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A boilerplate for getting started with optimism

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A boilerplate for getting started with optimism





This is a [Optimism]( + [wagmi]( + [Foundry]( + [Rainbowkit]( + [Vite]( project originally bootstrapped with [`create-wagmi`]( built with ❤️ for hackers.

## Who is this for?

This starter is a great choice for any of the following groups:

- Hackers hacking on [Optimism](
- Hackers hacking on the [Attestation Station](
- Hackers interested in using [the most modern and robust web3 full stack development stack](

## Getting Started

### Install Node

[See here](
Note that you need Node at a later version than 14.18.0, or 16 and above.
These instructions were verified with Node 18.

### Install Foundry

You will need to install [Foundry]( to build your smart contracts.

1. Run the following command:

curl -L | bash

1. Source your environment as requested by Foundry.

1. Run `foundryup`.

## Set up environment

### Get an Etherscan key

1. Register for [Etherscan on Optimism](
This account is different from your normal Etherscan account.

1. Go to [the API keys page]( and click **Add** to create a new API key.

### Specify .env

You will first need to set up your `.env` to tell Forge where to deploy your contract.

1. Copy `.env.example` to `.env`.

cp .env.example .env

1. Edit your `.env` to specify the environment variables.

- `ETHERSCAN_API_KEY`: Your Etherscan API Key.

- `FORGE_RPC_URL`: The RPC URL of the network to which you deploy.
If you use [Alchemy](, your URL will look like this: ``

- `FORGE_PRIVATE_KEY`: The private key of the wallet you want to deploy from.

- `VITE_WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID`: WalletConnect v2 requires a project ID. You can obtain it from your WC dashboard:

## Start the application


1. Clone/fork the optimism-starter repo

git clone

1. Install the necessary node packages:

cd optimism-starter
npm install

1. Start the frontend with `npm run dev`

npm run dev

If you get errors during this step, you might need to [update your Foundry to the latest version](#install-foundry).

1. Open [localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173) in your browser.

Once the webpage has loaded, changes made to files inside the `src/` directory (e.g. `src/App.tsx`) will automatically update the webpage.

See below for general usage instructions or [FAQ](./ for answers to general questions such as:

- [Where to get goerli eth]().
- [How to deploy a public version of your app](./

## Generate ABIs & React Hooks

This project comes with `@wagmi/cli` built-in, which means you can generate wagmi-compatible (type safe) ABIs & React Hooks straight from the command line.

To generate ABIs & Hooks, follow the steps below.

## Generate code

To generate ABIs & React Hooks from your Foundry project (in `./contracts`), you can run:

npm run wagmi

This will use the wagmi config (`wagmi.config.ts`) to generate a `src/generated.ts` file which will include your ABIs & Hooks that you can start using in your project.

[Here is an example]( of Hooks from the generated file being used.

## Deploying Contracts

To deploy your contracts to a network, you can use Foundry's [Forge]( – a command-line tool to tests, build, and deploy your smart contracts.

You can read a more in-depth guide on using Forge to deploy a smart contract [here](, but we have included a simple script in the `package.json` to get you started.

Below are the steps to deploying a smart contract to Ethereum Mainnet using Forge:

## Deploy contract

You can now deploy your contract!

npm run deploy

## Developing with Anvil (Optimism Mainnet Fork)

Let's combine the above sections and use Anvil alongside our development environment to use our contracts (`./contracts`) against an Optimism fork.

### Start dev server

Run the command:

npm run dev:foundry

This will:

- Start a vite dev server,
- Start the `@wagmi/cli` in [**watch mode**]( to listen to changes in our contracts, and instantly generate code,
- Start an Anvil instance (Goerli Optimism Fork) on an RPC URL.

### Deploy our contract to Anvil

Now that we have an Anvil instance up and running, let's deploy our smart contract to the Anvil network:

npm run deploy:anvil

## Start developing

Now that your contract has been deployed to Anvil, you can start playing around with your contract straight from the web interface!

Head to [localhost:5173](http://localhost:5173) in your browser, connect your wallet, and try increment a counter on the Foundry chain. Use the generated code in `src/generated.ts` to do it and follow the [Attestooooor]( component as an example

> Tip: If you import an Anvil private key into your browser wallet (MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, etc) – you will have 10,000 ETH to play with 😎. The private key is found in the terminal under "Private Keys" when you start up an Anvil instance with `npm run dev:foundry`.

## Alternatives

Looking to use burner wallets? Prefer hardhat? Prefer NEXT.js? Check out these amazing alternatives:

- [create wagmi cli]( - A flexible cli with many templates (this starterkit was started from vite-react-cli-foundry)
- [scaffold-eth]( - The new 2nd version of a popular NEXT.js based starter including hardhat, burner wallets, great documentation, and an active telegram for support
- [Awesome wagmi]( - Has other alternative examples
- [Create Eth App]( - Uses a wagmi alternative called useDapp that is used at OP Labs

## Learn more

To learn more about [Optimism](, [Vite](, [Foundry](, [Rainbow kit]( or [wagmi](, check out the following resources:

- [Foundry Documentation]( – learn more about the Foundry stack (Anvil, Forge, etc).
- [wagmi Documentation]( – learn about wagmi Hooks and API.
- [wagmi Examples]( – a suite of simple examples using wagmi.
- [@wagmi/cli Documentation]( – learn more about the wagmi CLI.
- [Vite Documentation]( – learn about Vite features and API.