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3KB Hyperapp form state management library

Last synced: 3 months ago
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3KB Hyperapp form state management library




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# hyperapp-forms

Hyperapp form state management library

* Simple
* Small in size (3kb minified)

**Heavily inspired by [`redux-form`](**

## Installation

npm i -S hyperapp-forms

## Usage

### Import

Add the imported actions object contents to the main actions object.


import forms from 'hyperapp-forms';


const actions = {





### Field components

Wrap your input components with the `Field` decorator.

import { h } from 'hyperapp';
import {Field} from "hyperapp-forms";

const Textbox = ({ input, type, name, title, disabled }) => {
const showError = (input.touched || input.submitted) && !!input.error;
return (


{showError && {input.error}}


export default Field(Textbox);

The attributes the `Field` decorator adds to the component are:

|form|string|The form's name|
|name|string|The field's name|
|validate|function(form, name, values) : Object |A validate function to run after change

## Actions

### `changeAndValidate({ form, name, value, validate })`

Changes a value for a certain field, also runs the `validate` function and updates the sync errors accordingly.

`validate` is a callback with the following structure `validate(form, name, values)` (see explanation above).

### `touch({ form, name })`

Sets the field as been touched.

### `startSubmit({ form })`

Sets the form's status to be submitting

### `stopSubmit({ form, errors })`

Sets the form's status to be not submitting, and apply server errors by matching field names.

## Selectors

|`getFormValues(state, form)`|Get an object with the form values|
|`isSubmitting(state, form)`|Is the form submitting|
|`isValid(state, form)`|Is the form valid (are there any errors)|
|`wasSubmitted(state, form)`|Was the form submitted at least once (useful for showing errors)|
|`getFieldValue(state, form, field)`|Get a certain field value|
|`getFieldError(state, form, field)`|Get a certain field error|
|`isFieldTouched(state, form, field)`|Was field touched (useful for showing errors)|

## Submission and error handling

`handleSubmit(state, actions, form, callback)`

Use `handleSubmit` in the form's onsubmit (or any button's callback, see example below),

Supply a callback function which will return a promise, which at first will start the form's submission automatically.

And once resolved or rejected will stop the form's submission.

The callback function needs to be in the following structure:

`callback(values, actions) : Promise`

The resolve or reject argument should be

## Usage example

Checkout a working example: [hyperapp-less-boilerplate](


const signIn = (values, actions) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (values.username === 'test') {
else {
reject({ username: 'Not "test"!'});
}, 2000);

const validate = (form, name, values) => {

let errors = null;

const usernameInvalid = !/^t/.test(values.username);
if (usernameInvalid) {
if (!errors) errors = {};
errors.username = 'not starting with t!';

const passwordInvalid = !values.password;
if (passwordInvalid) {
if (!errors) errors = {};
errors.password = 'password is required!';

return errors; // if everything is valid, returns null

export default (state, actions) => {

const submitting = isSubmitting(state, 'login');

return (

Login to your account:

Sign In

{submitting &&

