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Automaticly generate your styled QR code in your web app.

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Automaticly generate your styled QR code in your web app.




# QR Code Styling

JavaScript library for generating QR codes with a logo and styling.

Try it here

If you have issues / suggestions / notes / questions, please open an issue or contact me. Let's create a cool library together.
### Examples

### Installation

npm install qr-code-styling

### Usage


QR Code Styling

const qrCode = new QRCodeStyling({
width: 300,
height: 300,
type: "svg",
data: "",
image: "",
dotsOptions: {
color: "#4267b2",
type: "rounded"
backgroundOptions: {
color: "#e9ebee",
imageOptions: {
crossOrigin: "anonymous",
margin: 20

qrCode.append(document.getElementById("canvas"));{ name: "qr", extension: "svg" });


[**React example (Codesandbox)**](

[**Angular example (Codesandbox)**](


[**React example (source)**](

[**Angular example (source)**](

[**Vue example (source)**](


### API Documentation

#### QRCodeStyling instance
`new QRCodeStyling(options) => QRCodeStyling`

Param |Type |Description
options|object|Init object

`options` structure

Property |Type |Default Value|Description
width |number |`300` |Size of canvas
height |number |`300` |Size of canvas
type |string (`'canvas' 'svg'`)|`canvas` |The type of the element that will be rendered
data |string | |The date will be encoded to the QR code
image |string | |The image will be copied to the center of the QR code
margin |number |`0` |Margin around canvas
qrOptions |object | |Options will be passed to `qrcode-generator` lib
imageOptions |object | |Specific image options, details see below
dotsOptions |object | |Dots styling options
cornersSquareOptions |object | |Square in the corners styling options
cornersDotOptionsHelper|object | |Dots in the corners styling options
backgroundOptions |object | |QR background styling options

`options.qrOptions` structure

Property |Type |Default Value
typeNumber |number (`0 - 40`) |`0`
mode |string (`'Numeric' 'Alphanumeric' 'Byte' 'Kanji'`)|
errorCorrectionLevel|string (`'L' 'M' 'Q' 'H'`) |`'Q'`

`options.imageOptions` structure

Property |Type |Default Value|Description
hideBackgroundDots|boolean |`true` |Hide all dots covered by the image
imageSize |number |`0.4` |Coefficient of the image size. Not recommended to use ove 0.5. Lower is better
margin |number |`0` |Margin of the image in px
crossOrigin |string(`'anonymous' 'use-credentials'`)| |Set "anonymous" if you want to download QR code from other origins.

`options.dotsOptions` structure

Property|Type |Default Value|Description
color |string |`'#000'` |Color of QR dots
gradient|object | |Gradient of QR dots
type |string (`'rounded' 'dots' 'classy' 'classy-rounded' 'square' 'extra-rounded'`)|`'square'` |Style of QR dots

`options.backgroundOptions` structure

Property|Type |Default Value
color |string|`'#fff'`

`options.cornersSquareOptions` structure

Property|Type |Default Value|Description
color |string | |Color of Corners Square
gradient|object | |Gradient of Corners Square
type |string (`'dot' 'square' 'extra-rounded'`)| |Style of Corners Square

`options.cornersDotOptions` structure

Property|Type |Default Value|Description
color |string | |Color of Corners Dot
gradient|object | |Gradient of Corners Dot
type |string (`'dot' 'square'`)| |Style of Corners Dot

Gradient structure





Property |Type |Default Value|Description
type |string (`'linear' 'radial'`)|"linear" |Type of gradient spread
rotation |number |0 |Rotation of gradient in radians (Math.PI === 180 degrees)
colorStops|array of objects | |Gradient colors. Example `[{ offset: 0, color: 'blue' }, { offset: 1, color: 'red' }]`

Gradient colorStops structure





Property|Type |Default Value|Description
offset |number (`0 - 1`)| |Position of color in gradient range
color |string | |Color of stop in gradient range

#### QRCodeStyling methods
`QRCodeStyling.append(container) => void`

Param |Type |Description
container|DOM element|This container will be used for appending of the QR code

`QRCodeStyling.getRawData(extension) => Promise`

Param |Type |Default Value|Description
extension|string (`'png' 'jpeg' 'webp' 'svg'`)|`'png'` |Blob type

`QRCodeStyling.update(options) => void`

Param |Type |Description
options|object|The same options as for initialization

` => Promise`

Param |Type |Description
downloadOptions|object|Options with extension and name of file (not required)

`downloadOptions` structure

Property |Type |Default Value|Description
name |string |`'qr'` |Name of the downloaded file
extension|string (`'png' 'jpeg' 'webp' 'svg'`)|`'png'` |File extension

### License

[MIT License]( Copyright (c) 2021 Denys Kozak