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Maple Core Protocol

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Maple Core Protocol




## Background
Maple is a decentralized corporate credit market. Maple provides capital to institutional borrowers through globally accessible fixed-income yield opportunities.

For Borrowers, Maple offers **transparent and efficient financing done entirely on-chain.**

* Funds can leverage their reputation to borrow undercollateralized without constant fear of liquidation and margin calls
* Borrowers access pools of capital governed by smart contracts and liaise with Pool Delegates to confidentially complete loan assessments

For Liquidity Providers, Maple offers a **sustainable yield source through professionally managed lending pools.**

* Diversified exposure across premium borrowers with staked `MPL-` 50-50 Balancer Pool Tokens (BPTs) providing reserve capital against loan defaults (E.g., MPL-USDC 50-50 BPTs for USDC Pools)
* Set and forget solution with diligence outsourced to Pool Delegates
* Interest is accrued and reinvested to enable capital to compound over time

For Pool Delegates, Maple is a **vehicle to attract funding and earn performance fees.**

* Maple is a new platform providing decentralised asset management infrastructure
* Globally accessible pools enable increased AUM from varied liquidity sources to be provided to networks of premium, creditworthy borrowers

## Technical Documentation

For all technical documentation related to the Maple protocol, please refer to the GitHub [wiki](

## Toolset

- dapptools
- Solidity 0.6.11

## Development Setup

git clone [email protected]:maple-labs/maple-core.git
cd maple-core
dapp update

## Testing

- To run all unit tests: `make test` (runs `./`)
- To run a specific unit test: `./ ` (e.g. `./ test_fundLoan`)

To alter number of fuzz runs, change the `--fuzz-runs` flag in ``. Note: Number of `--fuzz-runs` in `` should remain constant on push. Only change for local testing if needed.

## Audit Reports
| Auditor | Report link |
| Peckshield | [PeckShield-Audit-Report-Maple-v1.0]( |
| Code Arena | [Code Arena April 2021 Audit]( |
| Dedaub (before v1.0.0 release commit) | [Dedaub-Audit-Report-Maple-Core]( |

# Deployed Addresses

## Mainnet
### v1.0.0
| Contract | Address |
| -------- | ------- |
| Governor | [0xd6d4Bcde6c816F17889f1Dd3000aF0261B03a196]( |
| GlobalAdmin | [0x93CC3E39C91cf93fd57acA416ed6fE66e8bdD573]( |
| SecurityAdmin | [0x6b1A78C1943b03086F7Ee53360f9b0672bD60818]( |
| USDC | [0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48]( |
| WBTC | [0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599]( |
| WETH9 | [0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2]( |
| MapleToken | [0x33349B282065b0284d756F0577FB39c158F935e6]( |
| UniswapV2Router02 | [0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D]( |
| BFactory | [0x9424B1412450D0f8Fc2255FAf6046b98213B76Bd]( |
| ChainLinkAggregatorWBTC | [0xF4030086522a5bEEa4988F8cA5B36dbC97BeE88c]( |
| BPool | [0xc1b10e536CD611aCFf7a7c32A9E29cE6A02Ef6ef]( |
| MapleGlobals | [0xC234c62c8C09687DFf0d9047e40042cd166F3600]( |
| Util | [0x95f9676A34aF2675B63948dDba8F8c798741A52a]( |
| PoolLib | [0x2c1C30fb8cC313Ef3cfd2E2bBf2da88AdD902C30]( |
| LoanLib | [0x51A189ccD2eB5e1168DdcA7e59F7c8f39AA52232]( |
| MapleTreasury | [0xa9466EaBd096449d650D5AEB0dD3dA6F52FD0B19]( |
| RepaymentCalc | [0x7d622bB6Ed13a599ec96366Fa95f2452c64ce602]( |
| LateFeeCalc | [0x8dC5aa328142aa8a008c25F66a77eaA8E4B46f3c]( |
| PremiumCalc | [0xe88Ab4Cf1Ec06840d16feD69c964aD9DAFf5c6c2]( |
| PoolFactory | [0x2Cd79F7f8b38B9c0D80EA6B230441841A31537eC]( |
| StakeLockerFactory | [0x53a597A4730Eb02095dD798B203Dcc306348B8d6]( |
| LiquidityLockerFactory | [0x966528BB1C44f96b3AA8Fbf411ee896116b068C9]( |
| DebtLockerFactory | [0x2a7705594899Db6c3924A872676E54f041d1f9D8]( |
| LoanFactory | [0x908cC851Bc757248514E060aD8Bd0a03908308ee]( |
| CollateralLockerFactory | [0xEE3e59D381968f4F9C92460D9d5Cfcf5d3A67987]( |
| FundingLockerFactory | [0x0eB96A53EC793a244876b018073f33B23000F25b]( |
| MplRewardsFactory | [0x0155729EbCd47Cb1fBa02bF5a8DA20FaF3860535]( |
| PriceOracleUSDC | [0x5DC5E14be1280E747cD036c089C96744EBF064E7]( |
| PriceOracleWBTC | [0xF808ec05c1760DE4794813d08d2Bf1E16e7ECD0B]( |

