
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A curated list of network penetration testing tools.

Last synced: 3 months ago
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A curated list of network penetration testing tools.




## Contents

* [Penetration Testing OS Distributions](#penetration-testing-os-distributions)
* [Multi-paradigm Frameworks](#multi-paradigm-frameworks)
* [Network Vulnerability scanners](#network-vulnerability-scanners)
* [Static Analyzers](#static-analyzers)
* [Web Vulnerability Scanners](#web-vulnerability-scanners)
* [Network Tools](#network-tools)
* [Network Reconnaissance Tools](#network-reconnaissance-tools)
* [Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers](#protocol-analyzers-and-sniffers)
* [Proxies and MITM Tools](#proxies-and-mitm-tools)
* [Wireless Network Tools](#wireless-network-tools)
* [Transport Layer Security Tools](#transport-layer-security-tools)
* [Web Exploitation](#web-exploitation)
* [Hex Editors](#hex-editors)
* [Hash Cracking Tools](#hash-cracking-tools)
* [Windows Utilities](#windows-utilities)
* [GNU/Linux Utilities](#gnulinux-utilities)
* [macOS Utilities](#macos-utilities)
* [Social Engineering Tools](#social-engineering-tools)
* [OSINT Tools](#osint-tools)
* [Anonymity Tools](#anonymity-tools)
* [Reverse Engineering Tools](#reverse-engineering-tools)
* [Side-channel Tools](#side-channel-tools)

## Tools

### Penetration Testing OS Distributions

* [Parrot Security OS]( - Distribution similar to Kali using the same repositories, but with additional features such as Tor and I2P integration.
* [Kali]( - GNU/Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing.

### Multi-paradigm Frameworks

* [Metasploit]( - Software for offensive security teams to help verify vulnerabilities and manage security assessments.
* [Pentest-tools]( - Web based platform for several open source reconnaissance and exploitation tools.

### Network Vulnerability Scanners

* [OpenVAS]( - Open source implementation of the popular Nessus vulnerability assessment system.
* [Nexpose]( - Commercial vulnerability and risk management assessment engine that integrates with Metasploit, sold by Rapid7.
* [Nessus]( - Commercial vulnerability assessment tool, sold by Tenable.

### Static Analyzers

* [OWASP Dependency Check]( - Open source static analysis tool that enumerates dependencies used by Java and .NET software code (with experimental support for Python, Ruby, Node.js, C, and C++) and lists security vulnerabilities associated with the dependencies.
* [VisualCodeGrepper]( - Open source static code analysis tool with support for Java, C, C++, C#, PL/SQL, VB, and PHP. VisualCodeGrepper also conforms to OWASP best practices.
* [Brakeman]( - Static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications.
* [sobelow]( - Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework.
* [Progpilot]( - Static security analysis tool for PHP code.
* [ShellCheck]( - Static code analysis tool for shell script.
* [Codebeat (open source)]( - Open source implementation of commercial static code analysis tool with GitHub integration.
* [truffleHog]( - Git repo scanner.
* [SecretScanner]( - Scans application code for hard coded secrets.
* [SecretSearcher]( - Scans application code for hard coded secrets (includes extended functionality).

### Web Vulnerability Scanners

* [Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner]( - Commercial web application security scanner to automatically find many different types of security flaws.
* [OWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)]( - Feature-rich, scriptable HTTP intercepting proxy and fuzzer for penetration testing web applications.
* [Nikto]( - Noisy but fast black box web server and web application vulnerability scanner.
* [WPScan]( - Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner.
* [Log4jCenter]( - VMWare vCenter Log4Shell exploitation tool.

### Network Tools

* [Spyse]( - Web research services that scans the entire internet using OSINT. to simplify the investigation of infrastructure and attack surfaces.
- []( - Python wrapper for interacting with Spyse API
* [pig]( - GNU/Linux packet crafting tool.
* []( - Website offering an interface to numerous basic network utilities like `ping`, `traceroute`, `whois`, and more.
* [Intercepter-NG]( - Multifunctional network toolkit.
* [Legion]( - Graphical interface offering scriptable, configurable access to existing network infrastructure scanning and enumeration tools.
* [dsniff]( - Collection of tools for network auditing and pentesting.
* [Printer Exploitation Toolkit (PRET)]( - Tool for printer security testing capable of IP and USB connectivity, fuzzing, and exploitation of PostScript, PJL, and PCL printer language features.
* [impacket]( - Collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
* [THC Hydra]( - Online password cracking tool with built-in support for many network protocols, including HTTP, SMB, FTP, telnet, ICQ, MySQL, LDAP, IMAP, VNC, and more.
* [Ncat]( - TCP/IP command line utility supporting multiple protocols, included with Nmap.
* [Network Detective]( - White Box tool used for network analysis, enumeration of users, permission, shares, and assets, sold by Rapidfiretools.

