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A Gatsby theme to generate a static site for ADRs

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A Gatsby theme to generate a static site for ADRs





Gatsby Theme ADR

Visit [live demo](

## 🚀 Add an ADR website to your software project

1. **Create a `/docs` folder in your repository**

Create the directory to hold your ADRs, and initialize the website.

# Download the boilerplate project so we can tweak it.
npx degit github:e0ipso/adr-website-example#main docs
cd docs

# Install the documentation site.
npm install
# Run the development server.
npm run-script develop

2. **Change customize the Look & Feel**

- This project uses Gatsby. This means that you can override any of the
components here using a technique
called [component shadowing](
. The boilerplate you downloaded contains examples of that. See the
contents of the `src/@lullabot/gatsby-theme-adr` to change the copyright
information the menu title, etc.

- Additionally, you will need to change the images in `src/images` to
include the logo for your project.

- Finally, edit `gatsby.config.js` to remove references to "My Company" and
use your project's info instead.

3. (Optional) **Move Tugboat integration to your project root**

If you want to preview your site documentation in
your [Tugboat](
previews, you can use the configuration in the `.tugboat` directory.

If you already use Tugboat adapt your project configuration to _add_ the
service for the ADR website instead.

mv .tugboat ../

4. **Open the code and start customizing!**

Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

Edit `src/pages/index.jsx` to see your site update in real-time!

## 💠 Deploy and update the site automatically

Depending on the CI you use and where you publish the ADR site this process will

Here is an example that assumes you use _GitHub Actions_ for CI and _GitHub Pages_ to host the static site.

Add a workflow for your repository in `.github/workflows/gh-pages.yml` with the
following contents:

name: website

# Update this to your branch name.
branches: [main]

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
- name: Install package dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Build Gatsby site
run: npm run-script build
- name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
if: success()
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v2
target_branch: gh-pages
build_dir: docs/public

## 🔄 Contributing

See [](./ for information on how to set up a local environment to work on issues.