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Animate elements as they scroll into view.

animation css javascript reveal scroll scrollreveal transform transition

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

Animate elements as they scroll into view.






Animate elements as they scroll into view.

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5.7 kB min+gzip

GPLv3 License

# Installation

## Browser

A simple and fast way to get started is to include this script on your page:



This will create the global variable `ScrollReveal`

> Be careful using this method in production. Without specifying a fixed version number, Unpkg may delay your page load while it resolves the latest version. Learn more at [](

## Module

$ npm install scrollreveal

#### CommonJS

const ScrollReveal = require('scrollreveal')

#### ES2015

import ScrollReveal from 'scrollreveal'

# Usage

Installation provides us with the constructor function [`ScrollReveal()`]( Calling this function returns the ScrollReveal instance, the “brain” behind the magic.

> ScrollReveal employs the singleton pattern; no matter how many times the constructor is called, it will always return the same instance. This means we can call it anywhere, worry-free.

There’s a lot we can do with this instance, but most of the time we’ll be using the [`reveal()`]( method to create animation. Fundamentally, this is how to use ScrollReveal:


Widget Inc.



**🔎 See this demo live on [JSBin](,output)**


### The full documentation can be found at [](

> If you’re using an older version of ScrollReveal, you can find legacy documentation in the [wiki](


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# License

**For commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, keep your source code private/proprietary by purchasing a [Commercial License](**

Licensed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 for compatible open source projects and non-commercial use.

Copyright 2023 Fisssion LLC