### Cloud Vulnerability Analysis Tools
* [ScoutSuite]( - Open source multi-cloud security-auditing tool, which enables security posture assessment of cloud environments.
* [Prowler]( - Open Source security tool to perform AWS security best practices assessments, audits, incident response, continuous monitoring, hardening and forensics readiness.
* [PrincipleMapper]( - Open source AWS IAM vulnerability analysis tool.
* [Pacu]( - AWS exploitation framework.
* [CloudSploit]( - CloudSploit by Aqua is an open-source project designed to allow detection of security risks in cloud infrastructure accounts, including: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and GitHub.

### Network Reconnaissance Tools

* [Shodan]( - Database containing information on all accessible domains on the internet obtained from passive scanning.
- [pyShodan]( - Python 3 script for interacting with Shodan API (requires valid API key).
* [zmap]( - Open source network scanner that enables researchers to easily perform Internet-wide network studies.
* [Amass]( - network mapping of attack surfaces and external asset discovery using open source information gathering and active reconnaissance techniques, maintained by OWASP.
* [nmap]( - Free security scanner for network exploration & security audits.
* [Netdiscover]( - Simple and quick network scanning tool.
* [Mass Scan]( - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
* [smbmap]( - Handy SMB enumeration tool.
* [LdapMiner]( - Multiplatform LDAP enumeration utility.
* [ldapsearch]( - Linux command line utility for querying LDAP servers.
* [ACLight]( - Script for advanced discovery of sensitive Privileged Accounts - includes Shadow Admins.
* [Pentest-Tools]( - Online suite of various different pentest related tools.
* [BuiltWith]( - Technology lookup tool for websites.

### Protocol Analyzers and Sniffers

* [tcpdump/libpcap]( - Common packet analyzer that runs under the command line.
* [Wireshark]( - Widely-used graphical, cross-platform network protocol analyzer.
* [Yersinia]( - Packet and protocol analyzer with MITM capability.
* [netsniff-ng]( - Swiss army knife for for network sniffing.

### Proxies and MITM Tools

* [Responder]( - Open source NBT-NS, LLMNR, and MDNS poisoner.
* [Responder-Windows]( - Windows version of the above NBT-NS/LLMNR/MDNS poisoner.
* [dnschef]( - Highly configurable DNS proxy for pentesters.
* [mitmproxy]( - Interactive TLS-capable intercepting HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
* [SSH MITM]( - Intercept SSH connections with a proxy; all plaintext passwords and sessions are logged to disk.
* [evilgrade]( - Modular framework to take advantage of poor upgrade implementations by injecting fake updates.
* [Ettercap]( - Comprehensive, mature suite for machine-in-the-middle attacks.
* [BetterCAP]( - Modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework.

### Wireless Network Tools

* [Aircrack-ng]( - Set of tools for auditing wireless networks.
* [BetterCAP]( - Wifi, Bluetooth LE, and HID reconnaissance and MITM attack framework, written in Go.
* [Wifite]( - Automated wireless attack tool.
* [wifi-pickle]( - Fake access point attacks.

### Transport Layer Security Tools

* [SSLyze]( - Fast and comprehensive TLS/SSL configuration analyzer to help identify security mis-configurations.
* [crackpkcs12]( - Multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files (`.p12` and `.pfx` extensions), such as TLS/SSL certificates.
* [SSLScan]( - Quick command line tool for checking TLS/SSL configuration.

### Web Exploitation

* [WPSploit]( - Exploit WordPress-powered websites with Metasploit.
* [SQLmap]( - Automated SQL injection and database takeover tool.
* [tplmap]( - Automatic server-side template injection and Web server takeover tool.
* [wafw00f]( - Identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products.
* [IIS-Shortname-Scanner]( - Command line tool to exploit the Windows IIS tilde information disclosure vulnerability.
* [UUID Decode]( - Web based tool to extract version and variant information from UUIDs.

