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Package manager for the C programming language.

c clib manager package

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Package manager for the C programming language.




# clib(1)

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Package manager for the C programming language.

![c package manager screenshot](

## Installation

Expects [libcurl]( to be installed and linkable.

With [homebrew](

$ brew install clib

Or [MacPorts](

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install clib

With git:

$ git clone /tmp/clib
$ cd /tmp/clib
$ make install


# install libcurl
$ sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev -qq
# clone
$ git clone /tmp/clib && cd /tmp/clib
# build
$ make
# put on path
$ sudo make install

## About

Basically the lazy-man's copy/paste promoting smaller C utilities, also
serving as a nice way to discover these sort of libraries. From my experience
C libraries are scattered all over the web and discovery is relatively poor. The footprint of these libraries is usually quite large and unfocused. The goal of `clibs` is to provide
stand-alone "micro" C libraries for developers to quickly install without coupling
to large frameworks.

You should use `clib(1)` to fetch these files for you and check them into your repository, the end-user and contributors should not require having `clib(1)` installed. This allows `clib(1)` to fit into any new or existing C workflow without friction.

The wiki [listing of packages]( acts as the "registry" and populates the `clib-search(1)` results.

## Usage

clib [options]


-h, --help Output this message
-V, --version Output version information


init Start a new project
i, install [name...] Install one or more packages
up, update [name...] Update one or more packages
upgrade [version] Upgrade clib to a specified or latest version\
configure [name...] Configure one or more packages
build [name...] Build one or more packages
search [query] Search for packages
help Display help for cmd

More about the Command Line Interface [here](

## Examples

More examples and best practices at [](

Install a few dependencies to `./deps`:

$ clib install clibs/ms clibs/commander

Install them to `./src` instead:

$ clib install clibs/ms clibs/commander -o src

When installing libraries from the `clibs` org you can omit the name:

$ clib install ms file hash

Install some executables:

$ clib install visionmedia/mon visionmedia/every visionmedia/watch

## clib.json

Example of a clib.json explicitly listing the source:

"name": "term",
"version": "0.0.1",
"repo": "clibs/term",
"description": "Terminal ansi escape goodies",
"keywords": ["terminal", "term", "tty", "ansi", "escape", "colors", "console"],
"license": "MIT",
"src": ["src/term.c", "src/term.h"]

Example of a clib.json for an executable:

"name": "mon",
"version": "1.1.1",
"repo": "visionmedia/mon",
"description": "Simple process monitoring",
"keywords": ["process", "monitoring", "monitor", "availability"],
"license": "MIT",
"install": "make install"

See [explanation of clib.json]( for more details.

## Contributing

If you're interested in being part of this initiative let me know and I'll add you to the `clibs` organization so you can create repos here and contribute to existing ones.

If you have any issues, questions or suggestions, please open an issue [here](

You can also find us on Gitter:

Also feel free to open a GitHub Discussion [here](

Before committing to the repository, please run `make commit-hook`. This installs a commit hook which formats `.c` and `.h` files.

## Articles

- [Introducing Clib]( - introduction to clib
- [The Advent of Clib: the C Package Manager]( - overview article about clib