given url.

## License

Hyperapp Router is MIT licensed. See [LICENSE](