### Hex Editors

* [HexEdit.js]( - Browser-based hex editing.
* [Hexinator]( - World's finest (proprietary, commercial) Hex Editor.
* [Frhed]( - Binary file editor for Windows.
* [Cheat Engine]( - Memory debugger and hex editor for running applications.

### Hash Cracking Tools

* [Hashcat]( - Fast hash cracking utility with support for most known hashes as well as OpenCL and CUDA acceleration.
* [John the Ripper]( - Fast password cracker.
* [CeWL]( - Generates custom wordlists by spidering a target's website and collecting unique words.
* [JWT Cracker]( - Simple HS256 JWT token brute force cracker.
* [Rar Crack]( - RAR bruteforce cracker.
* [Mentalist]( - Graphical tool for custom wordlist generation

### Windows Utilities

* [PowerSploit]( - PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework.
* [Headstart]( - Lazy man's Windows privilege escalation tool utilizing PowerSploit.
* [mimikatz]( - Credentials extraction tool for Windows operating system.
* [Bloodhound]( - Graphical Active Directory trust relationship explorer.
* [Fibratus]( - Tool for exploration and tracing of the Windows kernel.
* [redsnarf]( - Post-exploitation tool for retrieving password hashes and credentials from Windows workstations, servers, and domain controllers.
* [Magic Unicorn]( - Shellcode generator for numerous attack vectors, including Microsoft Office macros, PowerShell, HTML applications (HTA), or `certutil` (using fake certificates).
* [WinPEAS]( - A series of scripts for Windows Priviledge escalation.
* [ldapdomaindump]( - Active directory domain information dumper

### GNU/Linux Utilities

* [Linux Exploit Suggester]( - Heuristic reporting on potentially viable exploits for a given GNU/Linux system.
* [Linus]( - Security auditing tool for Linux and macOS.
* [LinPEAS]( - A series of scripts for Linux priviledge escalation.
* [LinEnum]( - Linex enumeration tool for priviledge escalation.

### macOS Utilities

* [Bella]( - Pure Python post-exploitation data mining and remote administration tool for macOS.
* [Linus]( - Security auditing tool for Linux and macOS.

### Social Engineering Tools

* [GoPhish]( - Open source phishing toolkit
* [Linkedin2username]( - OSINT Tool: Generate username lists from companies on LinkedIn.
* [Modlishka]( - Flexible reverse proxy tool for phishing engagements.

### OSINT Tools

* [Shodan]( - World's first search engine for Internet-connected devices.
- - [pyShodan]( - Python 3 script for interacting with Shodan API (requires valid API key).
* [Maltego]( - Proprietary software for open source intelligence and forensics, from Paterva.
* [Mxtoolbox]( - Email domain and DNS lookup.
* [recon-ng]( - Full-featured Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python..
* [Virus Total]( - Free service that analyzes suspicious files and URLs and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware.
* [PacketTotal]( - Simple, free, high-quality packet capture file analysis facilitating the quick detection of network-borne malware (using Bro and Suricata IDS signatures under the hood).
* [Amass]( - Subdomain enumeration via scraping, web archives, brute forcing, permutations, reverse DNS sweeping, TLS certificates, passive DNS data sources, etc.
* [TruePeopleSearch]( - OSINT tool for individual research.
* [DNSTwist]( - Open source phishing domain scanner to identify potentially malicious typosquatted domains.
* [AlienVault OTX]( - The World’s First Truly Open Threat Intelligence Community.
* [Criminal IP]( - Web base OSINT platform that enables rapidly collecting technical data on public facing websites.
* [GrayHatWarfare]( - Web based tool for identifying exposed S3 Buckets or Azure BLOBs.

### Reverse Engineering Tools
* [VirusTotal]( - Online malware scanner.
* [Hybrid Analysis]( - Online malware scanner.
* [WDK/WinDbg]( - Windows Driver Kit and WinDbg.
* [Radare2]( - Open source, crossplatform reverse engineering framework.
* [plasma]( - Interactive disassembler for x86/ARM/MIPS. Generates indented pseudo-code with colored syntax code.
* [peda]( - Python Exploit Development Assistance for GDB.
* [dnSpy]( - Tool to reverse engineer .NET assemblies.
* [binwalk]( - Fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images.
* [rVMI]( - Debugger on steroids; inspect userspace processes, kernel drivers, and preboot environments in a single tool.

# License


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](