
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

The easiest way to add Sign-in with Ethereum to your app.

auth authentication ethereum express expressjs ironsession next nextjs react session siwe wagmi web3

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

The easiest way to add Sign-in with Ethereum to your app.





UseSIWE is a library that provides react hooks and API endpoints that make it
dead simple to add Sign-In with Ethereum functionality to your react

### 🌈 Works with RainbowKit

The easiest way to use this library is with RainbowKit!
Check out the RainbowKit authentication adapter for UseSiwe here:

# Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Configure settings for iron-session](#configure-settings-for-iron-session)
- [Setting up the API routes](#setting-up-the-api-routes)
- [Next.js](#nextjs)
- [Express.js](#expressjs)
- [Wrapping your application with SiweProvider](#wrapping-your-application-with-siweprovider)
- [Using the hooks](#using-the-hooks)
- [Checking if a user is authenticated](#checking-if-a-user-is-authenticated)
- [Signing In](#signing-in)
- [Signing Out](#signing-out)
- [API](#api)
- [Types](#types)
- [UseSiweOptions](#usesiweoptions)
- [Components](#components)
- [SiweProvider](#siweprovider)
- [Hooks](#hooks)
- [useSession](#usesession)
- [useSignIn](#usesignin)
- [useSignOut](#usesignout)
- [useOptions](#useoptions)
- [Routes](#routes)
- [Next.js: SiweApi](#nextjs-siweapi)
- [Express.js: SiweApi](#expressjs-siweapi)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [getSession](#getsession)
- [createMessage](#createmessage)
- [getMessageBody](#getmessagebody)
- [verify](#verify)
- [signOut](#signout)

# Installation

To install UseSIWE and it's dependencies run the following command:

npm install @randombits/use-siwe wagmi ethers iron-session

# Getting Started

## Configure settings for `iron-session`

Copy and paste the following code into a new file in your project:

// lib/ironOptions.ts

import { IronSessionOptions } from 'iron-session';

if (!process.env.IRON_SESSION_PASSWORD)
throw new Error('IRON_SESSION_PASSWORD must be set');

const ironOptions: IronSessionOptions = {
password: process.env.IRON_SESSION_PASSWORD,
cookieName: 'session',
cookieOptions: {
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === "production",

declare module "iron-session" {
interface IronSessionData {
address?: string | undefined;
nonce?: string | undefined;

export default ironOptions;

**Remember to set IRON_SESSION_PASSWORD** in your `.env.local` file for
development, and in your production environment through your hosting
provider settings. The password must be at least 32 characters long. You can
use to generate strong passwords.

For full reference of possible options see:

**Typing session data**
The type definition of `IronSessionData` in the example above provides a type
definition to the data passed to api functions in `req.session`. `address` and
`nonce` are used and set by UseSIWE; if you plan on storing other data in the
session, feel free to add additional types here.

For more information see:

## Setting up the API routes

### Next.js

Copy and past the following code into `pages/api/auth/[[...route]].ts`:

import { withIronSessionApiRoute } from "iron-session/next";
import ironOptions from "lib/ironOptions";
import { siweApi } from "@randombits/use-siwe/next"

export default withIronSessionApiRoute(siweApi(), ironOptions);

### Express.js

To add auth routes to your existing express API, add the following:

import express from "express";
import { ironSession } from "iron-session/express";
import ironOptions from "./ironOptions.js";
import { authRouter } from "@randombits/use-siwe/express";

const app = express();

// Add iron session middleware before all routes that will use session data

// Your existing api routes here...

// Add UseSIWE auth routes
app.use('/auth', authRouter());


## Wrapping your application with `SiweProvider`

Any component that uses the any of the UseSIWE hooks must be wrapped with the
`SiweProvider` component. For a Next.js application we recommend doing so in
`pages/_app.tsx` like in the example below:

// pages/_app.tsx

import type { AppProps } from 'next/app';
import { configureChains, mainnet } from 'wagmi';
import { publicProvider } from 'wagmi/providers/public';
import { SiweProvider } from '@randombits/use-siwe';

const { chains, provider, webSocketProvider } = configureChains(

const client = createClient({
autoConnect: true,

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
return (


**Important:** The `SiweProvider` must be inside a `WagmiConfig` component.

## Using the hooks

### Checking if a user is authenticated

#### Client-side

Check to see is a user is authenticated with the `useSession` hook like in the
example below:

import { useSession } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

export const AuthCheck = () => {
const { isLoading, authenticated, address } = useSession();

if (isLoading) return


if (!authenticated) return

Not authenticated


{address} is Authenticated


#### Server-side

For API routes, wrap your API handler with `withIronSessionApiRoute` and check
to see if `req.session.address` is set. If a user is authenticated,
`req.session.address` will be set to their address, otherwise it will be

import ironOptions from '@/lib/ironOptions'
import { withIronSessionApiRoute } from 'iron-session/next/dist'
import type { NextApiHandler } from 'next'

const handler: NextApiHandler = (req, res) => {
if (!req.session.address) return res.status(401).send("Unauthorized");
res.status(200).send(`Hello, ${req.session.address}!`);

export default withIronSessionApiRoute(handler, ironOptions);

### Signing In

Login the user by calling the `signIn` function returned by the `useSignIn`

import { useSignIn } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const SignInButton = () => {
const { signIn, isLoading } = useSignIn();
return signIn()} disabled={isLoading}>Sign In with Ethereum;

### Signing Out

Logout the user by calling the `signOut` function returned by the `useSignOut`

import { useSignOut } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const SignOutButton = () => {
const { signOut, isLoading } = useSignOut();
return signOut()} disabled={isLoading}>Sign Out;


## Types

### UseSiweOptions

UseSIWE accepts an object of options. Currently this consists of one optional

#### Usage

const options: UseSiweOptions = {
baseUrl: "/v2/api/auth",

#### Options

- `baseUrl`, optional: The base url for the auth API endpoints that is
prepended to all requests. Defaults to: `/api/auth`

## Components

### SiweProvider

Context provider component that must wrap all components that use `useSession`,
`useSignIn`, `useSignOut`, or `useOptions` hooks.

