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Useful resources for creating apps with Exponent

List: awesome-expo

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Useful resources for creating apps with Exponent




# Awesome Expo [![Awesome](](


> Useful resources for creating apps with [Expo](

## Contents

- [Apps](#apps)
- [Libraries from Expo](#libraries-from-expo)
- [Libraries built by the Community](#libraries-built-by-the-community)
- [Documentation](#documentation--reference)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Community](#community)
- [Tips](#tips)

## Apps - Made with Expo

### Expo Experiences

- [Growler Prowler]( - Find breweries around you in Vancouver! | [Source Code](
- [Floaty Plane]( - A game where you keep a paper plane afloat | [Source Code](
- [React Native Playground]( - Write snippets in your browser using []( and try them out with this!
- [Pocket Gear]( - PocketGear is a clean and simple Pokédex app for Pokémon GO.
- [Breakout]( - A game where you have to smash blocks with your paddle using GL.
- [movieapp]( - Discover Movies and TV shows
- [Startr]( - "Like Airbnb for Uber." Inspiration for your next startup
- [PÜL]( - A carpooling app designed for students to help each other get more involved in their community. | [Source Code](
- [Tetris]( - The Tetris game you know and love.
- [ATM finda]( - An App for Finding Active ATM's around you.
- [Reactive Sweeper]( - The good ol' minesweeper game. And a little bit more. | [Source Code](
- [Lyrics King]( - Stylish and minimalist lyrics search app, designed with Adobe XD | [Source Code](

### App Store apps Using Expo

- []( - Twitter for lists of things

### Demos

- [Instagram Stories Clone]( by Yousef Kama | [Blog Post]( | [Source Code](
- [Wunderlist Clone]( by Yousef Kama | [Blog Post]( | [Source Code](
- [Emoji Feedback UI]( by Yousef Kama | [Blog Post]( | [Source Code](
- [Native Component List]( | [Source Code](
- [GLTest]( | [Source Code](
- [Tetris]( - The Tetris game you know and love. | [Source Code](
- [react-native-gmail]( by Sung Woo Park - Pure javascript UI prototype for React Native framework. Custom swipe to archive ListView. | [Source Code](
- [Solitaire]( by Sung Woo Park - Pure javascript solitaire UI for React Native framework. Intended for practices with PanResponder | [Source Code](
- [Render an SVG File from URI]( - Renders an SVG image of Homer Simpson stored at a URI | [Source Code](

## Libraries from Expo

- [ExNavigation]( - A route-centric, batteries-included navigation library for Expo and React Native that works seamlessly on Android and iOS
- [react-native-action-sheet]( - ActionSheet is a cross-platform React Native component that uses the native UIActionSheet on iOS and a JS implementation on Android.

## Libraries built by the community

- [ex-react-native-i18n]( - ex-react-native-i18n for Expo
- [react-native-linkedin](
- [rn-pdf-reader-js]( - A PDF reader, in JavaScript only, for Expo, Android capable, PDF.JS

## Documentation & Reference

- [Up and Running Guide](
- [Official Expo docs]( - Go here and be sure to use the search to answer a lot of your questions.
- [Hello GraphQL]( - GraphQL query, mutation and schema example in Expo with Reindex and Apollo Client.
- [Firebase Example]( - A simple example that shows how to setup Firebase in your Expo app, and interact with their most basic set/get API.
- [ Expo Example]( - A simple backend and Expo app that uses
- [Video Background Example]( - Everyone's favorite sign-in screen layout.
- [Image Upload Example]( - Snap a photo or grab it from your camera roll, upload it to your backend that sends it off to S3.
- [Vector Icons Directory on Expo](
- [Vector Icons Directory on Web](

## Articles

- [This Week in React #2]( - Interview with Nikhilesh Sigatapu
- [Using React Native UI toolkits with Expo](

## Videos

- [Expo Explained in Two Minutes](

## Podcasts

Add some!

## Community

- [Expo Forums](
- [Community Slack](
- [Old Exponent Subreddit](
- [Stack Overflow](
- [`@expo_io` on Twitter](
- []( - Show and tell for React Native developers

## Tips

Contribute some ;)

## Contribute

Contributions welcome! Read the [contribution guidelines]( first.

## License

[MIT License](LICENSE)