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An example of taking react-native's default template and making it work with typescript

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An example of taking react-native's default template and making it work with typescript




This is the minimal possible setup to get a _in memory_ version of React Native working with TypeScript support. The current techniques use a multi-step process, you save -> TypeScript creates JS file -> Babel sees JS file and compiles to ES5. This replaces that with a custom transformer that will either pass the file to Babel or the TypeScript compiler.

If you want to see a non-trivial production version:

This repo is the techniques inside that app replicated against a new project.


Steps required to make this project:

* `npm install -g react-native-cli`
* `react-native init MyProject`
* `cd MyProject`
* `yarn add typescript --dev`
* `yarn tsc -- --init`
* change tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"module": "commonjs",
"jsx": "react",
"strict": true

* create - rn-cli.config.js

module.exports = {
getSourceExts() {
return ["js", "ts", "tsx"]

getTransformModulePath() {
return require.resolve("./transformer")

* create transformer folder, and copy emission files in there (
* You _have_ to keep `index.ios.js` `` to use those to load a TSX component, in this case `home.tsx`
* `react-native run-ios` to start it up


Making it feel good:

* `yarn add @types/react-native --dev`