#### Usage

import type { AppProps } from 'next/app';
import { SiweProvider } from '@randombits/use-siwe';

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {


#### Props

- `options`, Optional: A `UseSiweOptions` object.

## Hooks

### useSession

A hook that returns the the current state of the users session.

#### Usage

import { useSession } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

export const Component = () => {
const { isLoading, authenticated, address } = useSession();

if (isLoading) return

if (!authenticated) return
Not Signed In
Hello, {address}!

#### Return Value

Returns a `UseQueryResult` ([ref](
augmented with the following:

authenticated: boolean;
address?: string;
nonce?: string;
} & UseQueryResult

### useSignIn

A hook that returns a `signIn` function that will initiate a SIWE flow, as well
as the status of that signIn process.

#### Usage

import { useSignIn } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const SignInButton = () => {
const { signIn, isLoading } = useSignIn();
return signIn()} disabled={isLoading}>Sign In with Ethereum;

#### Options

onSuccess: () => void,
onError: () => void,

#### Return Value

Returns a `UseMutationResult` ([ref](
augmented with the following:

signIn: () => void,
SignInAsync: () => Promise,
} & UseMutationResult

### useSignOut

A hook that returns a `signOut` function that when called will sign out the
current user and disconnect their wallet.

#### Usage

import { useSignOut } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const SignOutButton = () => {
const { signOut, isLoading } = useSignOut();
return signOut()} disabled={isLoading}>Sign Out;

#### Options

onSuccess: () => void,
onError: () => void,

#### Return Value

Returns a `UseMutationResult` ([ref](
augmented with the following:

signOut: () => void,
SignOutAsync: () => Promise,
} & UseMutationResult

### useOptions

A hook that simply returns the options that have been set by in the
`SiweProvider` component.

#### Usage

import { useOptions, verify } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const verifyButton = (props) => {
const options = useOptions();
const handleClick = () => verify({
message: props.message,
signature: props.signature,
}, options);

return handleClick()}>Verify Signature;

#### Return Value


## Routes

### Next.js: SiweApi

A function that returns a `NextApiHandler` that will handle all auth API

#### Usage

import { withIronSessionApiRoute } from "iron-session/next";
import ironOptions from "lib/ironOptions";
import { siweApi } from "@randombits/use-siwe/next"

export default withIronSessionApiRoute(siweApi(), ironOptions);

#### Return Value


### Express.js: SiweApi

A function that returns an express `Router` that will handle all auth API

#### Usage

import express from "express";
import { ironSession } from "iron-session/express";
import ironOptions from "./ironOptions.js";
import { authRouter } from "@randombits/use-siwe/express";

const app = express();

app.use('/auth', authRouter());


#### Return Value


## Functions

### getSession

A function to retrieve the session data where using a hook doesn't make sense.

#### Usage

import { getSession } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const addressOrNull = async () => {
const { address } = await getSession();
if (!address) return null;
return address;

#### Args

- `options?: UseSiweOptions`

#### Return Value

authenticated: boolean;
address?: string;
nonce?: string;

### createMessage

Returns a `SiweMessage` for the given address, chainId, and nonce.

#### Usage

import { createMessage, getMessageBody } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const debugMessage = (address, chainId, nonce) => {
const message = createMessage({ address, chainId, nonce });
const messageBody = getMessageBody({ message });
console.log({ message, messageBody });

#### Args

- `args: MessageArgs`

type MessageArgs = {
address: string,
chainId: number,
nonce: string,

#### Return Value


### getMessageBody

Returns a message ready to be signed according with the type defined in the
SiweMessage object.

#### Usage

import { createMessage, getMessageBody } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const debugMessage = (address, chainId, nonce) => {
const message = createMessage({ address, chainId, nonce });
const messageBody = getMessageBody({ message });
console.log({ message, messageBody });

#### Args

- `args: { message: SiweMessage }`

#### Return Value


### verify

Takes a message and a signature as arguments and attempts to verify them using
the auth API. A successful verification will create a session for the user.

#### Usage

import { verify } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

const verifyButton = (props) => {
const handleClick = () => {
const success = verify({
message: props.message,
signature: props.signature,

if (!success) return console.error("VERIFICATION FAILED");
console.log("SIGNATURE VERIFIED");

return handleClick()}>Verify Signature;

#### Args

- `args: VerifyArgs`
- `options?: UseSiweOptions`

type VerifyArgs = {
message: SiweMessage,
signature: string,

#### Return Value


### signOut

A function to sign out the user where using a hook doesn't make sense.

#### Usage

import { signOut } from "@randombits/use-siwe";

// Logout a user after 1 hour
setTimeout(async () => {
await signOut();
window.location.href = "/session-expired";
}, 60 * 60 * 1000);

#### Args

- `options?: UseSiweOptions`

#### Return Value
