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Arweave PHP SDK

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Arweave PHP SDK




## Arweave PHP SDK

This package allows us to interact with the Arweave network, we can use it to read and write transactions and data to the network.

## Installation
We strongly recommend using [composer]( for installation.

`composer require arweave/arweave-sdk`

Or add the following to your project `composer.json` file.

"require": {
"arweave/arweave-sdk": "0.2.0"

## Quick Examples

#### Sending data to the network

include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$arweave = new \Arweave\SDK\Arweave('http', '', 1984);

$jwk = json_decode(file_get_contents('jwk.json'), true);

$wallet = new \Arweave\SDK\Support\Wallet($jwk);

$transaction = $arweave->createTransaction($wallet, [
'data' => 'Some page',
'tags' => [
'Content-Type' => 'text/html'

printf('Your transaction ID is %s', $transaction->getAttribute('id'));

// commit() sends the transaction to the network, once sent this can't be undone.

#### Getting data from the network
$arweave = new \Arweave\SDK\Arweave('http', '', 1984);


## Usage

#### Instantiation
Start by creating a `Arweave` object, this is the primary SDK class your application should use, it contains the public methods for creating, sending and getting transactions.

$arweave = new \Arweave\SDK\Arweave('http', '', 1984);

Provide any valid Arweave node hostname or IP address

#### Getting a Transaction
Once we have our `Arweave` object we can now get transactions from the network using a valid transaction ID.

For example:

The above will return the following `Transaction` object:

object(Arweave\SDK\Support\Transaction)#23 (1) {
array(10) {
["id"]=> string(43) "mvscO3JBlwweOnf..."
["last_tx"]=> string(43) "3MFrfH0-HI9GeMf..."
["owner"]=> string(683) "1Q7Rfgt23rfUDp..."
["target"]=> string(0) ""
["quantity"]=> string(1) "0"
["data"]=> string(60) "eyJib2R5IjoiVGVz..."
["reward"]=> string(10) "1825892857"
["signature"]=> string(683) "BUmdaf4rzlyT_3..."
["tags"]=> array(0) {}

#### Getting data from a Transaction
There are two methods for getting data from a transaction, we can either:

$data = $arweave->api()->getTransactionData($transaction_id);
//string(45) "{"body":"Test body","subject":"Test subject"}"

This method returns the original and decoded data from a transaction. This is the simplest method and probably the one you'll need most often.

Alternatively, if we need the encoded data or need other transaction attributes we can do the following:

$transaction = $arweave->api()->getTransaction($transaction_id);

$encoded_data = $transaction->getAttribute('data');
//string(60) "eyJib2R5IjoiVGVzdCBib2R5Iiwic3ViamVjdCI6IlRlc3Qgc3ViamVjdCJ9"

$original_data = base64_decode(\Arweave\SDK\Support\Helpers::base64urlDecode($encoded_data));
//string(45) "{"body":"Test body","subject":"Test subject"}"
#### ArQL

$transactionIds = $arweave->api()->arql([
'op' => 'equals',
'expr1' => 'App-Name',
'expr2' => 'arweaveapps'

// array(31) {
// [0]=>
// string(43) "NXg2OaRRygb7RJZFbkcEYlS2LNNfsqxxobzUqz7ELnc"
// [1]=>
// string(43) "i3_aC8xIO_4TpMqp5sR4WVUwbA1p2sPCu11cLVKN89U
// ...


#### Loading a Wallet
To load a wallet you need a Key file. Arweave uses JSON Web Keys (JWK) as the key file format, a JWK is simply a JSON representation of a public/private key pair and they look something like this:

"kty": "RSA",
"ext": true,
"e": "AQAB",
"n": "1Q7Rfgt23rfU...",
"d": "Yk_Z0tGLpar_...",
"p": "_lrlR3LXDjR4...",
"q": "1m-NU2BaG2vU...",
"dp": "qfU3LFSrN52...",
"dq": "gk_Sb5cFAQQ...",
"qi": "k65nfXdh4qx..."

We first need to decode our JWK file to a PHP array, then we can simply pass that array into a new `Wallet` object.

**You should treat your JWK as you would treat an API key or a password**. You should **never** expose them or place them in any publicly accessible location and **never** commit them to any version control system, **doing so will compromise your wallet and its contents**.

$jwk = json_decode(file_get_contents('jwk.json'), true);

$wallet = new \Arweave\SDK\Support\Wallet($jwk);`

This is just one suggested method of storing your JWK but there's no requirement that you store in as a JSON file, you could also store it in an environment variable, a database, a PHP file, or anywhere else. As long as it ends up as a PHP array it should work just fine.

#### Creating a Transaction
Transactions need to be signed for them to be accepted by the network, so **this step requires a wallet**.