## Rinkeby
### v1.0.0
| Contract | Address |
| -------- | ------- |
| Governor | [0x82B10F0E1dcf5EE87b6F380B63D2bED14Bf1F260]( |
| GlobalAdmin | [0xe630d03521fD47f8a6e46c957eBb4fe2c5078A85]( |
| SecurityAdmin | [0x295Dfe980d19bdEc69B047809c2073b443747FE2]( |
| USDC | [0x553D0a8807f8E325671Ce953a4D00883CCE1ee56]( |
| WBTC | [0xBa711fCa79c559EC8D98c39a81876105A6C0cefa]( |
| WETH9 | [0x464Fd1dE206cB8ed2Ee77f100dd75CaEdF1F9738]( |
| MapleToken | [0x58Db0d6686431266229b8A864381E8F42fff5408]( |
| UniswapV2Router02 | [0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D]( |
| BFactory | [0x9C84391B443ea3a48788079a5f98e2EaD55c9309]( |
| ChainLinkAggregatorWBTC | [0xECe365B379E1dD183B20fc5f022230C044d51404]( |
| BPool | [0x08F3fB954F5E80FA71bC04ad5bbbd534e60294C9]( |
| MapleGlobals | [0xDd3f6539cC113C9f71071f2564616fE520B0c0EE]( |
| Util | [0xCf0CED756414Ce4E7496E86f73330338c1372fff]( |
| PoolLib | [0xEe0E6E3131DC5E096bE02F11Ff690dec5E05374f]( |
| LoanLib | [0x653C43b40a8A2876C2264224c5E1Db9cc1086830]( |
| MapleTreasury | [0xbEc11108612594408b506e53BBa93001a1a25607]( |
| RepaymentCalc | [0xE256455b4a711E9d4E276202e658C843a310FB64]( |
| LateFeeCalc | [0xec743cd8dee270E31cab6e01d0533282105697A0]( |
| PremiumCalc | [0xeBcbE20E52dCE08b9947Bf02e39000391CA756D7]( |
| PoolFactory | [0x9a350c34d12981940dcD3f73876e4b320cF3Cb65]( |
| StakeLockerFactory | [0xF48EB5C1314893b5392a5C10446E9f331c53d627]( |
| LiquidityLockerFactory | [0xde7e989049e6F5164C9818F81D7044353ad15311]( |
| DebtLockerFactory | [0x2b01694a7959bC4721Bbcaa219eA076Ee746fb91]( |
| LoanFactory | [0x31db11dd6f2d3F03ad7641EEF07D181DCdE92eBf]( |
| CollateralLockerFactory | [0x7170c78e08c1577C8Fdf106D959163B6bFDeB030]( |
| FundingLockerFactory | [0x964031C8c4A42CA9Df61025D1C363f81660D06Fe]( |
| MplRewardsFactory | [0xC2cf6BAFfe1d2EaA23bc632A1395B7b4828407b7]( |
| PriceOracleUSDC | [0x4D31De6e7b810328AF4196dC6D5b400C31B34180]( |
| PriceOracleWBTC | [0xEb63E18E54912FB7437e7c974C0Cd03D8d830906]( |

## Join us on Discord

Maple Discord
